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Priya Gilbert
Humanities 1/2
19 Feb. 2014
George and Lennie
Mahatma Ghandi once said We must be the change we wish to see in the world. John
Steinbeck published his novella, Of Mice And Men, during the time when discrimination was
prevalent. As a way of trying to change the world by writing about it. In the novella, Of Mice
and Men, Steinbeck writes a story about two ranch workers, George and Lennie, who live at a
ranch in Salinas. The unfolding of their lives on the ranch reveal many different situations of
discrimination and different characters who symbolize different forms of further prejudice. To
illustrate the theme of discrimination Steinbeck includes the themes of friendship/loneliness,
gender inequality and racism because Steinbeck wanted to show his readers how displeased he
was and how serious discrimination was during the Great Depression.
While there are some friendships in the novella, many of the characters are lonely.
Steinbeck includes the themes to show that many people during the time suffered from isolation.
For instance, We kinda look after each other (Steinbeck 34). In this passage George is
talking to Slim about how he and Lennie travel as companions and how, they both look after
each other because they have no one else. This friendship is included because many people
during the Great Depression had lost all of their family and friends. George and Lennie are
symbols of how many people would tolerate a situation that is less than ideal in order to have
companionship. However this is not the only example of
friendship/loneliness. For example, Curleys wife says, Well, I aint giving you no trouble.
Think I dont like to talk to somebody ever once in a while? Think I like to stick in that house
alla time? (Steinbeck 77). Because she has a husband she is not considered an equal human
being, she, instead, is seen as Curleys property. And therefore she is not allowed to talk to other
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men. This rule, isolates her and makes her feel lonely. Curleys wifes intention is not to cause
any trouble, she just wants to talk to someone and does not want to remain trapped in an empty
house all of the time. Curleys wife represents many lonely people who because of their
differences did not have anyone they could trust or confide in. Through the many characters who
suffer from loneliness and the lack of friendships, Steinbeck shows how all humans need
Steinbeck also includes the theme of gender inequality to show how women were
discriminated. For expamle, when Candy is talking to George and Lennie, he explains Curleys
wife by saying, Know what I think? George did not answer. Well I think Curleys married ...
a tart (Steinbeck 28). In this quote Candy is explaining how he thinks Curleys wife is a tramp,
because she talks with the other men. However Curleys wife does not mean any harm, she is
just lonely. Curleys wife is misunderstood but the men on the ranch will not listen to her
because she is a woman which is obvious gender inequality. But this is not the only example of
discrimination. Specifically the theme is also evident when Curleys wife is talking to Lennie
and says, I get lonely, she said. You can talk to people, but I cant talk to nobody but Curley.
Else he gets mad. Howd you like not to talk to anybody (Steinbeck 87). Curleys wife is
married to Curley, therefore she has become his property. She is not allowed to talk to any men
or go outside the house without Curleys permission. Steinbeck wants this theme to be
recognized because he did not agree that women should be seen as property and not as human
beings. Women, like Curleys wife, were discriminated against, proving Steinbecks theme of
gender inequality.
Lastly, Steinbeck includes the theme of racism, to show his displeasure with judging
another human being based on their skin. For instance, racism is obvious when Curleys wife is
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talking to Crooks, She turned on him in scorn. Look, Nigger, she said. You know what I can
do to you if you open your trap? (Steinbeck 82). In this passage Curleys wife is threatening
Crooks because he is telling her that she has no rights to be in his home. However Steinbeck
includes this theme because even though African-Americans were not slaves, they were still
treated very poorly and could get into serious trouble if the offended a white person. On the other
hand, there are many more examples of racism. Crooks tries to explain his experience when he is
speaking to Lennie, Cause Im black.They play cards in there, but I cant play because I stink.
Well I tell you, you all stink to me (Steinbeck 68). Crooks is explaining to Lennie that he is not
allowed in the bunkhouse to play cards with the other ranch workers because of the color of his
skin. However, he also says the men on the ranch think he smells bad even though he is a very
clean person. Because of Crooks race, the othermen look down on him. Steinbeck includes this
theme to show that white people had many more rights than black people, and often took
advantage of their power. Black people were judged by the color of their skin, not by their
character. Steinbeck uses Crooks to represent racism and how hard it was for him to be accepted
on the ranch.
Steinbeck shows how disgusted he is with the discrimination during the Great
Depression, when he addresses the themes of friendship/loneliness, gender inequality, and
racism. He includes these themes to illustrate how terrible life was during the time. Steinbeck
includes these themes to show how people acted and how little respect they had for each other.
Although discrimination is much better in modern times, many of these issues still occur. People
can learn from these themes by not being prejudice and to trust one another. The readers can
learn that people should never judge a person by how they look on the outside, but by how they
act. Steinbeck can teach people many life lessons through this novella.

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Work Cited

Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. New York: Penguin Books, 1993.

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