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GLADIATOR 2 by Nick cave GLADIATOR 2 4. CREDIT SEQUENCE A dense blanket of rain descends on a vast, sodden wilderness. TWO THIEVES, dressed in rags, hair plastered to their faces, run through the deluge. One holds a wooden staff in his hand, They puff and pant, Occasionally they stop and point through the impenetrable rain, then trudge on. Eventually they stop. THIEF ONE looks up, into the rain, THIEF TWO looks down at the ground below. 2. EXT. WILDERNESS IU of MAXIMUS, lying, arms splayed, in the mud, unconscious. Rain hammers down. He wears his gladiatorial breastplate and his sword rests in his lifeless hand. The TWO THIEVES, like buzzards, swoop down upon him. The TWO THIEVES strip MAXIMUS of his breastplate. THIEF ONE puts on the breastplate and roars with toothless laughter, He brandishes his staff. THIEF ONE Ah, the mighty gladiator! Take up your sword, you dog! THIEF TWO picks up MAXIMUS’ sword. THIEF TWO. Dog? I piss in your mother's milk! Prepare to die. TWO THIEVES cackle with laughter, then mock-fight over the lifeless body of MAXIMUS. THIEF TWO stops suddenly, stands rigid for a moment, his face full of stupid surprise. THIEF TWO Vm itl THIEF TWO wavers, drops the sword, then falls flat on his face in the mud. A spear hangs out of his back. THIEF ONE, still wearing the breastplate, turns and flees across the mudded expanse, disappearing into the rain. MAXIMUS, with a great sucking of breath, rears suddenly up, His eyes wide with horror, he looks about him. He ties to stand, but is too weak. He sees a figure (MORDECAI) moving mysteriously toward him through the rain MORDECA\ (40 years old) reaches MAXIMUS. He stands over him. He gestures at the dead THIEF. MORDECAI Another poor wretch despatched to oblivion. Again MAXIMUS tries to stand but cannot. MORDECAI squats dwn beside him, MORDECAI Take it slow, my friend, MAXIMUS looks around, bewildered, as if waking from a dream. MAXIMUS What place is this? MORDECAI That is a good question. MAXIMUS reaches out in panic, grabs MORDECAI roughly by the collar and pulls him close. MAXIMUS. asked you what place is this? MORDECAI detaches himself from MAXIMUS’ grip. MORDECAI At first you will be disorientated and confused, and, indeed, a little vexed. Itis to be expected But direct your anger elsewhere. | am a friend Let me help you stand. MORDECAI helps MAXIMUS to his feet. MAXIMUS Who are you? MORDECAI wraps his hands around the spear that sticks out of the dead THIEFS' back Me? My name is Mordecai

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