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Eleven Major Factors of Leadership: 11


Are you all ready for the final characteristic of great leadership? Well I want to
welcome you back to Six Minutes to Success and Im going to tell you these eleven
characteristics are classic. If you will commit to them, you might take these eleven
different Six Minute videos and watch them frequently. Maybe make up your mind in
your calendar, watch all eleven once a month. Its only going to take you a very short
period of time. You can do it in less than an hour.

Now, number eleven is Cooperation. We know were living in a new economy. We are
being floated right into a new economy. Do you know all things that are happening in
the economy are good? Well, you may think theyre bad, most people do, but theyre
not. When something is really bad, its really good. Weve got to get rid of the old way
before the new way can come in. Thats called the Vacuum Law of Prosperity.

Well in the old economy, it was all competition. Ive got to beat you, you beat me. The
new economy is cooperation. Do you know what the eleventh principle is? Its
cooperation. Weve got to learn to cooperate. Weve got to learn to get along better.
You know when two people come together in cooperation, youve got real power.
When you bring two minds together, you automatically create a third. Now imagine a
team of people all cooperating on one idea. Theyve got power going for them
enormous power. As a matter of fact, in his chapter on Masterminding he said thats
the only way to create great power.

Do you cooperate or do you compete? Remember this: Amateurs compete,
professionals create. And the people that are most creative are the ones that are
most cooperative. Work together. Youre going to find that it works well. It works for me.
Works for the various people in my company that I work with and you know something?
It will work well for you.

Spend a few minutes thinking about that. Think, How can I be more cooperative
today? I dont care if its the waiter in the restaurant. Whoever it is, be considerate. Be
cooperative, dont compete. Be pleasant, be courageous. It takes great courage to
do that sometimes. Youll be glad you did. And you know something else? Youre
developing one of the habits of great leadership. This is Bob Proctor. Thank you.

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