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Unit Plan CTS HRH

COURSE CCS1080: Community Volunteerism 1

Melissa Kujundzic
Students examine the role of volunteers in a community, perform as volunteers and evaluate
their volunteering experience.

Table of Contents


Alignment and Timeline



Web Based Example


Record Book

Answer Keys

Classroom Management

Social Context

Exceptional Learners

Month Unit Plan: Community Volunteerism

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
First Day of
Short answer Contracts

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
this week
Draft of

29 30 31 1 2
Log Hours

Outcomes/Assessment Alignment and Timeline

Date Outcome Assignment/
1. Explain the role of volunteers in a
1.1 define volunteerism and altruism
1.2 describe the personal rewards
available by volunteering, including:
1.2.1 self-esteem and self-
1.2.2 learning and career
1.2.3 employability
1.2.4 enhanced community
1.2.5 career awareness
1.2.6 health and wellness
1.3 justify the essential characteristics of a
volunteer, including:
1.3.1 confidentiality/ethics
1.3.2 attendance/punctuality
1.3.3 resource/time management
1.3.4 adherence to rules and
1.3.5 safety
1.3.6 enthusiasm
1.3.7 sense of humour
1.4 outline several volunteer opportunities
in a community
1.5 describe societal benefits of
1.6 outline the clients responsibilities in
the volunteering relationship
1.7 describe considerations for personal
safety related to volunteering

Short answer

2. Perform as a volunteer in a specific
volunteer activity or placement
2.1 choose a suitable community
placement that will enhance interests and
2.2 write a job description, outlining the
duties and expectations, that meets with
the approval of the supervising teacher
and client
2.3 perform at least 15 hours of
volunteerism in a teacher-approved
community locale
Log hours

3. evaluate personal performance in a specific
volunteer activity or placement
3.1 describe experiences and personal
reflections related to the volunteering
3.2 interview the client to:
3.2.1 evaluate personal
performance as a volunteer
3.2.2 identify areas for growth and
development as a volunteer
3.3 summarize goals for future
volunteering experiences based on
personal reflections and interviews with
the client
Goals with
with student
and client

4. Demonstrate basic competencies
4.1 demonstrate fundamental skills to:
4.1.1 communicate
4.1.2 manage information 2 / CTS,
HRH: CCS1080 Introductory 2010
Alberta Education, Alberta,
4.1.3 use numbers
4.1.4 think and solve problems
4.2 demonstrate personal management
skills to:
4.2.1 demonstrate positive
attitudes and behaviours
4.2.2 be responsible
4.2.3 be adaptable
4.2.4 learn continuously
4.2.5 work safely
4.3 demonstrate teamwork skills to:
4.3.1 work with others
4.3.2 participate in projects and

5. Make personal connections to the cluster
content and processes to inform possible
pathway choices
5.1 complete/update a personal inventory;
e.g., interests, values, beliefs, resources,
prior learning and experiences
5.2 create a connection between a
personal inventory and occupational


Student Contracts (Outcome 4) 20%
Students signify by signing contract that they will
demonstrate fundamental skills to:
use numbers
think and solve problems
demonstrate personal management skills to:
demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
be responsible
be adaptable
learn continuously
work safely
demonstrate teamwork skills to:
work with others
participate in projects and tasks

We will review each aspect of the contract as a class and determine what each
skill looks like and how they can accomplish them. This assessment will be an
all or nothing grade. If they sign the contract and have maintained all of these
attributes through out the course they will receive 100 % on this assignment.
If they breach this contract then we will first have a meeting and decide how
they can resolve these issues. If they do not demonstrate by the end of the
course that they can adhere to the contract then they will not receive a grade
for this portion.

Short Answer Exam (Outcome 1) 20%
In a short answer exam, students will show there understanding of
volunteerism by explain the role of volunteers in a community. Students will
define volunteerism and altruism.
Students will describe the personal rewards available by volunteering,
self-esteem and self-fulfillment
learning and career awareness
enhanced community awareness
career awareness
health and wellness
Students will also justify the essential characteristics of a volunteer, including:
resource/time management
adherence to rules and regulations
sense of humour
Students will outline several volunteer opportunities in a community. Students
will describe societal benefits of volunteerism
Students will outline the clients responsibilities in the volunteering
relationship. Students will describe considerations for personal safety related
to volunteering . We will spend time going over all of these aspects in class.
This will be a take home exam assignment. The fact that this is a written test
should allow the students time to learn and reflect on each answer. I believe
that by taking this test home after much classroom discussion students should
be able to answer and understand the outcomes better.

Log Hours (Outcome 2.3) 5%
Students will log 15 of their volunteer hours with signature from student,
supervising teacher and client. This is a mandatory aspect of the course.

Volunteer Proposal (Outcome 2.1, 2.2) 5%
Students will create a proposal for the teacher. They will decide which stream
of volunteering they wish to pursue when logging their 15 hours. They will
choose a suitable community placement that will enhance interests and
abilities. They will include a job description, outlining their duties and
expectations, which meet the approval of the supervising teacher and client.
Students must complete proposal before entering the volunteer practicum. The
teacher must approve the volunteer proposal.

Goals and Summative Reflection (Outcome 3.1, 3.3) 10%
Students will describe experiences and personal reflections related to the
volunteering activities. Students will create a goal for the course at the
beginning of the course. They will reflect at the end of the course how they did
or did not achieve their goal. They will also summarize goals for future
volunteering experiences based on personal reflections and interviews with
the client at the end of the course.

Interview (Outcome 3.2.1, 3.2.2) 20%
The teacher will interview both student and client to evaluate personal
performance as a volunteer and identify areas for growth and development as
a volunteer. I will use a rubric for this portion. Students will self evaluate and
the teacher will evaluate as well. The combined mark will be the final mark.

Observation (Outcome 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 2.3) Formative assessment
The teacher will come and observe student in volunteer setting at least once
during the course of the term. The teacher will debrief students after
observation to evaluate personal performance as a volunteer and identify
areas for growth and development as a volunteer.

Volunteer Portfolio (Outcome 5) 20%
This portfolio will be a compilation of all of the work the students have done
through out this course. It will include:
Student Contract
Log Hours
Observation notes
Summative reflection
As well as:
A complete/update a personal inventory; e.g., interests, values, beliefs,
resources, prior learning and experiences
Students will create a connection between a personal inventory and
occupational choices
There will be a rubric to evaluate this portfolio.

Assessment Exemplars

Student-Teacher Contract

By signing this contract I will pledge to abide by the following:

I will demonstrate fundamental skills to:
communicate with others
use numbers
think and solve problems

I will demonstrate personal management skills to:
demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
be responsible
be adaptable
learn continuously
work safely
demonstrate teamwork skills to:
work with others
participate in projects and tasks

If the teacher or volunteer client feel at anytime that you are not following these amendments then
action will be taken. Depending on the severity students will receive 1 warning and a meeting with the
teacher. In this meeting students will discuss how improvements can be made. If the improvements
have not been improved upon by the end of this course students will receive a failing grade for this
contract. If there are improvements made then students will receive full grade.

By signing this contract I am signifying I understand and accept these terms and conditions

Student Signature Date:

Teacher Signature Date:

Name: ___________________ Date: ______________

Short Answer Take Home Exam

1. Define in your own words what volunteerism and altruism are. (2 points)



2. Describe the at least 4 personal rewards by volunteering what they look
like. (8 points)


3. In at least 1 to 2 or more sentences explain why the following are essential
characteristics of a volunteer:
(7 points)
resource/time management
adherence to rules and regulations
sense of humour

4. Identify at least 3 volunteer opportunities in a community that you can think
of or that we talked about in class. (3 points)

5. Describe the societal benefits of volunteerism (2 points)

6. Students will outline the clients responsibilities in the volunteering
relationship. (1 point)

7. Describe considerations for personal safety related to volunteering.
(2 points)

Volunteer Proposal Rubric


Outcome Meeting Expectation
Not Meeting Expectation
Students will
choose a
that will
interests and
Student described clearly
why the volunteer
opportunity is a suitable
community placement
that will their enhance,
interests, and abilities
Student minimally, unclearly, or
did not at all describe why the
volunteer opportunity is a suitable
community placement that will their
enhance, interests, and abilities
Students will
include job
Student included a
detailed job description
of their duties and
expectations as a
Students did not include or
included a minimal job
description of their duties and
expectations as a volunteer

Teacher was able to contact client and make arrangements for student to
commence volunteering and log 15 hours

Signed by Teacher:


Log Sheet

Students Name _________________________________________

Name Volunteer Organization ____________________________







Total Hours: __________ (Min 15)

Beginning Goal Sheet
Name: ____________________________

What are my goals for this class?

How will I reach these goals?

What is my time frame?

What tools/resources exist that can help me achieve these goals?

End Goal Sheet
Name: ______________________

Did I achieve my goals?

If I did achieve them how did I do it? If not why do I think I didnt achieve

What are some future goals I have based on my experiences in class and
in my volunteering practicum?

Personal Reflection
Now you will create a personal reflection on your experiences in this course.
Please describe experiences and reflections related to the volunteering
activities. Please include a summary of goals for future volunteering
experiences based on personal reflections and interviews with the client and
teacher at the end of the course. Please reflect on your current understand of
volunteerism and qualities of a volunteer. Has it changed since the beginning of
the course? How?
You may type your reflection and attach it to this Goal and Reflection booklet or
you can write it by hand below. Although their will be no extra marks added for
creativity, if you decide you would like to express this self reflection in another
way talk to the teacher and get it preapproved (example a video or stop motion
film etc.) be creative!

Personal Reflection Rubric
Name: ___________________________ /5

Outcomes Meeting
Not Meeting
Student will
related to the
Student insightfully
experiences and
reflections related
to the volunteering
Student minimally
experiences related
to the volunteering.
Does not include
Student does not
experiences and
reflections related
to the
Student will
reflect on
their current
and the
qualities of a
Student reflects in
detail on their
current understand
of volunteerism and
the qualities of a
Student describes
how it has changed
or is still the same
from their
definition at the
beginning of the
Student reflects
minimally on their
current understand
of volunteerism and
the qualities of a
volunteer. Student
minimally describes
or does not describe
how it has changed
or is still the same
from their definition
at the beginning of
the course.
Student does not
reflect on their
understand of
volunteerism and
the qualities of a
Student does not
describe how it
has changed or is
still the same from
their definition at
the beginning of
the course.

Student will include a
summary of goals for
future volunteering
experiences based on
personal reflections
and interviews with the
client and teacher at the
end of the course
Student includes a summary
of goals for future
volunteering experiences
based on personal reflections
and interviews with the
client and teacher at the end
of the course
Student does not
include a summary of
goals for future
experiences based on
personal reflections and
interviews with the
client and teacher at the
end of the course (0)

Student Interview Self - Assessment Rubric

/12 Name: ______________________________________________


I . 3 2 1-0
showed areas of growth and
development as a volunteer.
I showed
areas of
growth and
as a
I showed
little growth
as a
I did not show
any growth
as a
Did my job as a volunteer to
the best of my abilities.
All the time Some of the
I did not do
the job to the
best of my
Made sure safety as my
All the time Some of the
I did not keep
safety as my
Embodied the essential
characteristics of a volunteer:
adherence to rules and
sense of humour (when

All the time Some of the
I did not
embody the
of a volunteer.

Client and Teacher Interview Rubric

/12 Name: _____________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________

The Student .. 3 2 1-0
showed areas of growth and
development as a volunteer.
The student
areas of
growth and
as a
The student
showed little
growth and
as a
The student
did not show
any growth
as a
did their job as a volunteer to
the best of their abilities.
All the time Some of the
The student
did not do the
job to the best
of my abilities
made sure safety was priority
through out the practicum.
All the time Some of the
The student
did not keep
safety as my
embodied the essential
characteristics of a volunteer:
adherence to rules and
sense of humour (when

All the time Some of the
The student
did not
embody the
s of a
Volunteer Portfolio
Name: __________________________

Outcomes 2 1-0
Students included every Students included every Students not included
work that they have
done through out the
course in their portfolio.
Student Contract
Log Hours
Observation notes

work that they have
done through out the
course in their portfolio.
every work that they
have done through out
the course in their
Students have completed
and/or updated a
personal inventory; e.g.,
interests, values, beliefs,
resources, prior learning
and experiences. It is
included in their

Students have completed
and/or updated a
personal inventory; e.g.,
interests, values, beliefs,
resources, prior learning
and experiences. It is
included in their

Students have not
completed a personal
inventory; e.g., interests,
values, beliefs, resources,
prior learning and
experiences. It is
included in their

Students will create a
connection between a
personal inventory and
occupational choices

Students have created a
connection between a
personal inventory and
occupational choices
using short reflection in
the medium of their

Students have not
included or created a
clear connection
between a personal
inventory and
occupational choices
using short reflection in
the medium of their

Instructional Explanation

For the beginning of the course, I will have to do some direct instruction. I
will however include activities that link to each lesson that involve students
engaging in meaningful learning. As the course continues it will be more
activity and discussion based. There will be limited direct instruction and more
direct engaged learning and hands on learning. Lesson will directly scaffold
assessments. They will also scaffold a successful practicum. Students will have
time in class to prepare and complete assessments. In each activity and lesson I
will differentiate for visual tactile and auditory learning styles. I will
incorporate numeracy and literacy into my course. I will also make sure that
lessons and outcomes are clearly stated at the beginning of each lesson.

Web Based

CCS1080: Making Connections to Your Community

Before you read, complete the first two columns of the KWL chart below:
What I know about how
to connect with the

What I want to know
about how to connect
with the community
What I learned about
how to connect with the

How can you connect with the community you live in?

One way of connecting with the community you live in is to volunteer.
When you volunteer you do not get paid for the work you do. However,
volunteers do benefit from their unpaid work. One the ways volunteers are
recognized for the work they do in the community is through the Stars of
Alberta Volunteer Awards. The Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards recognize
extraordinary Albertans whose volunteer efforts have contributed to the well-
being of their community and fellow community members. Six awards, two in
each category of youth, adult and senior are presented annually on or around
International Volunteer Day, December 5. The Stars of Alberta Volunteer
Awards Program is an integral part of government's commitment to Albertas
voluntary sector. Seeking out ways to pay tribute to volunteers is part of the
Government of Alberta's way of acknowledging and thanking our volunteers
whose generous efforts contribute to the vibrant quality of life Albertans so

Taken from:

Now please fill in the last column of your KWL chart.


Volunteers have a real impact in their communities. They lead local
boards. They plan events. Volunteers run summer barbeques and oversee
neighbourhood safety programs. Volunteers work with the government to
address key issues in the community. Local initiatives such as these bring
people together to create a common vision for the future. Getting involved in a
neighbourhood/community association or condominium board is one of the
best ways to improve and maintain the quality of life in your immediate
Local activities bring people together to build stronger communities. They
allow everyone to have a say in shaping the community. Through volunteering,
everyone has a voice.
See more at:

Activity 1:

What are the volunteer opportunities in your community?

In this activity you will explore what opportunities there are in your local
community for volunteerism. You will pick 3 opportunities to explore. Once
you have researched these 3 opportunities then you will create a video blog

Links to find local opportunities :

In your Vlog you will talk about the following areas in each of the 3 volunteer
How does the volunteer opportunity effect and benefit the local
What is the job description of the volunteer?
Would you have an interest in this particular volunteer opportunity why
or why not?
When you have finished your vlog email me the link to your video.


Activity 2:

Now that you have some ideas on volunteer opportunities in the local
community lets explore the world of opportunities across the globe for
Please use Internet to research some global volunteer opportunities. Then
answer the following questions in the forum attached below.

What are some global opportunities to volunteer?
Why should we volunteer in the global community?
What are some advantages to global volunteerism?

Possible research websites:

Submit the forum to your Moodle account under the making connections link.

Conclusion of Learning
Now you have a better understanding of how to make connections with in your
local and global community. Please fill out what you have learned in the last
column of the KWL chart that we started in the Introduction to consolidate
your learning.

Sample Lesson

Societal and Numeracy Values in

Outcome 4
4.1 demonstrate fundamental skills to:
4.1.1 communicate
4.1.3 use numbers
4.1.4 think and solve problems
Outcome 1
1.4 outline several volunteer opportunities in a community
1.5 describe societal benefits of volunteerism

Numeracy skills

Students will:
1. calculate the amount of money he/she saved the school by volunteering.
2. calculate how much money volunteers save organizations.
3. prepare a skit or poster to promote volunteerism.
4. present the skit to the class or poster.

Alberta Program of studies CTS:
Community Volunteerism

List of local organizations with
the number of volunteer hours
(Local organizations that
receive money from United
Way have these figures that
can be attained by calling the
individual organizations.)
Exit cards
Smart board presentation

Introduction Time
Attention Grabber Count out in front of the class $10.20 in
real money (or whatever the current
minimum wage is). Tell the class that
their time is worth at least this amount
per hour. Ask the students what they
think the total would be if they got paid
minimum wage for each of the hours
they spent on a school project. (They can
make a few guesses.) Tell them that
although they were volunteers, the
students work has a value to society.
Volunteers throughout all communities
have a monetary value. Were going to
talk about that value today.

5 min
Assessment of Prior
I will ask students
if they know what minimum wage is?
If they believe that volunteers have
societal value?

5 min
Expectations for
Learning and Behavior
Engage in activities with positive and
productive behaviour
I will explain and post the agenda on the
board as well as the objective of this
1 min
Body Time
Learning Activity #1 I will have the students propose and
discuss a method for figuring out how
many hours the class spent a hypothetical
on the video project. This will be in small
groups. Then have them calculate the
monetary value.

Have the students either individually or
with a partner figure out how many
hours the class put into making and
presenting the hypothetical video for the
fifth graders. Make sure they count all of
the students, all of the time videotaping,
editing, writing the script and presenting.

After they have a figure, have them
multiply it by the minimum wage. Go
around the class and have them share
their figures. Conduct a class discussion,
asking these questions:
Are you surprised at how much
money you saved the school?
What other benefits do you think
that the school received from you
doing this project?
Why might these figures be low?
(Most people earn more then the
minimum wage, especially for
skilled/specialized work.)

20 mins
I will observe through out discussion and
discussion questions.

Learning Activity #2 I will place a list of local organizations 15 mins
and the number of volunteer hours that
they had for the last year on the smart

I will briefly explain what each
organization does for our community.

I will then assign an organization to each
pair of students. Using the minimum-
wage figure, the students calculate how
much those volunteers saved those
organizations by giving their time.

When the students are finished, they
write the figure on the smart board under
the appropriate organization

Formatively check that the monetary
values are correct. Assess formatively
understanding through discussion and
answers on the smart board.
Learning Activity #3 As a class, discuss and review the
definition of philanthropy (the giving and
sharing of time,
Talent or treasure intended for
the common good. Then discuss the
different ways that this money is used to
help their community and also society as
a whole (the common good).

Divide the students up into groups and
challenge each group to plan a
creative commercial (persuasive skit
with props) or poster to encouraging
people to volunteer. After they have all
finished, allow class time for them to
present their commercials or posters.
Schedule with other teachers for groups
15 mins
to present the skits to other classes.
Continue this tomorrow.
I will observe and facilitate discussion.
Then I will observe skits and posters for
formative feedback.
Closure Time
Assessment for Learning: Formative
Discussion whole class and small
group and individual feedback.
Skits/posters and presentation.

Feedback From Students: Thumbs up or down for more time to
finish skit /poster.

Exit Card
1. What are 2 things I learned to day
about volunteerism?
2. What do I still want to know about
3. 2 questions I have are

5 mins
Feedback To Students Tell them how great the discussions
were today.
Formative Feedback also through out the
lesson with peers and with the teacher.
1 min
Transition To Next
Next lesson will continue working on
skits/posters and then present them.
.5 min

Record Book
(see spread sheet)

Classroom Management

In community volunteerism I am trying to get the students ready to act
appropriately in volunteer setting. On the first day we will discuss respect n
the classroom. Respect for them selves, the environment, and others. We will
discuss each aspect of their student teacher contract that they will sign the
next day. If any of those things are not being followed through out the course
then they will receive one warning. This warning means they have a one on
one meeting with me and we will discuss the problem and how we can
improve it. After this warning students must improve this behaviour and
depending on severity they could possible lose 20% of their grade through the
contract. If the problem is very serious such that it is possibly unsafe and
endangering themselves or others, illegal etc. then it will be dealt with
administration and the teacher. During their practicum I will be observing
them in the volunteer setting. I will also be in weekly contact with their client.
If there is a serious issue between the client and student then it will be dealt
with by the teacher and the client. Depending on severity student could
possibly be removed from the practicum.

Below is my policy on technology abuse in the classroom.


I believe that technology can become an active learning tool in my
students education. My policy for technology use in my classroom is reflective
of this belief. This policy will be emailed and/ or sent home in a latter to
parents. It will also be available on the class website. I will also go through
each of the policies with students in class the first day. They will also sign a
student-teacher contract including this policy indicating that they understand
and will adhere to the policy.
Each policy below includes a description of the policy and a rationale to
why it is in place.

In our classroom I expect students to have mobile devices on the desk at
all times. I incorporate many learning opportunities in class where phones can
be used such as polls, research, online questions etc. in our classroom. This
makes it important that my students have their phones accessible in class.
Mobile devices can be used as tools for learning but they also can be a
distraction for students. My students must have their phones on silent at all
times in my classroom. Any sounds or rings that the device can produce can be
very distracting to fellow students and the teacher. Their use of the mobile
device must be for the educational purposes authorized by the teacher. I want
my students to be engaged and learning in class. Use of phones for other
purposes than educational purposes can be distracting for students. Misuse of
a device will lead to confiscation in a sealed envelope by the student in
front of the teacher and will remain in the teachers care. The envelope
will remain sealed as to show that the teacher has not tampered with or
used the students device. The first incident of misuse results in a one-
class confiscation. The second incident of misuse results in a full school
day confiscation. Any further misuse results in loss of use privileges in
the classroom. The teacher reserves the right to ban use of these devices
in the classroom if misuse continues or illegal use occurs.

I know certain students need music of quiet to work in class to
concentrate or complete individual work. Therefore, I allow my students to use
music players during work periods. I will tell the students when it is okay to
take out their music player. If I find that this is being misused by listening
when I have not authorised students use of the music players then they
will have two warnings. I believe after two warnings students should be
able to understand that they need to make sure that they are using the
music player during the teacher authorised time. After those two
warnings have been given then the music player will be confiscated and
put in a sealed envelop by the student and given to the teacher until the
end of class.

When resources are available, using ipads, tablets, and computers are
great for engaging and enhancing learning in the classroom. When possible I
will integrate these great educational enhancing tools in our classroom. These
devices should be used appropriately for educational purposes only and be
treated with care. Students need to sign out their computer or tablet device
using the sign in and out forms provided by the teacher. When they have
finished using that device it needs to be signed back in. Students need to use
devices in a respectful manner and will conduct themselves according to our
digital citizenship guidelines. These digital citizenship guidelines have and will
be discussed many times through out the school year (they are also referred to
at the bottom of this document.) Students need to be respectful of these
devices. We need to make sure that these devices last a long time and are in
good condition so we can use them again and so that others may use them as
well. Any physical harm will be accredited to the person that last signed
out the device. If you as a student see any damage on the device before
you sign it out, you must make it known to the teacher and they will
record the damage. Any illegal misuse, breach of digital citizenship, or
damage to the devices or computers may result in a loss of privileges of
use. Any serious offense may also be dealt with by administration in
consequences they see fit.

Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship will be discussed thoroughly and in-depth in this class.
In my classroom there is a zero tolerance for bullying of any kind. If there is
any incident of bullying using technology the student will immediately banned
from the technology. They will have to have a meeting with the teacher and
administrator to determine consequences.

Social Context

Digital Connectivity culture
Using new and old technology in the classroom is crucial because of the
generation of students we will be teaching. We need to in cooperate
technologies that enhances student learning and thinking. There should be a
careful process when deciding which technologies are employed. The teacher
needs to remember not to use technology just to have it. The teacher needs to
use technology that will directly enhance the learning of the lesson. My unit
employs many different technologies that are designed to engage students
interests. For example, I use the smart board in almost every class. I like using
the smart board because it allows me to stay at the board instead of behind my
computer, it can also be interactive for the students and it is also a great visual
tool. There will still be print and handouts but both traditional and new media
will be incorporated appropriately throughout the unit. Not all students will
have equal access out side of the classroom so I will provide all needed
technology in the classroom. I will sign out the laptops when applicable and
make sure that everyone is included with equal opportunity. I have policy
about phones that they do not need them unless they are ask them to bring
them out for educational purposes. (see technology policy)

My unit employs curriculum materials where both males and females are
equal included. I will make sure that there is not stereo-types in the job
opportunities as for volunteering are discussed. I will make sure there are
equal opportunities for both genders in my classroom.

Cultural Identity is a large part of who we are and by integrating it into
the unit we can make sure that students can identify themselves in the
curriculum. I do not believe that any of my material in class presents a
stereotypical view of any culture. We will discuss how volunteering can be a
commonality between cultures but each culture is diverse and distinct.
Depending on my student body I will bring aspect of their cultures into the
classroom to the best of my abilities.

Social Class
Creating equal opportunity in the classroom is something I strive for. I
will make sure that there is ample opportunity to complete work in class. I will
provide all materials needed. I will make sure that students fully understand
the material. If they are having problems finishing homework or projects I will
be available each noon hour or after school for extra help or to finish work.

Exceptional Learners

I will make sure that each learners need is meet through differentiation.
Career Technology Studies classes are some of the most flexible for
differentiated learning. Each lesson, I will make sure that there are tactile,
visual and auditory aspects. Students will work at their own pace in this class
and any extensions needed for assignments will be given to the students. If
students need accommodations for the assignments then they will be given to
the student. I left all of the reflections open ended so that if students feel they
can express them selves better through a different way then I have stated then
they can do so. If students need to be tested orally for the short exam then that
will be accommodated as well. I am very flexible in my teaching style and I
believe this allows for a very welcoming environment for both exceptional and
average learners.

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