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Microsoft Teacher Professional Development Workshop - Curriculum and Support Materials

Thank you for your interest in these resources for teacher professional development. This
document outlines the content Microsoft is making available to help support teacher
professional development, specifically content to enable the delivery of hands-on, project-based
learning workshops for K-1 teachers.
This content resides in the Microsoft !artners in "earning #etwork
http$, Microsoft&s free online community site within a new
community called 'Microsoft Teacher Professional Development community. (ere is a direct
link to this community. )e sure to click *Join Now" on the right side to access the content as this
will be the place for the latest updates and community-contributed best practices for training

The workshop curriculum is designed and organi+ed as hands-on, project-based learning
activities that are designed to be delivered to by a teacher leader ,i.e., train the trainer-. The
workshops integrate Microsoft .ffice, /eb .0 tools and a number of free tools Microsoft
provides to create and inspire teachers to develop student-centered activities that use
technology in relevant and real-world ways in the classroom.

All of the materials are provided for free to teachers and teacher leaders to use within
their professional development practices within the schools and districts. 1ny of the content
can be customi+ed for use within your schools and districts.

There is content to support four workshops designed for K-1 teachers in the four folders
provided. 2ach workshop is designed to run about 3 hours. 2ach folder contains all of the
digital assets you will need - all you need to provide are the teachers! :

This content was developed by Knowledge #etwork 4olutions ,K#4- in close collaboration with
Microsoft. K#4 is a dynamic group of e5-teachers who are e5perts at applying technology in
effective and relevant ways in the classroom aligned to academic and technology standards.

To help you navigate the workshop content, here are some tips 6 tricks to sorting through the
below resources and suggestions for use.

There are 7 workshops, each with its own curriculum organi+ed in these folders$

1. Tools for Engaging All Learners in the Classroom
1. Using Collaborative Tools in the Classroom
2. Effective Communication Tools for Teachers
3. Classroom Organization Tools for Teachers

2ach of the above workshops includes the following resources to support the workshop. The
below table provides an overview of the resources for each workshop and suggestions for how
these can be used.

8esource 9escription Tips for :se
1- page summary of the
workshop, including learning
objectives and intended
;amiliari+e yourself with the
overall objectives of the workshop

outcomes for teachers and

9etailed overview of the
Microsoft products used in each
:se to provide an overview to
teachers who will attend the

:se to promote the workshop
25pert audio-narrated
!ower!oint presentations
produced by the creators of the
workshop curriculum

"abeled as *Mod 1, Mod <*
each workshop has 7 narrated

;or each module there is a
presentation that provides$
1. /orkshop .verview
1. /orkshop "earning
2. /orkshop !reparation
3. Tips 6 Tricks for 9elivering
a 4uccessful /orkshop
>ntended to be used by those
planning to deliver a workshop to
help them prepare
;or each workshop there is a
detailed manual to print and
provide for each workshop

The manuals provide step-by-
step instructions for each project-
based learning activity

The manuals also include tips for
how to apply projects across the
!rint and provide to each
workshop attendee

:se to gain an in-depth
understanding of the detailed
projects and technologies used in
each workshop
#oftware #et$
up spec
"isting of the necessary
hardware and software needed to
run the workshop
:nderstand the software
necessary to complete the

%t is important that participants
create a free !indows "ive #D
prior to attending a workshop, as
this account will gain them access
to a number of /eb .0 tools
used in the workshop

!resenter !!T
!resentations for anyone to use
,and customi+e- to support their
:se as a baseline to guide the

delivery of the workshop

Teacher leaders can customi+e
and develop their own
presentations using these as a

#ample &iles
4ample files used by the
workshop participants to
complete the in-workshop

;iles include ppts, video, audio,
images, and sample data
;iles should be pre-installed on
all workshop !?s
/e hope that you find these materials useful to engage other teachers and enable them to use
technology in successful and innovative ways in the classroom that makes sense in their
curriculum and within the learning goals in their classrooms.
;or more information and resources for training teachers visit and
follow us on Twitter @TeachTec or on TeachTec ;acebook to stay current on the latest
resources, lesson plans and how-to information for using technology in the classroom.

Thank you,
The Microsoft $ducation Team

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