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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

UPDATE: Storm Troopers From CPS

Recently I Posted an item on the San Francisco "Child Protective Services" (CPS) assault on a family
and their dogs.
Although not bothering to ublish my olitically incorrect letter! or for that matter any other letter
"uestioning the fundamental systemic roblems #ith California$s CPS! the SF Chronicle! August %&!
'(()! had a follo#u ne#s article on the current family situation. *riefly! Andre# is bac+ home! and
his mom is diligently #or+ing on finding a forever home for Cric+et! the three,year,old dog #ho has
lived #ith Andre# since Cric+et #as a u. -udos to mom! in this day and age so many eole .ust
murder their family et #hen the government scares them. Perhas young Andre# #ill learn the value
of loyalty from his family! and be able to overcome the lessons of abandonment and disosability that
the government see+s to teach.
/he 0udge gave li service to Andre#$s bond #ith the dog! but chose to further traumati1e Andre# by
ma+ing the family give u their friend and comanion. /han+s 0udge (Commissioner) 2illiam
3argano! #ith friends li+e you! #hy don$t #e ma+e it official! child abuse is ublic olicy4 5r is that
one of those +ic+s that is ermitted only by government officials #ho hide behind their immunity and
ta6ayer,aid hoards of attorneys ready to lea to their defense4
/he Chronicle! not one to roc+ the boat! thre# in this gem of a line7 "8Andre#9 :ouie #ill be re"uired
to continue #ith theray $to deal #ith arenting issues!$ she said."! aarently referring to a comment
made by Andre#$s mom. Perhas mom has been brain#ashed! or erhas mom is .ust co#to#ing to the
Storm /rooers and their 0udge;Commissioner. *ut really! Chronicle! #hy not oint out the fact and the
reality that Andre# is going to need "uite a bit of counseling because he has been traumati1ed and
scre#ed over so royally by the government4

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