9d - Explain - Think Fast Interactive Practice

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1. A ball is dropped what information do you know? Hint there are two variables you

2. A ball is thrown upward what do you know about the initial velocity?

3. A ball is thrown upward what do you know about the velocity at the highest point?

4. A runner accelerates from rest at 4.8 m/s
for 3.2 seconds. How far will the runner travel
during this acceleration?

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5. A car accelerates from rest at 5 m/s
for 250 m. How long does the acceleration occur?

6. A train sees a car stuck on the railroad tracks 250 m ahead. The train is initially traveling
at 20 m/s before slamming on the brakes resulting in maximum deceleration. The train
strikes the car 15 seconds after slamming on the brakes. What is the maximum
deceleration of the train?

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7. A rock is dropped off the edge of a 25 m tall cliff. How long will it be in the air before
striking the ground?

8. A ball is thrown downward at 10 m/s off the edge of a cliff. How tall is the cliff if it
takes 3 seconds to strike the ground?

9. A 10 kg rock falls off the edge of a 50 m tall cliff on Mars. The fall is captured on video
taking 10 seconds. What is the acceleration due to gravity on Mars?

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10. A ball starts at rest from a position of 6 cm:

What is the acceleration of the ball on the incline?

11. A meter stick is dropped resulting in a displacement of 45 cm. How far would a car
moving at a constant 60 mph travel during this time?

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