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1) PROS AND CONS-Advantages and disadvantages

2) AD HOC-For a special purpose
3) CUL DE SAC-A blind alley
4) AD INFINITUM-to infinity
5) DIVIDE ET IMPERA-Divide and rule
6) BILLET DOUX-Love letter
7) SUB JUSTICE-Under judicial consideration
8) EX PARTE-One sided
9) EX GRATIA-As an act of grace
10) EN ROUTE-On the way
11) COUP DE ETAT-Sudden overthrow of government by violent
12) LAISSEZ FAIRE-Non-interference
13) ULTRA VIRES-Beyond ones powers
14) EX OFFICIO-By virtue of ones office
15) EN MASSE- Singularly
16) AGENDA-Things to be done
17) AD INTERIM-In the mine time
18) PERSONA NON GRATA-Undesirable person
19) RAISON D ETRE-Reason for a things existence
20) NOM DEPLUME-An assumed name
21) SINES DIE-Without definite date
22) PRIMUS INTERPARUS-First among equals
23) EX TEMPORE-Without preparation
24) BONAFIDE-Genuine
25) EX POST FACTO-Retroactively.
26) BON VOYAGE-Nice journey
27) STATUS QUO-Existing condition
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These words are important to read and keep in memory to crack the English language part

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