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P a g e | 2 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Information Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction: My Story ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
How possible is this for YOU? ............................................................................................................................................ 7
What are your chances of being able to do this? .................................................................................................... 7
Motivation: ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Health:............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Flexibility: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Size: ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Sexuality: ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
So what's Autofellatio do for ME? .................................................................................................................................... 9
Confidence: .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Vitality: ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Sensuality: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Self desire:................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Self belief:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Sexual Openness: ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Women's reaction: ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Guiltless: ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Mind Blowing Orgasm: ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Safety First ................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Health Risks Include: ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
History ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
In Art: .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Mythical gods: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Society ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Pop Culture: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Pornography: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Overview: The Path to Autofellatio ............................................................................................................................... 14
Body Biology............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Goal 1: Spine Preparation .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Cervical Curvature ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Thoracic Curvature ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Lumbar Curvature .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Pelvic/Sacral Curvature ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
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Pelvis (Sacroiliac) .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Abdomen ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Ligaments .................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Goal 1: ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Goal 2: Full Body Preparation .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Goal 3: Nutrition - Ongoing ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Main Supplements to start with: .................................................................................................................................... 19
Rebuild and heal tissues: ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Connective Tissue & Spine ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Bones:.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Pain & Inflammation: ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Meeting the Goals to Achieve Autofellatio ............................................................................................................... 22
The Ouro Workout: Daily To Meet Goals 1 & 2 ................................................................................................... 23
The Ouro Workout Autofellatio Preparation:........................................................................................................ 23
Ouro Workout Step 1: Stretch Releases ..................................................................................................................... 23
Ouro Workout Step 2: Trigger Point Ball Releases ................................................................................................ 25
The Autofellatio Workout: ................................................................................................................................................. 27
Quick Autofellatio Checklist: ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Caution! ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Tips ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Best Time for Autofellatio .................................................................................................................................................. 28
Inversion or Hanging Upside-Down ............................................................................................................................. 28
Autofellatio Positions ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
Chair Position: (Easy) ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
Plow Position ........................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Chair & C Position ................................................................................................................................................................ 29
X Position: (Hard) ................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Positions Critiques: ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Plow Position ........................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Chair Position Critique: ....................................................................................................................................................... 32
X Position Critique: ............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Standing Position Critique: ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Too Short? ................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Serious Depth .......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Day of Autofellatio Checklist: ........................................................................................................................................... 36
P a g e | 4 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
12 Hours Ahead: .................................................................................................................................................................... 36
4 Hours Ahead: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 36
1 Hour Ahead: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Main Goal: Autofellatio & Ultimate Body .................................................................................................................. 37
Special Tips & Need To Know: ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Curving vs. Compression: ................................................................................................................................................... 37
Limitations................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
When to Start Sucking? ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38
If you feel pain: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Limitations................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Pain & Inflammation: ........................................................................................................................................................... 39
SelfSuck Autofellatio Videos ............................................................................................................................................. 40
True Stories .............................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Is it normal for my boyfriend to perform autofellatio? ....................................................................................... 41
Tips & Comments from Others: ..................................................................................................................................... 42
Q&A: ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Autofellatio Fiction Story: .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Special Note on Sexuality: ................................................................................................................................................. 52

P a g e | 5 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Information Disclaimer
All referenced info links are public domain.
The people, companies, and entities in the videos are random and in no way associated with this publication.

Review everything in this book with a Licensed Health Practitioner previous to attempting or following any
information in this book. Because the information here is subject around the health of the human body, it is ABOVE ALL
subject to your particular physical condition, health, and wellness.
You assume liability and absolute one-hundred percent (100%) liability for any material used from this assembled
information. The author, publisher, or no one else on the books created end are responsible for any action you take
regarding the information in this book.
While including researched and factually based evidence delivered in a careful, well-intended manner for the
consumers ultimate health and vitality, you assume all risk for use of all information herein. Every reasonable attempt has
been made to provide a source of the best information on the subjects herein, however, no responsibility is taken for
errors, omissions, mistakes or other errors. Upon consuming the information in this publication, all responsibility lies with
the consumer, reader, or other user to take responsibility for their own action and consumption. Nothing in this manual
should be utilized, practiced, or partaken in any way unless at your own risk and under the direct guidance of a Licensed
Health Care Practitioner.
Common sense must be applied in the consumption of this manual. Each and every bit of information is subject and
submissive to the direct care, guidance, and counsel of common sense, legal, medical, nutritional, or other applicable
professional advice from other sources. Professional medical expertise is necessary in the performance of any basic,
normal, or intense physical activity, including all information herein. This manual assumes absolutely no responsibility for
counseling you in any way, regardless of any other claims inside the manual, due to every persons individual and unique
state of physical health and bodily status.
The content herein is for adults only, because of the adult nature of the information, and the required faculties
necessary to correctly understand the information. Anyone not within the legal guidelines to consume pornographic
content in the locale of consumption must not read this book. By reading further, you agree and accept all responsibility
or bear responsibility upon those whom you are in care of. Please do not read further if you dont meet these legal
guidelines and inquire to a safe party for assistance in discussing material such as this.
This book is for informational purposes only. Do not read this book unless you meet the legal guidelines necessary
according to the laws that apply to you. Attempt nothing in this book until advised personally by your own unique health
situation by properly licensed health care professionals.

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Introduction: My Story

Only someone taking this seriously will ever
be capable of accomplishing this feat in any way
that could be considered enjoyable. The payoff is
unprecedented pleasure, confidence, enhanced
desirability, and much more. How could this
huge claim be true? Read on, adventurous
reader. (Being intrigued is normal.)
Be sure to hear when I say that sexuality with a partner is usually the most enjoyable for
everyone. But everyone has times of just wanting to do "things" by themselves. That's what got me
started on all this in the first place, when being self-sufficient, doing it in a more fulfilling way.
Most of my relationships have been very satisfying. But, a few girlfriends ago, I was with
someone who we knew it wasn't going to last. She loved to go down on me, and some of the
things she did blew my mind, and in a moment of ecstasy as I was watching her, I realized
something. If I were able to do what she was doing myself, I would be able to change things to
where would be even better. Also, to say it plainly, she liked having me in their mouth so much
that I found myself contemplating what her feeling was like.
Recently, my girlfriend just returned from a weekend away. Her first comment to me was "Wow
babe, you look a lot stronger." Now, I had been missing her, but I hadn't been missing everything
she could do(because some of what she can do I can do myself). I'm now actually capable of
masturbating (with my mouth) almost as well as my best girlfriends have been able to. Doing (it)
yourself can basically blow your mind because it takes so much attention, focus, and is so sexually
stimulating all at the same time.
Back in The Day, I began making my first ridiculous attempts, and only ended up with a sore
back and neck and penis. I realized that wasn't going to work out so I began doing some deep
stretch yoga. That began teaching me some more mechanics of the body but at the same time I
kept researching more. I researched massage, pilates, yoga, contortionism, & more. Then I
experimented with mixing all these things, and kept trying for a year. Finally all my work came to a
head (ha). I was on a couch, using the chair positions that are all now revealed in this book Self
Fulfill: Ancient Ultimate Pleasure Techniques. I was performing autofellatio, and at the end, I had
an experience of an orgasm causing an intense, hyper-aware state-of-mind surrounding a few
minutes before and after the orgasm. Before this, Id had many different sexual experiences with
different partners and on my own, but this was something different, heightened, and basically, epic.
P a g e | 7 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Since then, I've had quite a few different autofellatio experiences, many less satisfying or
intense, but a handful or more which rivaled or exceeded anything that happened with a partner or
with just vanilla masturbation.

How possible is this for YOU?
First of all, this practice is very serious and
not to be taken lightly. It is an intense physical
endeavor their requires intense understanding
and connection to your own body,
understanding and training of the bodies
mechanics, And for all but the most extremely
physically healthy people, requires ongoing and
lasting physical health changes in the body. All
this is necessary before any level of enjoyable
autofellatio can happen.
Because this practice is very serious and
physically intense, although very pleasurable work,
a lot of preparation needs to happen before your body can be capable of this. Those in very, very
good overall health & peak physical fitness may achieve very quick results.
This is not (just) for laughs or for fun with your friends. Although you may have heard lots of
jokes about autofellatio, these are made because of the sheer idea of impossibility underlying the
thought of autofellatio for most people. So its all based on the seriousness and wonder about the
ability to autofellate.
In fact, if you research the history, and some will be provided herein, autofellatio has been
known in certain cultures to be mythical and godlike. For example, the God Ra in the ancient
Egyptian religions was said to have birthed the world by performing autofellatio and drinking his
own seed.

What are your chances of being able to do this?
You can see that length should not really be
an issue, as this guy is making it happen with
about 3 inches. PS: By SUCK I mean the entire
head & more in the mouth or throat. This picture
just depicts the beginning of that.
P a g e | 8 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
If you like to masturbate, even just sometimes, combining it with autofellatio can enhance the
experience by a very long shot. This will give you the motivation needed to work with your body
enough to where you can do this to a level much more enjoyable than masturbation.
Every part of this autofellatio experience is targeted towards bodily and mental health. Being
able to better understand your own sexuality, and performed all the actual desires that you have,
you will be healthier. By working towards naturally allowing your body to do this, your body will be
in better physical condition than before. Most exercise routines are boring and dull, but working
towards giving yourself massive pleasure will get you an awesome workout beating any
routine,using the Ouro Workout Manual.

I am a guy, obviously, but have always been able
to touch to my toes perhaps slightly more than
most guys. It never was a huge amount, I was never
double jointed, and never was a contortionist or
spent a lot of time stretching. I have actually spent
most of my time doing jobs are required sitting at a
desk a lot. So none of these things have made me
any more flexible. But as of now, after performing the
startup routine in the Manual here, I can reach my
mouth to the base of my pelvis. Obviously, you
should know what this means if you have ever been
deepthroated by a lover. I am 5 feet 9 inches tall.

As of now, and sometimes since teenage years,
my length is slightly more than 5 inches, or exactly 145 mm, as I knew from when an ex-girlfriend
measured me.

P a g e | 9 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Major studies that have been done to test the
level of gender attraction in most people show that
the mass majority of people are not absolutely
heterosexual. Odds are you are one of these people
that were not completely heterosexual. So the only
thing left is, do you have the confidence to
experiment with the natural and normal desires that
you have? By experimenting and enjoying your own body, any natural judgment of this would be
that it has a heterosexual experience anyway.
So, all of these things have affected me to varying degrees. But, I am able to autofellate with
definite success. Of course, once you get to the point where you can "feel" your improvement,
things begin to get a lot more interesting and fun.
Back before no one had ever run a faster than 4 minute mile, everyone believed that it was
entirely impossible. But, once he broke a 4 minute mile, many runners began being able to do it,
and now the fastest person to run a mile is much quicker. So, with the right training and mindset
the impossible becomes totally achievable.

So what's Autofellatio do for ME?
The number one attractive quality that women or men always mention is confidence. This
basically means being able to own up to who you are. Can you imagine a situation youve been in
that did not work out well, like where a woman was challenging or teasing you? It was because she
was able to test & mess with your confidence, seeing you being unsure. Now, can you imagine the
same situation, but the thought that goes through your mind is that you need nothing from her?
I have been in situations like this, before I knew how to selfsuck. The difference is, that after Ive
been selfsucking, I had felt the enjoyment of autofellating, a sly grin would just go on my face. The
woman would see my confidence and the situation would go better for me. By confidently looking
a partner in the eyes knowing you can provide amazing things, youll be less distracted and able to
pay attention to what really matters about you and them. You will better know what it is that you
want and like.
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By being in a more peak physical condition, you'll have more stamina and power. Also, your
body will be in much better physical condition. So by holding yourself better, with better posture
and form and instant appeal. You doing this will give you better muscle tone and a more optimal
weight, which will give much more confidence.

When people first start masturbating, they realize they're getting to know what things feel like.
Autofellatio is another measure of that, where you are involving more of yourself more closely. This
will help you be a better lover by refining your sensitivities and helping you know more of what
you want, and what more things feel like.
When dancing, leaders who learn how to follow become better dancers.

Self desire:
Another attractive trait is to believe in your desirability. By getting to know your body better,
you'll have more confidence in believing that someone else will want you.

Self belief:
Reaching any goal enhances your belief in yourself. But most people think autofellatio is
impossible, so by reaching this goal, even to a minimal degree, may do much more for yourself-
belief than you can see right now.
Sexual Openness:
By participating more openly in your desires, even with just yourself, any lover that you have
will be able to feel this. Because you'll be more open and accepting about yourself, you will be
more open and accepting to them. One of the foremost experts on male attractiveness and
sexuality says that your sexual openness deeply affects your attractiveness. One foremost expert on
relationship enhancement says that acceptance is one of the most deeply coveted virtues in a lover.

P a g e | 11 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Women's reaction:
I have had experience with two female lovers, in long-
term relationships, who both participated with me in
autofellatio. Though technically, it might not be called
autofellatio if someone is assisting you (because the term
means to do it by yourself). Both of these women had
interested, excited reactions. One stated I love it. If I see
you do it Ill know what you like better." Another said "That
was one of the most intense experiences that I've had with
you. It is a huge turn on that you were that open with me,
and makes me feel like I can share myself more." Of course,
this means that bedroom time gets a lot more naughty, and
unexpected fun things happen.

Just like the first time we masturbated, there was a sense of doing something wrong, but most
of us get over it the more we learn about it. That is what this Manual is for.
If I had this info when I first tried this, it would have been enjoyable for me 10 times earlier. So
now you have this manual, follow it. Get your goal quicker, easier, safer, with more fun, and most
importantly without hurting yourself.

Mind Blowing Orgasm:
Masturbation was a lot of fun, the first few times. How long does it take to reach tedium or
boring levels? What significance does it have after the fact, how fulfilling? Most of us agree that
the basic handjob by yourself is pretty mundane, as you wonder what am I missing? Thats where
autofellatio comes in.
Masturbation is quite lame, after youve achieved the mind-blowing orgasm of autofellatio. Who
would turn down a blowjob? Who would turn down an amazing blowjob? Who would turn down a
blowjob given exactly the way they want it to be done? Once you can reach, using this guide, the
rest is whenever you want it, however you want it.

P a g e | 12 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.
Safety First

Safety First!
Autofellatio is a
physically intense exercise.

Health Risks Include:
Muscle Tearing
Ligament Tearing
Neck, Spinal Damage
Strained Vision/Eyesight/Astigmatism

As mentioned, this is an intense physical exercise. This is the purpose of this manual! Follow
the instructions here for far less health risk.

Practice correctly & with bodily awareness.

P a g e | 13 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.

Autofellatio, of course, is mentioned in many times throughout
history. It is referenced in popular classic literature, popular liberal arts
and artists, as well as mainstream pornography.
In Art:
In 1993 American feminist artist Kiki Smith created a beeswax life-
size sculpture titled "Mother/Child" which included a depiction of man
performing autofellatio.
Mythical gods:
In ancient Egyptian religion, the sun god Ra is said to have
performed autofellatio to have birthed the universe. This also
foreshadows the intense experience and power that can be gotten from
correctly performing autofellatio.
Pop Culture:
The group The Lonely Island references autofellatio in a comedic
manner in their Like a Boss song.
Will Farrell made an attempt in a comedy skit during his time on
Saturday Night Live.
A porn actor named Ron Jeremy was filmed performing autofellatio in one of his scenes.

P a g e | 14 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.

Overview: The Path to Autofellatio
This is the overview of how youll make it happen! Start at step 1 and end at step 6 and youll
be an autofellatio pro!

Spine & Back Preparation
Full Body Limberness
Nutrition & Internal Health: Meet Goal 3
Ouro Workout: Meet Goals 1 & 2
Autofellatio Workout
Go! Autofellatio Pro!
Our Goal 1 is:
Maximize flex in the 4 Areas of the Spine, full body ligaments, abs &
pelvis (sacroiliac).
Meet Goal 1: Click Here

Our Goal 2 is:
Maximize full body range of motion & optimal nutritional Health to
allow autofellatio.
Meet Goal 2: Click Here

Our Goal 3 is:
Maximize full body range of motion & optimal nutritional Health to
allow autofellatio.
Meet Goal 3: Click Here

P a g e | 15 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.


Body Biology
Goal 1: Spine Preparation
The Spine is arguably the most important structure in the body. DONT SCREW AROUND when
it comes to your spine! The body mechanics involved in the workout are ADVANCED & EXTREME
when it comes to this workout, so:
Read Carefully
Zero Tolerance for Pain During the Workout
Pay Extreme Attention & Caution to Physical Spine Health
Support this Workout with Any Spinal Information You Deem Necessary

Here well go over the main skeletal structures involved in the
Cervical Curvature
Thoracic Curvature
Lumbar Curvature
Pelvic/Sacral Curvature
Linea Alba

Cervical Curvature
Area from the skull down through the throat. This area will be
curving less naturally forward during autofellatio.
Capable of about 70% flex.
Thoracic Curvature
Area from the throat down through the middle back. This
area will be curving more naturally forward during autofellatio.
Capable of about 40% flex.

Lumbar Curvature
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Area from the middle back down to the pelvis. This area will be
curving less naturally forward during autofellatio.
Capable of about 70% flex.
Pelvic/Sacral Curvature
This is the area from the lower back through the pelvis. This area
will be curving more naturally forward during autofellatio.
Pelvis (Sacroiliac)
This is the area that joins the inner sacrum of
the pelvis to the outer wings of the pelvis. Its
part of the area that can naturally stretch w/
women in childbirth, and naturally can support
The linea alba is the muscle structure that
runs down the midline of the abdomen. It
provides major support to the lower back. The
Abdomen helps by constricting the spinal curve
forward throughout the middle & low back.
Ligaments in the neck, back, chest, arms, shoulders, hips, low back, legs, and feet are all
involved in properly supporting the workout.

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Goal 1:
Goal 1 is

So as you can see, the Spine is your Main Doorway into autofellatio. Remember, much of the
flex you already have.

Spine & Back Preparation
Our Goal 1 is:
Maximize flex in the 4 Areas of the Spine, full body
ligaments, abs & pelvis (sacroiliac).
Meet Goal 1 Here using the Ouro Workout

P a g e | 18 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.


Goal 2: Full Body Preparation
Goal 2 is

The entire body is part of the process to autofellate. Because of the main inward curving to
reach the groin with the mouth, this calls for every part of the body to release muscles, tendons,
joints, & more, all while flexing inwardly. From toes to tip of the head, everything is involved. The
more you prepare, the easier it is, the day of!
Achilles Tendon
PNF Stretches
Trigger Point Releases

Full Body Limberness
Our Goal 2 is:
Maximize full body range of motion & optimal nutritional
Health to allow autofellatio.
Meet Goal 2 Here using Ouro Workout

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Goal 3: Nutrition - Ongoing
Goal 3 is

In order to have a body that can perform such an intense workout, youll need to alter your
nutrition. Anyone beyond a few years old can see that You Are What You Eat. A
Stop by any GNC or health / nutrition store for these supplements. PS: You get what you pay
for! Cheap supplements will have far lower uptake rates in your body than an organic supplement.
The cheap supplements molecules just are not accepted by the body as readily.

Main Supplements to start with:
Nuts as Snacks, preferably raw (Brazil, Almond)
Use Cod Liver Oil Supplement
Use GOOD Amino Acid Supplement
Use GOOD Multi-Vitamin/Mineral
Use GOOD Anti-Oxidant Supplement
Take an Additional Magnesium Supplement
If Eating Meat Eat Fish and Lean Red Meat
Eat Plenty of Vegetables Fruits, too, but More Vegetables than Fruits
Nothing Cooked in Processed Oils/Margarine
All-in-One for Anti-Oxidant

Rebuild and heal tissues:
You can get this Hemp Seed Oil which will provide many of these essential nutrients.

Before Sexual Activity: 20 almonds & 4 Brazil nuts
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Nutrition & Internal Health
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Vitamin C
Vitamin D (or Plenty of Sunshine, free!)
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Amino Acids (Especially L-Lysine)
Cod Liver Oil (Awesome for Teeth too!)

Connective Tissue & Spine

Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
Vitamin D (or Plenty of Sunshine, free!)
Cod Liver Oil (Awesome for Teeth too!)


Vitamin D (or Plenty of Sunshine, free!)

Pain & Inflammation:

Take anti-oxidants in order to remove free radicals from your body.
Remove Sugars, especially refined sugars, out of your diet.
Do not eat Red Meat. If you must, just lean red meat with the least fat.
Take Vitamin E Supplements. Be sure all supplements are not synthesized, as they reduce
uptake & functionality!
P a g e | 21 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.

Increase your potassium uptake by eating bananas, coconut water, etc.
Increase Vegetables in Your Diet (Uncooked is Preferred), Fruits are Not Preferred
Increase your Omega-3 fatty acids by eating more fish or a natural Cod Liver Oil
supplement. (Very good for teeth as well, if you use Fermented Cod Liver Oil.)
Use Ginger Root or an organic supplement. Juice it, use it in teas, in meals, etc.

Our Goal 3 is:
Maximize full body range of motion & optimal nutritional
Health to allow autofellatio.
Meet Goal 3: Determine the best supplements for yourself,
and stick to a good diet.

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Meeting the Goals to Achieve Autofellatio
It may be a long process for you to reach autofellatio, or it may be quick & easy. This mainly
depends on your overall physical health, overall flexibility, motivation and patience.
Forcing your body or ignoring its warning signs, bypassing the health and fitness routines, or
other shortcuts could slow you down or stop you entirely. It's actually a very intense physical
exercise to do a complete autofellatio session.


Good question. Once you can meet goals 1, 2, and 3, you'll really begin to find the payoff
and experience becomes enormously better. To do
this, Begin with Nutrition Guidelines above and then the
Ouro Workout Daily, which will bring you to a greater
level of physical strength. (The true strength & peak
body comes from intermittent 30-45 minute autofellatio
sessions, with ongoing Ouro Workout sessions).

1. Ongoing- Reach Goal 1 (review here)
a. Step 1: Stretch Releases (DAILY)
b. Step 2: Trigger Point Releases
2. Ongoing- Reach Goal 2 (review here)
3. Ongoing - Reach Goal 3 (review here)
a. Choose proper supplements
b. Stick to Proper Diet

Our Goal 1 is:
Maximize flex in the 4 Areas
of the Spine, full body ligaments,
abs & pelvis (sacroiliac).
Our Goal 2 is:
Maximize full body range of
motion & optimal nutritional
Health to allow autofellatio.

Our Goal 3 is:
Maximize full body range of
motion & optimal nutritional
Health to allow autofellatio.

P a g e | 23 Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved.


The Ouro Workout: Daily To Meet Goals 1 & 2
Before you can autofellate, your body requires preparation. Some people can be very short term;
they can follow the Ouro Workout Step 1&2 and autofellate today. But most will need to follow
this Ouro workout daily to prepare the body.
Most people will need some longer term preparation. Maybe you could even reach today, or
within a week or two. But the Ouro workout makes it comfortable & enjoyable to reach, so you can
take your time, enjoy, and really get to know how to know yourself autofellating.
First, you learn & practice DAILY the Ouro Workout, which is completely about preparing for
autofellatio. Youll use it daily or as often as possible to get your body, body mechanics, breathing,
and everything else prepped for autofellatio.
Second, once you attempt autofellatio itself, the workout will have made it far easier for you.
The Ouro Workout Autofellatio Preparation:
Ouro Workout Goal:
Practice the Ouro Workout Daily to Meet Goals 1 & 2 of overall peak flexibility, strength, and
range of motion for all body parts & mechanics involved in autofellatio. This makes a quicker,
easier, and safer path to autofellatio.

Ouro Workout Step 1: Stretch Releases
Stretch releases are a way to stretch the body, continually becoming
more flexible, to achieve the state where the body is consistently able to
be the most flexible. Just like gym class.
A certain method of stretching can greatly help here. Its called PNF,
so during all stretches mentioned here, apply the following technique:
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 1: PNF Techniques
1. Click Here for Video Demonstration
2. Stretch the area to its limitation.
3. Contract the muscles involved in the stretch, hold for 10 seconds,
relax & maintain position.
4. Deepen the stretch, reach limitation, contract all muscles involved.
Ouro Workout: Daily to Meet Goals 1 & 2
Ouro Workout Full
Stretch Sequence
(Playlist of all
videos Shown Below)
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5. Do these 2 or 3 times on each position.
6. Use with all skeletal muscle stretches.
Said in another way:
1. Carefully reach your limit. As you reach a limit:
2. Remember, its only the limit for the moment. Relax & pay attention to stretching,
not your d***. (Save that for the Autofellatio Workout)
3. Take a very deep breath and flex all the muscles you can concentrate on, all at once.
4. Relax the muscles, release slightly. Reassess how your body feels. If it feels OK to
move ahead, continue the stretch.

All referenced info links are public domain.
The people, companies, and entities in the videos are random and in no way associated with this

Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 2: Upward Reach
Lengthen the body from heels to head, by lifting arms high above, arms
together. Stretch but relax. Do each exercise 5-10 times at least 10 seconds.
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 3: Hamstring/Back Thigh Release
Lengthen and fold deeply into your thighs with your belly. Get your hands to
your ankles, toes, behind your feet. Breathe & relax as you go deeper.
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 4: Buttock Release
Proper self myofascial release technique to massage your piriformis or glutes
muscles using a bio-foam roller.
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 5: Spine Release
Proper self myofascial release technique to massage and stretch your spine and
back muscles using a bio-foam roller.
Click Here for Video Demonstration

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Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 6: Calf Release
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 7: Inside Thigh Release
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 8: Neck Release
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 9: Reach Behind Release
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 10: Lower Back Release
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 11: Bow Pose
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Ouro Workout Step 1 Stretch 12: Half Twist
Click Here for Video Demonstration

Ouro Workout Step 2: Trigger Point Ball Releases

These are secret, vital areas which can unlock entire areas of the body with short pressure point
access. This uses a rubber bouncy-ball, (golf ball or tennis ball can work, but are too hard/soft) and
place it on each pressure point.
Trigger Point Releases Using a Rubber Bouncy-Ball:
1. Place ball against Trigger Point.
2. Lean/Lie against something hard in that area.
3. Place pressure just beyond comfortable in that area.
4. Circle the ball until the most tender spot is found.
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5. Place pressure for 7-10 seconds, unmoving. (Dont tense the area when creating pressure.)
6. Move to the opposite side of the body & repeat.
7. Move on to the next Trigger Point.
8. Do ALL points each session. Do full body 1 time per session.

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The Autofellatio Workout:
Before doing the Autofellatio Workout, you need to have completed the entire Ouro
Workout on the day of Autofellatio. Also, ongoing daily practice of the Ouro Workout and
ongoing meeting Goal 1 , Goal 2, and Goal 3 is required for this to be safest, quickest, and
easiest practice of autofellatio. The true strength & peak body comes from intermittent 30-45
minute autofellatio sessions, accompanied by ongoing Daily Ouro Workout sessions.

Quick Autofellatio Checklist:
1. Complete the Day Of Checklist:
12Hr Water (approx. 20 oz. more than avg.)
4Hr Water (approx. 20 oz. more than avg.)
Dont Eat
1Hr Water (approx. 20 oz. more than avg.)
2. Complete Ouro Step 1: Stretch Releases Checklist:
Upward Reach
Hamstring Release
Buttock Release
Calf Release
Inside Thigh Release
Neck Release
Reach Behind Release
Lower Back Release
Bow Pose Release
Half Twist Release
3. Complete Trigger Point Checklist
4. Complete Comfort Checklist
Temp: Slight cooler because youll heat up
Time: Set plenty aside
Penis Ring
Saliva Enhancer (OJ/Citrus or Soda)
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Privacy: Dont be Disturbed
5. Autofellatio Position
Choose Position
Setup Elements (chair, pillows, etc.)
6. Complete Final Prep (Optional)
Hot Tub
Sauna/Steam Room
Hot Shower
Hot Bath

1. Be careful. Pay attention to your body. If something hurts, adjust or stop. Do Not Ignore
this. Injury is high risk without knowledge & preparation.
2. Take Your Time! Rushing is for other types of Masturbation. This workout requires doing
in full for proper & complete physical preparation.
1. Follow the Nutrition & Water Recommendations below. Prepare properly!
2. Hot Bath/Sauna/Hot Tub (not the Time Machine kind). To relax your body.
3. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe is the key!

Best Time for Autofellatio
After a Full Day Physical Work, not strenuous or exhausting, but full & intense to
completely and totally limber the body up.
When not high or drunk, but completely relaxed.
A peaceful state of mind

Inversion or Hanging Upside-Down
Lengthening the spine can greatly assist in the ability to reach more deeply. Inversion is a
practice of hanging upside-down. There are even inversion tables created for such use, which grip
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the ankles as the table flips upside down. Hanging this way for a few minutes a day supports a
healthy, long, flexible spine & back.

Autofellatio Positions
Different positions appeal to different people. Some are more advanced than others.
Chair Position: (Easy)
Chair Position is the Easiest & Best for novice. Provides the most consistency: (see photo- only
in guide)

Click Here for Video Demonstration

1. Sit in the chair w/ butt near the edge.
2. Bend forward. You want to round your back as fully in a consistent circle as possible, not
all in one place, to disperse the flexing & avoid injury.
Plow Position
Plow position is relatively easy and can help assist maintaining the
position. However, its the most likely one to get hurt in. Reason being,
that it can create undue pressure on the neck (the most vulnerable
Click Here for Video Demonstration

Never place an object under your neck in this position!
Chair & C Position
Much like the chair position, but not requiring a chair. Basically curled into
yourself while sitting, standing, lying back, etc.
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Chair Position Demo Video

X Position: (Hard)
This position is most likely the most advanced and you probably wont see it
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for some time.
It involves quite a full range of complete, totally body loosening & optimal health. The legs
behind the head & compacted belly requirements on this require quite a bit of practice.
The benefit is, that the feet behind the head assist maintaining the autofellatio position, making
a more long-lasting experience.
Click Here for Video Demonstration
Click Here for SelfSuck Video Demonstration
Click Here for SelfSuck Video Demo 2

Ultimately, the main goal is:



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Positions Critiques:
Plow Position
Good curvature through the neck and
into the back. Good distribution of the
stretch/curve through the entire back. This
guy is probably about 7 inches so hes got
it a bit easier than some of us. Also, hes
on a soft surface so theres not so much
forcible pressure on his spine and neck
vertebrae, which is extremely important.

Photo below, this guy has great curvature
throughout the neck
and back, good
distribution of the
stretch & pressure
throughout. You can
see hes grasping the
couch edge for
some leverage, and
using that to pull
while pushing on the
wall with his feet.
This can be a pretty
substantial way to
gain some leverage.
IMPORTANT: Anytime youre pulling/pushing etc. anything to assist bending further, be extremely
careful to be attentive to not go beyond your limits.
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Chair Position Critique:
A: This is a good example of Chair. Its good to see
that theres no external pressure on the neck. Using his
hands below thighs is the most common way to gain
leverage in pulling down.

B: Perhaps the most basic way to begin. Theres no
external pressure. He could sit forward a little more and
reach between his legs, spread the knees further, and
grasp the underside of the couch for leverage.

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X Position Critique:
This is the hardest position,
but if you can master it,
there is a lot to be said for
how long you can be in it
more comfortably. Also, it
gives a lot of leverage to
allow some very deep usage.
In this example, his back is
against a wall, which helps
very much. Without the wall,
youre left trying to lift the
hips, or lift your chest,
against gravity; that makes it
just that much tougher and might make all the
difference. So use a wall.

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Standing Position Critique:
This is a bit harder than others, as when
things get going, it can make standing a bit
tougher. It can best be used to gauge how
flexible you are at the moment. Or, to begin
the autofellatio session. The good parts are,
theres minimal leverage on your body. You
can lean your butt against a wall to be
Too Short?
I think you can witness here that length should
really not be an issue. As well, I have actually reached
the base, which means that Id be able to with shorter
than a 1 penis.

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Serious Depth
So I have to say the photo here is quite impressive. This is what you can accomplish quite
quickly and easily using this manual.
Also, its very possible to become much more skilled than this.

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Day of Autofellatio Checklist:
12 Hours Ahead:
1. Drink Water
4 Hours Ahead:
1. Drink Water
2. Dont Eat
1 Hour Ahead:
1. Drink Water
2. Hot Bath/Sauna/Hot Tub to relax & invigorate your body.
3. Be in a place you won't be disturbed.
4. Set Room Temperature, have towels & pillows.
5. Drink Orange Juice, or even soda.
6. Gather Tools, Toys, Penis-ring.

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Main Goal: Autofellatio & Ultimate Body

Special Tips & Need To Know:
Curving vs. Compression:
Compressing the spine together, like the top of the spine pressing down into the pelvis, creates
back trouble which YOU ABSOLUTELY WANT TO AVOID.

Curving is a great way to fix that, by curving the spine more like a C by pressing naturally
Be sure to:
1. Keep a constant roundedness instead of sharp bends, by continually rounding the entire
spine using the roundedness shown in the video.
2. At each limitation point, move your attention from the top of your back all the way
down, disc by disc, to distribute the bend equally through your entire spine.
3. A Great example of Curving:
Carefully reach your limit. As you reach a limit:
1. Remember, its only the limit for the moment.
2. Relax & pay attention to stretching, not your d***.
3. Take a very deep breath and flex all the muscles you can concentrate on, all at once.
Main Goal: Autofellatio & Ultimate Body
The true strength & peak body comes from intermittent 30-
45 minute autofellatio sessions, pre-empted by ongoing Daily
Ouro Workout sessions.
Over time, you'll achieve confidence, attractiveness, & your
ultimate physique using this ancient ultimate pleasure.

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4. Relax the muscles, release slightly.
5. Reassess how your body feels. If it feels OK to move ahead, continue the stretch.
6. If its OK, repeat.
Self Sucking is extremely intense as you are feeling yourself do it, rebelling over stigmas of
doing selfsuck, giving & receiving all at once, and more. This makes a hell of a rush that I promise
you've never experienced before, with anyone!

When to Start Sucking?
1. Before starting the sexual part, Wait until its easy to touch penis to your lips while
flaccid easily, or until it's obvious that you can fit in your mouth easily. This will make it
far easier once you get started, as you'll forget about stretching once that part starts!
2. Do your thing! Ask good friends who give male oral for some tips. Just cause you can
reach doesn't make you good at it! But its quite easy.
Pay serious attention to your entire body for pain.
If you feel pain:
1. Release slightly and disperse the stretch more into another area of the body.
2. Breathe into the area that was in pain.
3. If pain is gone, it may be OK to continue the stretch.
4. Remember to breathe, breathe, and breathe during all of this.
5. The diaphragm will be contracted as you bend more, so remember to keep breathing.
6. STOP IMMEDIATELY if pain continues, worsens, or shows other signs of being damaging.
You can always begin again if the pain diminishes.
Carefully reach your limit. As you reach a limit:
1. Remember, its only the limit for the moment.
2. Relax & pay attention to stretching, not your d***.
3. Take a very deep breath and flex all the muscles you can concentrate on, all at once.
4. Relax the muscles, release slightly.
5. Reassess how your body feels. If it feels OK to move ahead, continue the stretch.
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6. If its OK, repeat.
Self Sucking is extremely intense as you are feeling yourself do it, rebelling over stigmas of
doing selfsuck, giving & receiving all at once, and more. This makes a hell of a rush that I promise
you've never experienced before, with anyone!
Pain & Inflammation:

Take anti-oxidants in order to remove free radicals from your body.
Remove Sugars, especially refined sugars, out of your diet.
Do not eat Red Meat. If you must, just lean red meat with the least fat.
Take Vitamin E Supplements. Be sure all supplements are not synthesized, as they reduce
uptake & functionality!
Increase your potassium uptake by eating bananas, coconut water, etc.
Increase Vegetables in Your Diet (Uncooked is Preferred), Fruits are Not Preferred
Increase your Omega-3 fatty acids by eating more fish or a natural Cod Liver Oil
supplement. (Very good for teeth as well, if you use Fermented Cod Liver Oil.)
Use Ginger Root or an organic supplement. Juice it, use it in teas, in meals, etc.

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SelfSuck Autofellatio Videos

Very Deep X Position Very Deep X Position
Many Positions Compilation
(Bad Audio- Volume DOWN) X
Position on Back
Multiple Positions Chair Position
Standing Position
X Position
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True Stories
Is it normal for my boyfriend to perform autofellatio?
Question from a girl whose boyfriend who can do autofellatio:
I left recently to go to another state for a month for Christmas break. My boyfriend and I are
both sophomores in college. I asked my boyfriend [when I got back, and we were in bed together]
if he had masturbated and he said no. I believed him.
That was over a month ago.
Last night we were in bed talking about weird things we masturbate to and he admitted to me that
he HAD masturbated while I was gone on break. He said, "Well, you're gonna think I'm gay or
something...I really don't want to tell you." I said, "I'm not gonna judge you! Tell me what you did!"
So he said that he put his legs up against the wall and bent upwards and put him mouth around
the head of his penis and sucked himself off. He said he came in his mouth and drank it and that
he liked it. At first, I thought it was hot that he could do this.
...But then he told me he did it two more times, yet this time he didn't drink his semen. So I said,
"Oh...I didn't know that you did it more than once..." I asked him WHY he did it, and he said, "I was
just horny and I wanted to see what it was like from your [me, I'm his girlfriend lol] perspective to
have to suck me off. I liked it. I only did it three times though, the first time when you were gone
and the other two times were on the same day, like on the weekend [when I was back from
I'm wondering if my boyfriend is all-man, so to speak. Like is he a gay guy, or bisexual possibly?
Leave comments to let me know. I'd also like to know if you think this behavior is normal of a
STRAIGHT man, or if you think he might have some "tendencies"....
I just feel very hurt and insecure about my sexual capabilities now. I told him this and he says I'm a
great lover, but again, he LIES ALL THE TIME. So I really don't believe it when he says all those nice
things to me. :/
Reader Answers:
(A girl) All guys try to do that :)) Really, most of them wont admit it but most of them
try it. And a few even succeed. Good for them. Really, nothing wrong with your
boyfriend. Hes just curious. I think its hot that he can do that, it means he has a very
nice lean physique.
(A girl) Why does everyone think it means they are gay? If he jerked off normally, is he
gay? He's still touching a penis?
Oh, it's his, you say? Apply that to what you just asked.
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(A guy) What man wouldn't do this if he could is a better question? Totally normally and
not gay at all, have him do it and then like lick his balls for him, have some fun with it.
(A guy) Yes, he's gay for his own dick.
(A girl) Not gay. And he trusted you enough to tell you. That's the way I'd see it. There
are loads of men who masturbate and look at porn and even cheat who lie all the time
about it. Don't take it as a personal thing. If it was me is watch and join it!
(A guy) Damn. Ive tried to do this before a couple of times (I had been drinking) but
didnt even come close. I mean not even close and I have a massive wang. I really didnt
think it was possible for someone to actually suck their own dick?!?!? But I think all guys
have tried to do this at some point, however he must be one of the very, very few that
was actually able to
(A guy) So what does it imply or mean if a woman is sucking on her own nipples? The
same thing about a guy that sucks (or tries to) his own cock? Its estimated that only 1%
of males can actually enjoy the feeling of autofellatio. DAMN IT FEELS GREAT.

Tips & Comments from Others:
(A guy) You have to stretch almost everyday to let your muscles get used to it and then go
further and further. Dont forget to warm up before stretching. Maybe you can take a warm
bath. You must be totaly naked and try to concentrate only on your penis. If you are uncut
you can try not to wash your cockhead during the warm bath and don't use any soap.The
smell of your body and penis will turn you on more and more which will help you to get
closer everytime. Maybe you don't like that too but that's what I do. And try to be alone
without noisy people in the next room. Try to put on some relaxing music, not too laud and
c o n c e n t r a t e. Take some short breaks. After each break you will get closer to your
Boy. Don't forget to relax your mind and body en Concentrate. So...........Go for it.
(A girl) My boyfriend could suck his own cock when he was younger but has not been able
to for years now. I'd really like to see him do it again. I'd get right down there with him and
lick his balls and ass to intensify his pleasure. I would LOVE to be able to eat myself out. I
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love the taste of my pussy when he puts his wet fingers from my honey pot into my mouth
... so sticking my tongue into my cleft myself would be heaven.
Okay... guys... I think its hot that a guy can be flexible to suck their own dick. But why in the
fricking world would you want to suck and suck and suck until you cum? I actually love
giving blow jobs. I am probably a pro (shouldnt be bragging, but I am). I think guys like to
just lay or sit there while a girl (or guy- whichever floats their boat) goes to town on their
dick. Im hella flexible. but I am not gonna eat myself out. I will leave that up to my
boyfriend. I love to masturbate though! :) Ha-ha! Btw- Im 18. LOL
Btw. While sucking the top half I stroked the bottom half. Felt eve better xD....... Lol .....
Whoa, if I could eat myself out, I would on the daily basis ;)
I tried it. I fit half. I was like. Holyyy Shiiiiiit This feels GOOD. My penis is almost exactly 8
inches. I am 14... I stroked it for a while. Then sucked it.... I achieved the greatest orgasm I
have ever had.... And this might be nasty... so dont read if you get grossed out easily. My
sperm. Tastes REALLY good. Im not trying to be weird or anything but... It tasted like... like...
Gatorade almost. Warm Gatorade. kinda salty... Guys. If you can suck your own penis. DO IT.
I dont think imp weird. I think imp faking awesome xD.
It's not nasty at all. Cum is a natural part of life and if any guy says he hasn't licked at least
one finger after beating off, he's lying. I like my own cum too. I've sucked my own dick
every since I could get it hard. Of course its better when someone else is doing it, but for
those in between times, a little self-sucking is a handy way too ease tensions. And it doesn't
hurt anyone so gobble your cock and don't worry about it. BTW, Im 8.5 and have always
been able to put the whole thing in my mouth.
I have been trying to for a couple days and I finally got it can only get like a little more
than half an inch in but Im just going to try getting further
I sure would eat myself out if I could!
Autofellatio Health Risks?
I am a 27 y/o male and learned at age 6 or 7 that I could do oral on myself (the idea I got
from bullies on my buss that shoved a poor kids face into his own crotch and I thought that would
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break the spine, but the he was alright) So I trained my arm muscles so that I could force my head
into that position only took a little training of arm muscles then just the act every day keeps them
strong. I was wondering is there any health risks doing this, and is it safe for my spine since I have
been doing it so long and nothing has broken? Also why is it that sometimes I can deep throat like
go all the way down without my back hurting at all and sometimes I can't reach without pain in my
back it helps sometimes when I have trouble reaching to take a hot shower or bath first then It is
easy to reach without pain I'm guessing the heat softens my back muscles that are stopping me or
something. I have had a few digestive problems that I secretly wonder if my sex life when I am
between girlfriends has caused these things. Like my acid reflex and a huge clot in my lower
intestine that hurt like crazy I had it stuck there over night thinking it will be fine and I'll just get
some sleep and if it's not better go to doctors then it was so bad I barely made it to get my
prescription and all the waiting while they did x-rays was crazy it ended up being more painful
than it should have been with the extra time wasted, but finally after a few doses I was back to
regular bowel movements and thankfully the pain went away. I also found out recently by accident
that mine reaches around back is there a medical name for that one, I accidentally stuck it in there
in the tub when I was soaking to get my back lose enough for oral and I immediately ejaculated, I
found it's a nice way to deal with that urge when I don't feel like swallowing my own semen the
stuff doesn't taste good no matter how many of the supposed natural taste enhancers I eat, but I
had learned to live with it till I learned I can do both types of sex on myself and I still prefer oral it
just feels better, but it's nice to have options. I forgot to mention I have often times made
appointments to ask my real doctor about if there is health risks involved with my private sex life,
but I always end up too embarrassed to mention the facts I can perform partner-less sex on myself
and that is why I hope you can take the time to address these concerns about my health. please at
least look into these things some for me and tell me what health problems I should watch for and
what risks to my health I am taking if any. those are things anyone doing this should know and be
aware of yet the more I search the web the less I find on this.

A: WOWZA. That's quite a home entertainment center you've got there. Some folks might
wonder why you'd ever leave the house, let alone search for a sex partner! Your health risks are
primarily related to muscle strain from your hyper-flexed position while deep-throating your own
penis popsicle. The warm shower or bath just loosens up the muscles and allows for easier
stretching. I don't believe your self-lovin' activities had anything to do with your recent bout of
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Q: Recently I tried autofellatio. I was almost successful. My question is, is it possible to contract
an oral infection from it? I'm a virgin, which should help. But a couple hours later I noticed two
sore spots on my lip. I think it's from my tooth rubbing up against it, but I'm a paranoid person. So
please just verify this for me.

A: Hi, There is no need to wait for a personal response from me. The reassurance you seek is
already waiting for you in the archives. (See below.)

Q: when i suck on my cock i was wondering if i can get diseases from sucking my own?
A: Diseases from tonguing your own tallywhacker? The answer is no. You cannot give yourself
anything but a good time by autofellating Mr. Happy. See below.
Boyfriend & Autofellatio:

Q: My boyfriend loves sucking his cock, he started that even before he started going out with
guys. He does it now while I'm topping him. I love sucking him while I'm fucking him, but
somehow it's not the same for him. He's very rough with his dick and sucks himself really hard. I
wouldn't mind doing it the same way. Question: Is it safe, is it ok with his prostate/glands to suck
him really hard? Please, somehow I'm very concern, plus I don't let him do it to me that way.

A: Rod is able to suck his own rod while Abel is able to suck Rod while fucking him??? Hmmm .
. . one can only wonder how Abel is able to do this and how big Rod's rod must be for this to be
physically possible. Oh, never mind... On to your question. You're concerned about Rod's prostate
gland if you suck him really hard??? Gosh, Abel, how hard is hard? Are you so powerful that you
could suck the chrome off a bumper? Abel, I think your fears are unwarranted. You can suck
enthusiastically. Just don't use your teeth or traumatize Rod's rod to the point of physical damage
(black and blue marks, broken skin, etc.). Aside from that, you shouldn't worry about sucking so
hard that you might turn your boyfriend inside out, OK?

Autofellatio worries:
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Q: I have recently discovered my ability to self-suck and cannot stop. Recently, however, I've
had a sore throat. I am not sexually active if that can help any.. Also, I am able to self-suck but not
able to deep throat so that shouldn't be the cause. I do swallow. Anyways, could autofellatio be the
cause of my sore throat or should I not worry about it?

A: Hi, Hmmm . . . it appears those yoga classes are really paying off! You're just telling us all
this to make us jealous, right??? I suppose the next thing you'll tell us is that you can open a
ketchup bottle just using your tongue, right? OK, Mr. Big, I see no reason for you to worry. Your
new party trick is not the cause of your sore throat.

Autofellatio Fiction Story:
"I still can't believe you can do that," Amy said to me.
I lay out on the gym floor, preparing for our morning workout. My girlfriend was staring at me, shaking her head, as I
collapsed upon my upper thigh in an extended stretch.
"Practice, my dear, practice," I winked.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said. "While it's impressive, it's just not right."
My eyes sparkled as I tried to hide, unsuccessfully, a grin. "What," I said cheekily. "You mean, do things like this?"
With that I swung my legs out to the side in a near perfect split. I couldn't quite rest on the floor, as it was by far the
most difficult type of split to do. But she was impressed, despite really wanting to be nonchalant.
"Can you put your feet behind your head?" she teased.
"Yeah, right," I admitted defeat. "I don't think so."
She cocked her head in thought. "Go on," she said. "Try. I wanna see it."
I hesitated. "What's the matter? Chicken?"
I roared with laughter. If there was one thing that we both knew it was that I wasn't going to be bullied by a challenge
to my manhood.
"Yup, absolutely," I teased back. "I'm a complete wuss about stretching." I stuck out my tongue for emphasis.
She pouted. "Please," she whined, but she wasn't serious about the whining.
I sighed. "Okay, I'll try."
I brought my legs in front of me and grabbed my ankles, Indian-style. I tried lifting my ankles towards my face
simultaneously, but that didn't work too well. I just fell over.
I righted myself to face a laughing Amy, trying to choke back the guffaws of a person who's trying desperately not to
look disrespectful but failing miserably.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said.

I tried again, this time one leg at a time. I was actually surprised that I managed to get as far as I did, as I could put my
heel up to my forehead, but couldn't go any further.
"I guess I'm not a contortionist," I said, shrugging. I had to confess to myself that I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't
do it. "I guess my legs just don't do this."
She was still laughing, and couldn't say anything.
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"You know," I continued, dropping my heels down on the floor in front of me and pulling them together so that they
touched. "That's really weird, because I can do this."
With that, I leaned forward and placed my forehead on the floor. If my legs bent together with the heels touching made
a circle, I put my head right in the middle of it and rested on the floor comfortably. "I can do this all day," I said, "I think
it's the same thing with the legs, so I don't know why I couldn't put-- What is it?"
I looked up and saw Amy with the strangest look on her face. She was looking at me with her mouth open a little, and
no longer laughing.
"Amy?" I asked her.
"Do that again," she whispered.
I leaned down and put my head on the floor again. I couldn't help but smile. Now that impressed her!
I came back up and saw her swallowing hard. I grinned.
"How do you do that?" she asked quietly.
I shrugged. I couldn't take this grin off my face. "I don't know. I just keep stretching every time we work out. I've just
gotten closer and closer to the ground each time until I could finally rest."
"Oh," she said. She slapped her hands on her knees and got up. "Well, I guess we better get our workout in."
I never used to enjoy workouts, until I met Amy. We had gotten together and found our lifestyle wasn't that conducive
to staying healthy. We both worked long hours and when we got home we were both dead to the world. After-work
television became the staple, and Amy's snooze-button habit made sure we slept in as long as possible.
When we both found ourselves starting to have a difficult time fitting into our clothes, we realized we needed to do
something. As much as we dreaded giving up valuable sleep time, we decided to begin working out each morning at a
gym within walking distance of our home.
We reacted well to the exercise, dropping the pounds quickly - more quickly than either one of us imagined. The biggest
benefit of all, though, was that we found the extra hour in the morning to be together a nice bonus.
Amy was usually a quiet person, but the workout for her was even more quiet than usual. I hate when I happen to be in
a thoughtful mood and am continually asked "Is everything okay?" so I tried my best not to be "that guy."
Still, I was curious. She was obviously distracted and more than once she lost count of her repetitions. We finished our
workout and returned home to shower and go to work.
When we went to sleep that night, Amy tossed and turned. She was having a hard time sleeping and it was affecting me.
I touched her arm and she rolled over to me and draped across me, her hand finally resting on my cock.
I was exhausted, completely shattered, but somehow my cock managed to find the life that the rest of my body seemed
to lack. I grew in her hand and felt her squeeze it in response. Her head, which was on my shoulder, started moving
across my chest and down my stomach. I knew what she was going to do and I felt my cock lurch towards her
approaching mouth.
Her hand gripped me furiously as she aimed the head at her mouth and began to suck. Amy was a fantastic cock-sucker
and when she has a mission on her mind she becomes very good.
From the angle I was at I couldn't reach her, though, and the best I could do to reciprocate was rub her back and run
my fingers through her hair. She rested her cheek on my pelvis and just fed the head behind her lips. One of her favorite
things to do was just run her lips back and forth across the ridge of the head, something that drove me crazy and made
me get hypersensitive. I desperately needed her to deep throat me whenever she did that, and she always seemed to
know just how long to wait before she gave me that relief.
She did this several times, her tongue playing with the tip of the head and her lips playing back and forth across the
ridge, bringing me closer and closer to the point where I would feel I would have to pull her off because I was too
sensitive, Just when I thought that I couldn't take it any more she'd deep throat me and I would feel the rush of ecstasy.
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But it was when she started moving her hand that I knew she meant business. She had learned that the only way I could
come was if she pumped me in her mouth with her hand, as both the sensations and the image of her feeding my cock
into her mouth brought me closer and closer to the finishing point.
It was strange the way it worked. When she sucked on just the head she made me so sensitive that I couldn't come. It
was like she was sucking me through the climax point. It was almost as if it were a parallel track towards sexual
satisfaction. Now, however, the switch had been pulled, and she was fucking her mouth with my cock on that wonderful
destination where I would flood her mouth with blast after blast deep into the back of her throat.
My hips bucked up in a rhythm and she read my signals like a master scholar. She liked to play a game where she tried
to squeeze my cock tightly as I came to get me to shoot as far as possible into her mouth. She said that she liked to feel
it hit the back of her throat, the harder the better.
I felt her hand start to massage as well as squeeze, coaxing me to come. I felt the tickle under my balls and I gave her
the warning. She gave a muffled "mmm hmmm," and squeezed me tighter. I fired off into her mouth and grabbed my
own hair as I let myself empty completely. She had complete control over my body and I just let her milk me. It's a
wonderful feeling to just let that go, to let her take me the way she wanted.
I started stroking her hair with one hand and wiped the sweat from my face and forehead with the other. She was
stroking my balls with her hand, almost petting them, but kept the head in her mouth as it twitched and lurched to a
restful state.
She didn't try to move, but just stayed there with my cock in her mouth and her hand cupping my balls. Slowly I felt her
hand stop moving and her breathing get deeper, and I felt my cock slide out of her mouth. I was about to chuckle to
myself that she had fallen asleep, but I was afraid that the movement might wake her. The last thing I remember was
looking at the clock and thinking that we only had five hours of sleep to go before we had to get up to go to the gym.
The next morning we were in the middle of our routine stretches when she asked me to do "that trick again."
"What trick?" I asked.
She smiled. "You know, that one where you put your head on the floor in between your legs."
I was a little bit stiff from the different sleeping position, but I extended my torso the best I could and tried to bend
down. it took a little longer than the previous day, but I did it.
I felt her hands on my shoulders and back, rubbing in a massaging motion, which did ease some of the stress and
tension and allowed me to finally descend to the floor.
"Thanks," I said. "That actually helps. I guess my back is just a bit tight and it's keeping me from being as flexible as
"Hmmm," Amy said. It was the sound of a person who was filing away a piece of information.
After the stretch, we stood up to work out and I caught Amy's look. She had something of a smirk on her face, but I
could tell that she wasn't going to be in the mood to share.
I had to try anyway. "What?" I asked.
She shook her head. "Nothing," she said, but she couldn't hide the smile.
"Oh, come on, no secrets, remember?"
She cocked her head. "Well, maybe later."
I noticed that Amy worked out harder than usual that day.
The next few days, in fact, her behavior was kind of strange. She wanted to do even more stretching before and after the
workouts than we usually did, and do exercises that gave us full body extensions.
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Outside the gym, I would come home from work to find her coming out of our joint home office, where the computers
were. She looked remarkably flush and when she saw me she would throw her arms around me for a huge kiss and grind
against me.
On more than one occasion I could barely make it through the door before she was on me and fucking my brains out
just inside the front door. Every night I got the same fantastic blowjob as the night before, though every night she tried
slightly different techniques with her mouth. She seemed to become obsessed with oral sex.
For this I could deal with her little secrecy.
Never in my life have I ever had a blowjob every day for a week. Let me tell you, you never have felt like the world was
completely conquerable like you do when that happens. It puts you into the frame of mind that you can do anything.
Needless to say I was in the best mood I had ever been in. I don't think Prozac could have worked any better.
On the weekend Amy came and sat down on the couch next to me. I was sorting out some bills and it was obvious that
she had something on her mind.
"Shane," she said, her hands folded prim and proper in her lap. "Can I ask you something?"
I looked at her, and I had a feeling that she was going to launch some sort of surprise for me, some practical joke. She
always had this look on her face when she was going to do something funny.
"Sure," I said, dropping the bills. "What's up?"
"Well," she said, starting to seem a bit nervous. "As you've probably noticed, I've been a bit... preoccupied lately."
I smiled. "Yes," I said. "And I like it!"
She smiled broadly. "Me too! But you always say that you want me to tell you when I want to do something new or
I knew she was talking about her sexual fantasies, which she rarely had, and even more rarely shared. I nodded.
"Well," she said, "I've been having one all week long, and I really want to share it with you."
"You have my undivided attention," I said, smiling. This was going to be good!
"Ever since I saw you do that trick at the gym, where you could put your head on the floor between your legs, I can't
stop thinking of it."
I was confused. Stretching? What did this have to do with something sexual? Or maybe I was mixing something up.
"I'd really like to see you..." she cut off and looked away.
"See me what?" I must have looked really puzzled, because when she looked back at me she laughed out loud.
"I'd really like to see you... blow yourself."
I laughed. She looked surprised at my reaction. "Oh, Amy," I said, slapping her playfully on the leg. "That's funny."
She was shaking her head.
"Wait," I said, my laughter stopping in my throat. "You're serious?"
She nodded. All of a sudden the words came out in a rush. "Ever since that first day I saw you bent over, I imagined
your cock going in and out of your mouth, and I couldn't stop thinking about it all day. That night that I fell asleep with
your cock in my mouth I needed suck you so bad. I've been looking at pictures and videos all week long of guys who
can blow themselves and I really want to see you do it."
She took a huge breath, and she looked at me with wide-eyed nervous expectation and excitement.
"Whoa," I said. "I don't know..."
She reached between my legs and started stroking my traitorous cock, which of course betrayed me to her touch.
"I've been masturbating at work, even."
Of course my cock jumped at that.
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She went on to tell me that she had seen how close I had come to my own pelvis while doing the stretch, and kept
asking me to do it during the week at the gym so that she could see if I could get any closer. When she found out how
close I could get when she massaged my back and shoulders, her imagination flew into overdrive.
"Honestly," she said, sidling up closer to me with her hand snaked around me. "I'd like to see if you get as much
pleasure out of having your cock in your mouth as I do."
Now it was my turn to swallow.
"I have to think about this," I said.
She nodded. "I understand. It took me all week to come to terms with what I was getting all excited about, and to get
up the nerve to ask you."
I nodded.
I looked down at her hand, still stroking my cock through my jeans. She unzipped the fly and released a purple,
throbbing cock that stared straight up at me. I had heard the jokes, about "never leaving the house," but I had never
even thought about attempting such a thing.
I watched her hand stroke it up and down, and I knew she was aiming it at my own face - whether consciously or
unconsciously I don't know. But there it was, right in front of me.
She pulled it towards her and began sucking on the head, and then lifted off it and returned to stroking it as it was
aimed at my face.
"You know how much I love sucking you?" she said in her best, most seductive, sultry voice.
I nodded. "The head is so soft and velvety," she said. "And then the shaft skin is smooth, but you can feel these muscles
underneath and they are so hard. It's like an iron bar wrapped in softness."
She pulled me to her again and sucked me deep, all the way to the base. It felt as if my entire body got inhaled into her
mouth, the sensation was so strong.
She unbuckled her pants and started fingering herself in time with her strokes. She pulled off of me and, once again,
aimed my cock back at me.
"Go on, sweetie," she purred. "I've been waiting all week to see you do this."
Now?? So much for getting time to think about it.
I looked at her and saw her sexy, seductive smile. I looked back at my cock and felt her tugging upwards even more
than usual, as if she were trying to tug it up into my mouth from there.
Looking down at my cock I saw it in an entirely new way, saw myself in the way she was seeing me. I was a bit surprised
to find out that I was actually curious as to whether or not I could do it, curious about how it would feel. Would it feel
the same way as when she took it in her mouth? Would I like it? What would it mean if I did?
The more I thought about it, I wasn't really sure I could actually do it; the angle of putting my head on the floor is just a
little farther out from putting my cock in my mouth. But I felt her hand touch my shoulder and start to pull me down.
I glanced at her briefly, amazed at the sudden insistence she was displaying. I didn't think I had ever seen her so
assertive before.
My glance returned downwards. It was like a slow motion movie, where my own cock was approaching me and getting
bigger in my field of view. She continued stroking me and aiming it towards my mouth, and as my face approached I
could sense a change in smell, it was a musky odor that wasn't bad, but it was strong. It smelled of... arousal. There was
no other way to put it.
I reached a natural point where I could not bend over any further, and I was not quite close enough. I reached out my
tongue and tried to reach the tip of my cock, and I know I came close but I didn't quite get there.
Amy placed both hands on my shoulders and back and started to give me a deep tissue massage. I reached underneath
my leg to grab the base of my own cock and hold myself steady, and I realized that I had already made up my mind that
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I was going to at least attempt this. I had already gone past a point where I could have sat back up and played it off as a
Amy's hands on my shoulders were no joke. It was obvious she was getting into this. She wanted to see this and she
would do anything to help me be able to reach.
The massage worked a little. I felt myself get looser across the broad of my back and I came closer to my cockhead. I
reached out my tongue and flicked it across my cock, shocked, surprised, and disturbed at the same time. Nevertheless,
there was an incredible feeling of achievement.
Amy's gasp brought me back to the fact that I had an audience. Suddenly I was self-conscious, and my mind's eye
switched to a sweep of the room from an outside perspective and I saw myself as some crazy pervert bending over his
own dick in a bizarre attempt to autofellate.
But Amy was getting into it. She was rocking back and forth as she massaged my shoulders, as if she were fucking
herself at the same time. "Oh yeah, baby," she said. "Almost there. You're almost there."
I suddenly felt a tremendous pressure on my lungs as I wasn't getting enough oxygen. I sat bolt upright, causing Amy to
gasp in surprise.
"Are you okay?" she asked, worried that she had hurt me.
I drew in a deep breath, but gave her a smile. "I'm okay," I explained in between wheezes. "I just needed some air."
She placed a hand on her chest in relief. "You had me worried for a second!"
I looked down at my bastard cock and then back up at Amy. "I don't know if I can do it, baby," I said. "I'm finding it too
hard to breathe like that."
She wasn't about to give up, however. "Well, I did see another position," she said.
"Oh?" I asked.
She pulled me off the couch and onto the carpeted floor, taking off my pants.. She had me in a sitting position and then
rolled me onto my back with my legs over my head, my cock bobbing in front of my face. She kneeled in front of me
and started rubbing my ass cheeks coming down and massaging my lower back to make me more flexible there.
As it was, the week's stretching had allowed gravity to easily do the rest. My cockhead slipped past my lips and I
suddenly found myself with my own cock inside my mouth.
I was a bit surprised and stunned about how easily it went in as compared to before. Amy gasped and smiled in
unadulterated joy. "Oh yes! Baby yes!"
She started to rock against me, which of course forced the head deeper into my mouth. She reached around my legs to
grab my cock and start stroking it into my mouth, and I felt the head move back and forth against my tongue.
It was completely unlike when she blew me. I suppose it would be similar to the difference between when someone
tickles you and you try to tickle yourself. It felt good, but it was nowhere like anything when Amy (or any other woman)
had given me head.
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Special Note on Sexuality:
Sexuality, like anything, can be underdone, overdone, or balanced, with consequences and
benefits to each. Some consequences can be too unhealthy to manage, and therefore require being
addressed before irreparable damage is caused to life or limb.
Specifically, any sexual topic should include information about Sex & Love Addiction. It's a
mixture of biological & psychological forming damaging patterns of action to an individual or
loved ones.
If you believe that your sexuality is unhealthy to yourself or loved ones, ever, often, or too
often, you are not alone. The internet, media, modern times gender extremism, and many other
elements have made a dangerous world for sexuality, especially male sexuality. For many people,
they never had a chance to defend against so many elements to degrade, twist, or make unhealthy
their sexuality.
If you've had thoughts that you may have a sex, love, or internet addiction, HELP IS HERE:

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