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Improving the World

Welcome. You know yesterday I shared a quote with you from David Gergen. Well Ive
got one today thats a classic, from Anne Frank. And this is something that you and I
can both implement right now. She said, How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a
single moment before starting to improve the world."

How do you start to improve the world? Well, how do you start to improve anything?
You start where you are, with what youve got and you start on yourself. Doesnt that
make sense? You start where you are, with what youve got and you start on yourself.
Now I dont know what your attitude is right at this moment. It must be reasonably good
or you wouldnt have even turned this video on. But, is it as good as it can be? Are you
really up? Are you ready to really go out there and make a difference? Because you
see, until you develop that attitude you cant do what Anne Frank is talking about. She
said, How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to
improve the world."

You know, often you hear people say that one person cant change the world. Well, I
often put it that one person changed my world. And one person has probably
changed your world. Whose world are you going to change today? Youve got to start
with yourself.

I want you to sit and just meditate. Be very quiet. You dont have to close your eyes, just
look at your environment. Think of all youve got to be grateful for. Thatll usually put you
in a good vibration. Think about it. Make up your mind youre going to improve you and
then youre going to go out and improve and the worldof everyone you come in
contact with. It may only take a minute. Do it. Spend the next four or five minutes
thinking of that. Working on you. Right now.

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