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Eleven Major Factors of Leadership: 4

Definiteness of Decision

Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes to Success. Were working on Napoleon
Hills chapter on organized planning and were dealing with the eleven factors that
lead to leadership. Number four is Definiteness of Decision.

You know, a leader cant waiver. Theyve got to make a decision and thats it. Its like
Ronald Reagan, who was the great president of the United States and before that a
movie actor said, When I make a decision I gather all the information I need. I dont
take a vote, I make a decision. See, people that arent decisive seem to go nowhere.
People that make decisions go right to the top. Hill pointed out that all the top people
make decisions very fast, they change them very slow if and when they change them
at all.

Now he said, Failures make decisions very slow and change them very fast and often.
Weve got to have definiteness of decision. You see, you know inside what you should
do. We do. We know inside. Our problem is, we dont have enough confidence in our
own feeling. I have people frequently come and say, What do you think I should do? I
always say, You already know what you should do You know inside. You know what
were doing? Were battling the demons. Thats right. Were letting the old paradigms,
were letting what we think/they think rob us of what we really want.

What do you really want? Make a decision. Be decisive. Now sit and think for a few
minutes. Whats going on in your life? Make a decision in a number of different areas.
J ust make it and then do it. This is Bob Proctor and thank you.

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