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My Job In The Media

My job was the circulation desk. An organization is a business service,
education, non-profit, and government. In our society there are many
organizations that work for the world. The purpose of the media center is to
help students to be better at reading, and to know more about people and
books. The media center is considered as an organization because is an
education. And education is an organization.

In the media center, people that work there have different roles and
responsibilities because if theres only one job, the media center cant work.
People have different jobs in the media center like circulation desk, shelvers,
librarian, and reserves. All jobs are important in the media center. If one job is
tacked out the media center wouldnt work. My job was the circulation desk.
My responsibilities where to check in and check out books. My job made
efficient to the media center because I check in and check out books so people
take books to them house and when they finish the book they return the book
back to the library.
My job was the circulation desk. An organization is a business service,
education, non-profit, and government. In our society there are many
organizations that work for the world. The purpose of the media center is to
help students to be better at reading, and to know more about people and
books. The media center is considered as an organization because is an
education. And education is an organization.
Jobs interconnected. Jobs are interconnected by they work for the same
company. They have the same goal. People depend on each other by one
people goes and all the system is broken.
What organizations need? Roles and people make an organization
successful. The media center is a successful organization. The organization. It is
important to have a common goal so you can work better.

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