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Part One:

An Official visit of Hon.D.Demberel, Chairman of the State Great Hural of Mongolia to India 3
Speech of H.E. Mr. Voroshilov ENKHBOLD, Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary Of Mongolia to India at Dinner, in the honour of Mr. Chairman and
Hon.Madame Speaker December 10, 2010 5
Celebration of 55th Anniversary of the Establishment of diplomatic relations between
Mongolia and India 7

Dinner speech by H.E. Mr. G.Zandanshatar, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of
Mongolia on 23rd December, 2010
Dinner speech by H.E. Mr. Satbir Singh, Ambassador of the Republic of India to Mongolia on
23rd December, 2010
Ambassador's speech at the Scientific Conference held on 13 December, 2010, at the National
University of Mongolia to mark the 55th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic
Relations between India and Mongolia

Mongolia and India's ties and contacts are more than 10000 years old,
by Dr. O.Nyamdavaa 13
How the Mongolian short history book described the ancient ties between Mongolia and
India by A.Amar then Prime Minister of Mongolia in 1924 16

Part Two:

Speech of the Honourable Prime Minister of India Mr.Manmohan Singh at the Council on
trade and Industry meeting, March 31, 2011 23
BRICS against use of force in Libya 25
India PM's interview to Xinhua China, April 1 2, 2011 26
List of the Members of Mongolia-lndian parliamentarian group in Mongolia 28
List of the Members of India-Mongolian Parliamentarian group in India 28
Indian Ambassador's Interviews given to Mongolian Daily Newspapers viz "Undesnii
Shuudan", "Unuudur", "Zuunii Medee", "Ulaanbaatar Times", "Ardchilal" and "Mongoliin
Unen" in December 2010 29
Interview given by Ven.Dambajav, President of Mongolia-lndia friendship Society 46
The Mongol rulers in the orbit of social-religious arena/ Central Asia and the surrounding
regions/ by Prof.Mansura Haidar, Continuation of the Journal No.8 48
India and Mongolia: Friendship beyond Diplomacy by Dr. Maqsooda Shiotani 54

Part Three:

The President of Mongolia H.E.Mr.Ts Elbegdorj got acquaintance with the
activities of the celebration of historic events of Mongolia in this year 61
Academition B.Enkhtuvshin: The beginning of the Mongol Statehood 62
O.Nyamdawaa: Mongols and Mongoloid people in the process of rejenuvation
of Mongolian development 67
O.Nyamdawaa: Mongols and Mongoloid people in the world 72
Joint communique, Asia-Pacific parliamentary forum 77
Our respected Indian Mongolist professor Lama Chimpa passed away on 1 7th March, 2011 80
Mr. O.Nanzad: Friendship on the earth 81
T.B.Biswal: Reformations in Mongolian School Education 82
M.Rajendran: Effective communication 85
Helen Brahma Kumaris: Becoming the Master of your mind 89
Chinggis Khaan Golf Cup introduced by the Ambassador to India 91
O.Nyamdavaa's interview given to Mr.S.Amgalan, chief-in editor of Suragch newspaper 92

/ 2011 9


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