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Eleven Major Factors of Leadership: 5

Definiteness of Plans

Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes. Were working with Napoleon Hills
chapter on organized planning and the specific points: the eleven factors in
developing great leadership. Number five is a very important one. Its Definiteness of

Do you see, if you take a target that youre shooting at, youve got no plan how youre
going to get there. You wouldnt know which way to go. It would be like going into the
woods without a compass. You wouldnt know which way to travel if you got lost. Well,
youve got to have a plan.

Now, you never change the goal. You can change the plan, but you should have a
plan. You want to lay down the plan and you want to follow the plan. Like, you have a
plan for the day. I know theres something youd like to accomplish todaydo you
have a plan? Did you sit down before you went to bed and say, This is how Im going
to plan my day. These are the six goal achieving activities that I will accomplish before I
go to bed. When youre working on your objectives, you have long-range plans. Are
they definite and do you stick to them? Or are you swayed by the conditions,
circumstances and opinions of others?

Remember, number five in developing yourself as a great leader is Definiteness of Plans.
I want you to sit down and ask yourself, Do I have a definite plan, a long-range plan
for my goals and do I have a definite plan for today, to get the best out of me today?

Spend a few minutes thinking about it. Review your plan, if youve got one, and ask
yourself, How could I improve it? Because remember, the best way to do it has never
been thought of. It can be a good plan; but theres always a better one. This is Bob
Proctor, and thank you.

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