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Eddc:Marta Tareco
Carrer Moll n 5
Hello friend!
We write to you this letter to say to you that we are
ery ni!e in "#y$t% Us this one $leasin# ery &u!h'
they hae re!eied us ery well and without $ro(le&s%
The hotel is ery !lean and the roo&s are ery ni!e s)n
ery (i# and estan near &eters' (uses%%% We hae
isited the $ir*&ides' the to&(s' the te&$les' the rier
+ile' the &os,ue%%% Today we will isit the &useu&
that one finds in the !enter of the Cairo% What &ore us
has $leased the whole ie-e to (een +ile went in s&all
(oats for the rier' has (een an in!redi(le e.$erien!e%
What less we hae li/ed is 0 !ontinue to (ear ,uite the
!alor' (ut a$esar of it we hae disfrutadi &u!h%
To&orrow sera our last day in "#y$t and it we will
dedi!ate to #oin# sho$$in#' (uyin# re!uerdoos of
"#y$t%%%0 adise you , ue en#ais to this ni!e !ountry
We &eet $ro&$t!

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