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Land by Jack Davis

Aboriginal playwright and poet

1917 2000
Plays-No Sugar, Honeyspot
Poems- Aboriginal Australia, Let Go,

Jack Davis

Annotated Version
Themes, ideas
Aboriginals love of and respect
for the land
White people (Europeans) dont
appreciate the land or nature

Values and attitudes
Values the land and Mother Nature
Aboriginal people have a special relationship
with the land
Europeans dont have a respectful relationship
with nature

Technique 1: Persona
Definition- the voice or the speaker of the
poem, not necessarily the poet but may be.
Persona- the voice of an Aboriginal person
Example- Oh white man/ how can I make
you understand/ this love of land?
Effect- gives a sense of realism and

Technique 2: Rhetorical Question
Definition a question asked in order to
produce an effect or to make a statement
rather than to elicit information.
Example- Oh white man/ how can I make you
understand/ this love of land?
Effect-convey the aboriginals love and
connection to the land

Technique 3: Repetition
Definition- repeating something that has
already been said or written
Example- to a mothers lips as mother
Effect- The word mother conveys a gentle
representation between Aborigine and land

Definition- visually descriptive or figurative
Example- a black nations
Effect links to the idea that Aboriginals were
the first settlers, the owners of the land when
Europeans arrived and took it from them
Example- Her loveliness is summer red, pink
fading gold
Effect- shows beauty in nature

Technique 5: Pronoun
Definition- A pronoun is a word that
is used in place of the noun
Example- her loveliness
Effect land is given a female
identity because they are associated
with gentleness and kindness.

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