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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Nueva Ecija

Municipality of Jaen
Barangay Dampulan
OFF!E OF "#E P$NON% B&R&N%&'
Puro( )* Barangay Dampulan
"elephone No+, -.//0 1112343.
! E R " F ! & " O N
"O 5#OM " M&' !ON!ERN*
"#6 6 "O !ER"F' that Mr7Mrs7Ms
88888888888888888888888888888888888888 single7marrie97:i9o:*
8888888 years ol9 is a bonafi9e resi9ent of Barangay Dampulan*
Jaen Nueva Ecija an9 is personally (no:n to me as a person of
goo9 moral character* peaceful an9 a la: abi9ing citi;en+ Our
recor9s sho: that he7she has not been convicte9 of any offense
:hether civil* criminal or rebellion in nature+
ssue9 upon the re<uest of the person this 8888888 9ay of
8888888888888 3. 88888 here at Barangay Dampulan* Jaen Nueva
Ecija for :hatever purpose it may serve to him7her+
6ignature over Printe9 Name
!"! No+ 88888888888888888888
ssue9 at 88888888888888888888
ssue9 on 88888888888888888888
Punong Barangay
#erminigil9o !+ E9uar9o
Punong Barangay
6onny E+ gnacio 6r+
Richar9 "roy M+ De =eon
?aleriano Paynor
Jayric( !+ "agalag
Mo9esto M+ Escon9e
=a9islao Jimene;
Reynal9o %+ De Belen
Jaime =aureano
Brgy+ 6ecretary
Ro9eric( %+ Manu;on
Brgy+ "reasurer

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