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Education is evolving faster than the system and it is the job of the educator and
institutions to find multiple pathways in which students can blossom. There is no one
formula that motivates, manages, and educates students in the classroom. Through
studying motivational theories I understand the wide range in which students can be
inspired to actively take ownership in their learning.
I look at my classroom as a road map of differentiated paths to which I guide their
journey. Through use of anchor activities I can challenge students on multiple levels
evoking their critical thinking and problem solving skills. In the classroom Im
constantly grouping and re-grouping students to incite collaboration and student
leadership initiatives. I believe that this technique allows students to find their best
adaptability skills, as a learner, as a leader, and as collective problem solvers. This give
young adults the confidence to believe in themselves, manage themselves by creating
group norms, and grows coping mechanisms that will serve as a stepping-stone into
their adulthood.
Through my work at UNE I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing
people. The discussion posts were eye-opening and gave me an opportunity to
understand my new learning at a deeper level. The online learning environment was
something that I had to get used to, however, once I was in the flow I understood how
to differentiate for my own learning. The importance of content literacy was one of the
most profound changes in my teaching. I now incorporate reading and writing into
every class effectively solidifying music concepts and doing my part to instill a write
across the curriculum initiative. Although I was dreading the Action Research class at
first, now because of it I am a better educator, advocate for my craft, and I have a
tenacious appetite for reading and understanding educational research.
I will definitely recommend UNEs online Masters programs to my fellow peers.
It has been an amazing ride and I am grateful for the opportunity to come out of my
comfort zone and learn in a new way, just as I ask my students to do in my classes
everyday. A beautifully symbiotic educational relationship.

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