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Prostitution is the act or practice of engaging in sexua reations especia! for "one!
an# it has $een happening since %&& B'( So"e peope $eie)e that the ti"e has co"e to $an
prostitution $ecause it is such a i""ora an# inhu"ane practice( Ho*e)er+ prohi$it prostitution
*i increase the ris, of negati)e i"pacts on societ!+ econo"ic+ heath an# cri"e( This essa!
oo,s at reasons for an# against $anning prostitution
Peope *ho agree that prostitution shou# $e iega cai" that this ,in# of act is i""ora
#ue to reigious reasons( The! aso argue that prostitution *i ea# to "ore hu"an traffic,ing(
Another point the! "a,e is prostitution can increase Sexua Trans"itte# Diseases -STD.(
Ho*e)er+ there are aso strong argu"ents against this point of )ie*( So"e peope sa!
that prostitution shou# $e egai/e#( The! argue that it *i re#uce hu"an traffic,ing( Another
argu"ent the! "a,e is #ecri"inai/ation *ou# $etter protect peope in the sex in#ustr! fro"
)ioence an# a$use( 0urther"ore+ the! $eie)e that ega prostitution *i re#uce nu"$er of
In concusion+ after oo,ing at the #ifferent points of )ie* an# the e)i#ence for the"( I
thin, prostitution shou# $e egai/e# $ecause the go)ern"ent *i ha)e fu contro of
prostitution an# set so"e rues to reguate this practice(

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