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Each of the three graphs of wheat reports shows quite a different pattern between 1985

and 1990.Exports from Australia declined over the five ear period! while the "anadian
mar#et fluctuated considerabl and the European communit showed an increase.
$n 1985! Australia reported about 15 million tones of wheat and in the following ear the
number increased b one million tonnes to 1% million. After that! however there was a
gradual decline until 1989 and 1990 when it stabili&ed at about 11 million tonnes. 'ver
the same period! the amount of "anadian reports varied greatl. $n 1985 it started at 19
million tonnes! reached a pea# of () million in 1988! then dropped dramaticall to 1)
million tonnes in1989 and afterwards limited bac# to 19 millions in 1990.1* million
tonnes were reported from the European communit in 1985! but this decreased to 1)
million towards in 198%+ then at rose to 15 million in 198* and 1988 before increasing
once more to (0 million in 1990.

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