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Successibility Thinking 14 Think Big

Today is Declaration Number 14. I love this one. My imagination is limitless. I will
accomplish more in this life than I ever previously dreamed possible. Im a no limits
person. I stretch myself all the time. While Im doing that sometimes I think Ive got to
stop because you create problems-- but you know something? Its when you overcome
the problems that you grow. Your imagination is a wonderful tool.

You know Sandra Gallager said something a while ago. She said, Use your imagination
to see what you say. Get the pictures, understand the word is powerful. Theres a new
book out, Aspire and thats what its onits on words. In the beginning was the
Word; every word is a symbol; every symbol has a corresponding image. See, what we
want to do is get our imagination really rockin. Now, just let your imagination fly. How
do you really want to live? What do you really want to do?

Lets listen to this principle again. My imagination is limitless. I will accomplish more in
this life than I ever previously dreamed possible. Im a no limits person. I stretch myself all
the time. Do you know that I know for an absolute fact, over the past year I
accomplished more, just in the past year, than I did in the first 26 years of my life. I was
doing nothing. I was just following the crowd, going nowhere. Then, I get into this
material: whoom-- my imagination took off like a rocket. I started to see the way I
wanted to live, and I bought into the idea that I could do it. I want you to do that.

Im going to read that one more time. My imagination is limitless. I will accomplish
more in this life than I ever previously dreamed possible. Im a no limits person. I stretch
myself all the time. J ust sit there and repeat that like a mantra over and over and over
again for four or five minutes. And do you know something? Its going to keep flipping
back in your mind all day long. Youre going to be wandering around in a great
vibration and people say, Whats do you do, whats up with you? Say, Im a no limits
person. My imagination is taking me to places youve never been. You try it.

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