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Harish Kumar Harish Kumar
Phone: 09910385626

Corporate Secretarial ~ Compliances ~ Listing ~ Legal & Drafting
Seeking opportunity in a dynamic environment for a position of responsibility in Secretarial Department or in
Administrative Department,to contribute significantly & consistently to achieve the organizational goals.
ain!enance o" #!a!u!ory $e%is!ers as &er !he 'om&anies (c!) 1956
*uar!erly an+ annual com&liances o" a lis!e+ com&any
,ncor&ora!ion o" 'om&any an+ -imi!e+ -ia.ili!y Par!nershi&
Pre&ara!ion o" /irec!or0s $e&or! an+ (nnual $e!urn o" a 'om&any
1an+lin% o" 2arious 'om&any ma!!ers like 'han%e o" $e%is!ere+ 3""ice) 4ame) 3.5ec!s) ,ncrease in (u!hori6e+
'a&i!al) (llo!men! an+ 7rans"er o" #hares) 'han%e in 'om&osi!ion o" 8oar+ e!c
Pre&ara!ion an+ "ilin% o" 2arious "orms un+er '( Por!al.
9ork rela!in% !o ,ncrease in (u!horise+ an+ Pai+-u& #hare 'a&i!al o" !he 'om&any

Aa!"mi Qua#i$ia%i&'s
B( C&m )H&'s(* Passe+ 8.'om :1ons.; "rom /elhi <ni2ersi!y
in secon+ +i2ision 2008
C"r%i$ia%i&' (=,:(+2isors; o+ule =rom 4.#.E 2009
Pa%e + o" ,
Pr&$"ssi&'a# N&m"'#a%ur" I's%i%u%" Y"ar &$ Passi'-
C#"ar"! C(S Fi'a# E.ams
Th" I's%i%u%" &$
C&m/a'0 S"r"%ari"s &$
I'!ia1 N"2 D"#hi
(Statuary Body by an Act
of Parliament)

C"r%i$ia%i&' ,n2es!men! (nalysis an+ Por!"olio
ana%emen! o+ule "rom 4.#.E
C"r%i$ia%i&' 4#E 8asic =inancial arke!s o+ule 2008
5II S%a'!ar!
#.>.4 #chool)4a5a"%arh 2005
5 S%a'!ar!
#.>.4 #chool)4a5a"%arh 2003
9ork E?&erience:
ana%emen! !rainin% +one in a re&u!e+ '.# "irm in /elhi..(reas !ouche+ +urin% !rainin% are !hose rela!e+ !o
&re&ara!ion o" minu!es o" 8oar+ mee!in%) "ilin% o" 2arious e-"orms as s&eci"ie+ .y '()&re&ara!ion o" no!ice
o" (.>. an+ .oar+ mee!in%s.
=ur!her 15 +ays !rainin% +one in !he o""ice o" $e%is!rar o" --P. (reas !ouche+ inclu+e ,ncor&ora!ion o" --P)
allo!men! o" /P,4 an+ "ilin% o" 2arious o!her "orms rela!e+ !o --P.
#eminars) 'on"erences @ 7rainin% Pro%rams (!!en+e+) #&onsore+ .y ,'#,:
01A0BA2010-20A0BA2010- 15 +ays #7P 7rainin% or%ani6e+ .y 4,$'.
09A06A2010-29A06A2010-15 +ays !rainin% +one in !he 3""ice o" $e%is!rar o" --P
31A0BA2009 3ne /ay (ca+emic /e2elo&men! Pro%ramme
31A08A2009 3ne /ay (ca+emic /e2elo&men! Pro%ramme
20A10A2008 C2D A10A2008-=i2e /ays 7rainin% 3rien!a!ion Pro%ramme or%ani6e+ .y 4,$' o" ,'#,
21A11A2009 3ne /ay (ca+emic /e2elo&men! Pro%ramme
'om&le!ion o" B0 hours com&u!er !rainin% "rom 4,,7) /elhi
# 3""ice #ui!e course "rom /,'#.
(+2ance+ E?cel course "rom /,'# co2erin% E-33F<P)Pi2o! 7a.le) 9ha! i" (nalysis) (+2ance+ =il!er
E?&erience o" Gorkin% in 7ally9.0 E$P)8usy #o"!Gare
9in+oGs HP) 200B Gork en2ironmen!
,n!erne! :$esearch) ail) #i!e <sa%e; @ all .asic "unc!ions rela!in% !o com&u!er
/a!e 3" 8ir!h - (u%us! D)198B
=a!her0s 4ame - -a!e #hri (shok Fumar
E-mail -
4a!ionali!y - ,n+ian
ari!al s!a!us - <nmarrie+
Pa%e , o" ,
'om&u!er #kills:
Personal ,n"orma!ion:

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