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Certainly, the most important ,fancy and glamorous event I ever took part, was The
Viennese Ball in Timisoara. It was a charitable event which took place in a delightful and
wonderful ambiance and had as main purpose to restore the Romanian social values and make
them part of the uropean culture.
Being an event where the city!s elites were gathered, we had to continually respect
some rules and we were imposed a dress code" men had to wear the so called #black and white
tie$ and women had to wear elegant, feminine, glamorous dresses. I had to carefully choose my
dress and it fortunately took me only to weeks to have a marvelous dress. %y mother told me I
looked like a veritable princess, her precious princess.
&part from the charitable part of the event, it was also a part when we, the young
participants, were elegantly celebrated. 'ur entrance in city!s elite was celebrated.
(e had to gracefully dance a Viennese walt) in front of all those elegant, fine people so
we took daily walt) lessons. It wasn!t a disagreeable moment. (e were so enchanted of
learning that we courageously accepted to learn several hours per day. *othing mattered. It was
our moment when everybody was watching us so everything had to come out perfect.
(ords aren!t enough to e+press the e+altant sensation felt when we were there. It
certainly was a uni,ue, magic moment, full of energy, spirit and elegance, an unforgettable
event. I enthusiastically remember those moments and I happily hope that someday I will have
one more time the opportunity to participate to such an e+,uisite event.

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