Case Study Hungry Kya vs. Vegetable Mandis

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Hungry Kya vs. Vegetable Mandis

In recent years, Hungry Kya has become one of the largest food retailers in
India. By 2009, Hungry Kya s share of the organized Indian food market as
!".#$, made %ossible by its %an&India %resence of nearly "#0 outlets. In fact,
Hungry Kya has also e'%anded to neighboring countries such as Bangladesh,
(ri )anka, *e%al, +hailand, ith some of their stores. ,lso it has fe stores in
*e -ersey, .(, and /ntario, 0anada, here a large number of the Indian
1ias%ora reside. , ty%ical Hungry Kya store stocks about !0,000 kinds of food
%roducts and some additional offerings in the area of kitchen related utensils,
cleaning agents and accessories. Its on %ri2ate labeled %roducts are an
im%ortant %art of their offerings account for nearly 30$ of their sales. ,bout
2#00 ne %roducts suitable for the Indian taste and %alate are being introduced
year on year.
In contrast to this, retail behemoth, 4egetable 5andis ha2e been a traditional
%henomenon in India o2er centuries. +hese 4egetable 5andis %ro2ide an
o%%ortunity to small farmers to gain direct access to local customers. +his in
fact also creates a uni6ue social milieu here housei2es, domestic ser2ants,
and small 2endors create a social ecosystem ith almost fanatical gathering.
+he ma7ority of 2endors or stall holders at these 4egetable 5andis are mostly
orking out of home or are farm food %roducers ithin #0&30 kms. of the
market. +his assures customers about the source of the %roduct and also gi2es
them a feeling that they are su%%orting farmers in the local community to
sur2i2e. +hey also en7oy the e'%erience of haggling and bargaining ith these
small 2endors. By some estimates, such 4egetable 5andis across India ha2e
estimated sales of 8s. #00 million 9in 200:; as com%ared ith Hungry Kya s
sales 2olume of 8s. # billion.
Hoe2er, ith groth of India s middle class and double income no kids
91I*K(; families, it is the organized retail format that is gaining more
acce%tance and in large urban locales, the conce%t of 4egetable 5andis is
fading aay, sloly and steadily.
+aking a cue from this case, %lease discuss hether India has acce%ted
organized retailing for green groceries or do you feel that subzi mandis still rule
the roost.

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