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En route to the position of the distressed craft, the following equipment was made
ready for possible use.
Life saving and rescue equipment
Lifeboat, (Rescue boat)
Inflatable life raft
Life jacets
!ur"i"al suits for the crew
Life buoys
#reeches buoy
$ortable %&' radio for communication with the ship and boats deployed
Line throwing apparatus
#uoyant life lines
&auling lines
(on sparing boat hoos
Rescue basets
$ilot ladders
!crambling nets
)opies of the *International code of !ignals+
Radio equipment operating on ,'-&' and or %&'-.&' and capable of
communicating with the !,) and rescue facilities and with a facility for direction
finding (/')
!upplies and sur"i"al equipment
'ire0fighting equipment
$ortable ejector pumps
#ailer and oars
Signalling equipment
!ignalling lamps
'lare pistol with colour coded signal flares
'loating lights
!moe generators
'lame and smoe floats
/ye marers
Loud &ailers
Preparation for Medical assistance including
,edical supplies and medicines
!helter, including &ospital and spare cabins
Along with the above the following were also kept in state of
preparedness :
2 gantry crane for hoisting on each side of ship with a cargo net for reco"ery of
Line running from bow to stern at the water3s edge on both sides for boat and craft to
secure alongside.
4n the lowest weather dec pilot ladders and man ropes to assist sur"i"ors boarding
the "essel
%essel3s lifeboat ready for use as a boarding station
Line throwing apparatus ready for maing connection with either ship in distress or
sur"i"al craft
'loodlights set in appropriate locations.

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