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uear lrlend,

llrsL of all, congraLulaLlons on decldlng Lo lmprove your nuLrlLlon, dleL and llfesLyle wlLh Ana-
bollc Cooklng.

1hese meal plans are deslgned Lo permanenLly change Lhe way you Lhlnk abouL food whlle
guldlng you Lowards your dream physlque.

kemember that these are genera|, not persona||y custom|zed, mea| p|ans based on a gener|c
schedu|e, and the rec|pes |nc|uded |n the Anabo||c Cook|ng Cookbook.

Make sure you are followlng Lhe correcL meal plan by uslng Lhe CpLlmum Maxlmlzer Calorle
CalculaLor. ?ou wlll have four opLlons Lo choose from:

1 MalnLenance
2 CuLLlng (laL Loss)
3 rogresslve WelghL Caln
4 Advanced WelghL Caln

1he flrsL Lwo goals should be self-explanaLory.

rogresslve WelghL Caln ls ldeal for Lhose who flnd Lhey galn faL around Lhelr lower abdomen
easlly when Lhey aLLempL Lo bulk up. 1hls formula ls also ldeal for Lhose who wlsh Lo keep Lhelr
body faL low LhroughouL Lhe year.

1he Advanced WelghL Caln ls for Lhe exLreme ecLomorph who can eaL whaLever he wanLs and
never geL faL. 1hls formula ls also good for Lhose who don'L care abouL faL galns and slmply
wanL pure slze.
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?ou wlll also noLlce LhaL Lhe meal plans facLor ln a WorkouL drlnk and a osL-WorkouL drlnk Lo
Lhe LoLal dally calorles. Cn Non-1ra|n|ng Days, do NC1 consume workout and post-workout

Pere are a few sLandard requlremenLs for each meal plan:

1. ?our flrsL meal should occur wlLhln 30 mlnuLes of waklng up Llme.

2. All meals should be spaced ouL 2-3 hours aparL. lL does noL maLLer lf your lasL meal ls aL
Lhe wee hours ln Lhe mornlng, you musL consume all Lhe meals on Lhe plan.

3. MosL meal plans don'L speclfy vegeLables lnLake as some meals can be replaced by oLher
meals from Lhe cookbook LhaL are loaded wlLh veggles. 1herefore, there are NC kL-
S1kIC1ICNS on your GkLLN Vegg|es |ntake, eat as many as you want, when-
ever you want. l recommend aL leasL 8 cups of vegeLables a day... lf you feel lL ls Loo
much for you, you can always supplemenL wlLh Creens owder (l personally use ''All
Creens'' from Webber

4. Make sure you are Laklng a hlgh quallLy mulLl-vlLamln as well as your flsh olls (Lhe besL
MulLlvlLamln and llsh Clls can be found aL hLLp:// ) on each
day, lL ls very lmporLanL. l have also suggesLed CreaLlne and CluLamlne LhaL you can use
durlng your workouL and posL workouL as well.

3. Always have a meal 1 hour before worklng ouL.
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6. lf you happen Lo mlss a meal, replace lL by a proLeln shake. 1herefore, always carry an ex-
Lra proLeln shake, ready Lo drlnk. 1hls ensures you reach your dally LoLal calorles and
macronuLrlenL needs.

7. lf you cannoL follow Lhe meal plan for whaLever reason, Lry and subsLlLuLe wlLh foods
LhaL are as close ln nuLrlLlon as Lhe ones llsLed. ?ou wlll sLlll geL slmllar resulLs lf you do
so. l am sure you wlll flnd awesome subsLlLuLes ln Lhe 200+ reclpes from Anabollc Cook-

All Lhe besL,
?our frlend and coach,

uave 8uel, AuLhor: Anabollc Cooklng

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