Answers CWS 101 Heat 1

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New CWS 101 Heat 1

1. 15.55 0C, 288.7 K

2. 108 0F, 60 K
3. -40, 574.25
4. 42.85 0C
5. 20 0C
6. 373.3 K
7. 601 K
8. 55 kPa
9. 96 kPa
10. 200 0C
11. 60 0C
12. (a)
13. 200 Jkg -1K -1
14. 5815.6 Cal
15. 36.67 0C
16. 222.26 gm of Water and 7.74 gm of Steam
17. 0 0C
18. 0.003 gm

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