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Top Notch 2, Second Edition

Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
ActiveBook Listening Comprehension Audioscript

Unit 5

A. Drag and drop

A: Can I help you, sir?
B: Yes, please. Can I possibly get an appointment today for a massage?
A: Today... Not likely. I think were fully booked.
B: Well, I dont mind waiting a bit.
A: Do you have something to do? I could give you a call if something opens up later in the day.
B: Actually, on second thought, I think Ill pass.

B. Fill in

1. A: Excuse me. Where would I find toothpaste?
B: Toothpaste? Have a look in aisle two.
2. A: Actually, I did and there wasnt any.
B: Im sorry. Let me get you some from the back.
A: Thanks so much.

C. Drag and drop

A: Would it be possible to get a manicure?
B: Right now? I think so. Let me check. ...Hmm. Actually, I was wrong. There are several
people ahead of you. Itll be at least 45 minutes.
A: Forty-five minutes? Well, OK. I guess Ill wait. Ive got a good book to read.

D. Drag and drop

A: I have a question.
B: Yes, maam.
A: Can I charge the haircut to my room?
B: Im sorry, maam. Were a separate business. But we accept most major credit cards.
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Top Notch 2, Second Edition
Copyright 2011 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
A: Thatll be fine. Here you go.

E. Drag and drop

[A=French; B=Japanese]
A: Excuse me. Im not from Japan. I have a question.
B: Yes.
A: Is it customary to tip the person who shampoos your hair?
B: No. Tips are not customary here, sir.
A: Really? Thanks. So I guess I wont. Thats good to know.

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