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Eleven Major Factors of Leadership: 9

Mastery of Detail

Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes to Success. Were on number nine of
those characteristics of great leaders. This is Mastery of Detail. Now, Im going to tell you
something. Im a very right brain person, not left brain. Its the left brain individuals that
are going to cross all the ts and dot all the is, make sure the punctuation is just right. If
you cannot get into the detail, youre going to have to delegate. Youre going to have
to hire somebody and make sure that they do it because somebodys got to master
the detail.

I am not a master of detail. I know Im not. And do you want to know something? I
dont want to be. Im a very creative guy. Im working off at another planet most of the
time where I come from and I dont want the details. But you know something? Ive got
some phenomenal people with me that are truly masters of detail. So, if you want to be
a great leader and you dont want to master the details yourself, you had better get
somebody that will, thats dedicated and loyal to you, your cause and your vision.

Now Im going to ask you to spend four or five minutes and ask yourself, Am I really
mastering the details? Because if youre not, I guarantee you youre going to stay
stuck where you are. And if youre not and you dont want to learn how to do it, youve
got to get somebody else to do it. Because Im going to tell you something. Its got to
be done.

So spend four or five minutes thinking about that and making a decision on what you
are going to do about it, if youre not already good at it. And if you are good at it, get
better at it. See, Ive got people that are masters at mastering details. This is Bob Proctor
and thank you.

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