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Form Summer Reading
May 2014
Dear 8
After a warm salutation I will address your summer reading assignment,
which is as follows:
You will have a wide range of texts to choose from including diary
entries, short story, poem, and article or police report.
The proect will !e given during the first wee" of school, please ma"e
sure you pic" a !oo" from the list !elow.
The !oo"s selected for the summer reading are:
The #ercy $ac"son Adventures %&. &iordan'
(hains %).*. Anderson'
+lac"!ringer %)aini Taylor'
+oo" of a Thousand Days %,hannon *ale'
-illions %.ran" (ottrell +oyce'
The +oy in the ,triped #yamas %$ohn +oyne' %A'
The A!solutely True Diary of a #art/Time Indian %,herman Alexie' %A'
The *ouse on -ango ,treet %,. (isneros'
,torm!rea"er %Anthony *orrowit0'
1oughts and (rosses %-alorie +lac"man' %A'
2nder3s 4ame %5rson ,cott (ard' %A'
)oo"ing forward to an exciting year6
Mrs. Annie Gonzalez
Literature Teacher

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