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The Gulf of Mexico 4 years after the disaster

All people remember or hear something about the famous oil spill in Gulf of Mexico, in 20

April 2010.
This disaster was caused by a huge explosion of a platform. This explosion died people and was
necessary 2 months to control the pouring of oil into the sea and estimates said that are
pouring a quantity equal to 3 or 4 barrels that made this disaster the biggest in all the story
of USA, for environment.
Now, 4 years after disaster, the war continues. One the hand executive of BP, the firm
responsible for the platform, said that we made that it was possible to control de results of
explosion: we active immediately underwater robots to try and fix the leak, pay 1.2 million of
euros to clear-up, and dont existed any violation of safety rulers. One the other hand a local
fisherman said that problems are increasingly after the disaster. According with him the
number of individuals of many species are decreasingly and this influence only the natural
diversity and beauty but also a problem for local population, which life form natural resources
and fishery. He concludes that there was a negative impact after the disaster and the local
economy face problems because numbers of tourists are decreasingly.
According with US Government the BP paid a necessary quantity to solve the problem and to
pay to fishers because de damage that had being caused.
Obama said that this environmental problem was totally solved in 2012 and adds that the most
important, now, is think in prevent other disaster as this, and think in alternatives energies.

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