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Going to Uncles House

A : Hello Erick..!?
B : Oh, hello William.. Ho are !ou ?
A : "m #ine. $hank !ou. Ho a%out !ou ?
B : "m #ine, too. &ou %ring a lot o# things. Where 'o !ou ant to go,
an!a! ?
A : " ant to go to m! uncles house.
B : Oh, " see.
A : &es, tomorro is m! uncles %irth'a!.
B : (eall!..!?
A : &es Erick.
B : An' ha)e !ou %u! something s*ecial #or !our uncle?
A : &es, " ha)e.
B : +a! " kno, hat is it?
A : O# course. " %ought a )er! goo' allet. +a'e in "tal!.
B : Wo &our uncle must %e ha**! to recei)e it.
A : " ho*e so.
B : B! the a!, are !ou alone to go there?
A : &es, " am.
B : "# !ou 'ont min', " can escort !ou till there %! car.
A : Are !ou serious!?
B : &es, " am.
A : "t takes a%out , hours, !ou kno.
B : "ts oka!, illiam.
A : &ou are )er! kin' to me. $hank !ou so much, Erick.
B : &ou are m! #rien'. An' 'ont %e sill!.
A : Oh, oka!. -lease, #orgi)e me.
B : $hen, shall e go no?
A : O..
B : Goo'. /ets go no.

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