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Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Terms of Contract for recruitment through Enabler Recruitment Solutions.
1. Recruitment charges for our placement consultancy will be 8.33 of gross annual !"!
of the selected candidate.
#. $nce candidate get selected, we will raise our bill within 3% days from the date of &oining
of the candidates. 't is also e(pected from your end that please informs us within
stipulated time once you issue offer to the candidates.
3. )ayment by che*ue / draft in name/fa+or of proprietor of Enabler Recruitment Solutions
shall be made for all selections within 1, days of bill submission.
-. "he candidates recruited through us will be under a guarantee of three months. 'f a
person after recruitment lea+es the &ob on his own within the contract period of three
months, then we will pro+ide a replacement without any charges, in all other
circumstances our ser+ice charges shall be payable.
,. "he abo+e replacement will be +alid for same position only. Replacement will not
e(change or liable for any other position.
.. 'f a candidate introduced by us gets re&ected, he/she cannot &oin the same concern
before si( months. 'f it happens, the company is liable to pay our ser+ice charges.
/. 0ny disputes arising from this agreement will be settled under 1oida &urisdiction
2or Enabler Recruitment Solutions.
(Name of authorized person with stamp)

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