Couch To 5K: Session 1-Weds 2.15pm Meet On The School Field

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Session 1- Weds 2.15pm meet on the school field
Warm up. Fun sprint session. Cool down and stretch
If you cant make it to this session then do
5 min walk, gentle 15 mins run and within that 15mins try sprinting 5
times for the count of 10. Cool down walk for 5 mins

Session 2- Fri 2.15pm
This is a tempo session which means gradually getting faster
5 mins walking. 5 mins v slow jog. 5 mins slightly faster and 5 mins
fast. Walk until cooled down and important to stretch well after this.

Session 3- Sunday 08.30am
5 mins walk and 28mins run

Dont forget to plank 3 times a week, try 30 secs, 40 secs and then go
for it for a minute.

Optional session- 20-25mins slow run

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