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Thank you for your time. Please place a mark in each appropriate box and sign below.

<<student>> Weekly Progress Report

Additional Notes:

<<student>> has been consistently on time <<student>> has been late or tardy to class
to class this progress period. several times this progress period.
Positive  Negative
Number of Tardies ____
Number of Absences____
Class Participation
<<student>> has been involved in and <<student>> has not been participating at
positively contributing to class discussions the appropriate level in class during this
and in-class assignments during this progress period..
progress period.  Negative
 Positive Specific Class Discussions:

1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________
<<student>> has been respectful of the <<student>> has been a nuisance and/or
teacher as well as other students in the disruptive in class during this progress
classroom during this progress period. period.
¨ Positive ¨ Negative
<<student>> has turned in all assignments <<student>> has failed to complete or
completed and on time during this progress submit on or more assignments during this
period progress period.
 Positive  Negative
Assignment Initial Date Makeup Date

__________ _________ __________

__________ _________ __________

__________ _________ __________

<<student>> currently has earned a B or <<student>> has scored lower than a B on
better grade on all tests/quizzes that have one or more tests/quizzes that have been
been administered this progress period. administered this progress period.
 Positive  Negative
Test/Quiz Date Grade

___________ _________ _____

___________ _________ _____

___________ _________ _____

Teacher Signature________________________
Student Signature________________________

Thanks very much; Charisse and Randall Boseman

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