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Michigan Web Quest

Introduction (including GLCE/Benchmark) (GLCE have

been replaced by Common Core Standards for English
Language Arts!)
You are a social studies teacher and its your job to tell your students about their state, the state
of Michigan. In order to give your students valid information, you must conduct some research.
You will set out on an online journey to learn important facts about Michigan such as its
population, the names of the Great Lakes, who first settled in Michigan, cultural makeup, major
industries ect. (A complete list of the facts you must obtain can be found in the task section of
the Web Quest). While you are conducting your search, you will keep track of your findings in
your My Michigan book. Once you find all of your required facts, you will then print off a
picture of and research a landmark, city or attraction in Michigan (each student will research a
different landmark/city/attraction). After all your facts have been discovered, you will share your
findings with your classmates.
Common Core ELA Standards, Grade 3
Reading Standards for Informational Text, Key Ideas and Details
1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the
text as the basis for the answers.
Reading Standards for Informational Text, Craft and Structure:
5. Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information
relevant to a given topic efficiently.
Writing Standards, Research to Build and Present Knowledge:
8. Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take
brief notes on sources and sort evidence into
provided categories.
Speaking and Listening Standards, Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas:
4. Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and
relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.
Language Standards, Knowledge of Language:
3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases for effect.*
b. Recognize and observe differences between the conventions of spoken and written
standard English
Language Standards, Conventions of Standard English:
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
A .Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their
functions in particular sentences.
b. Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns.
c. Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood).
d. Form and use regular and irregular verbs.
e .Form and use the simple (e.g.,I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.
f. Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.*
g. Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them
depending on what is to be modified.
h. Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
i. Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.
Social Studies GLCE
G4.0.1 Describe major kinds of economic activity in Michigan today, such as agriculture (e.g.,
corn, cherries, dairy), manufacturing (e.g., automobiles, wood products), services and tourism,
research and development (e.g., Automation Alley, life sciences corridor, university
communities), and explain the factors influencing the location of these economic activities.
H3.0.1 Identify questions historians ask in examining the past in Michigan (e.g., what happened?
When did it happen? Who was involved? How and why did it happen?)
METS Grades 3-5
3-5.CC. Communication and Collaboration - By the end of Grade 5 each student will use digital
communication tools (e.g., e-mail, wikis, blogs, IM, chat rooms,
videoconferencing, Moodle, Blackboard) and online resources for group learning.
3-5.TC. Technology Operations and Concepts - By the end of Grade 5 each
student will: use basic input and output devices (e.g., printers, scanners, digital cameras,
video recorders, projectors.
During your search, you will want to keep these things in mind:
1.) Who first settled in Michigan? Where?
2.) Why do certain industries only exist in certain parts of the state?
3.) How has the state changed throughout its history?
4.) Is our state really culturally diverse?
After your research is complete, you and your group will be sharing your information with the
entire class. You will do your research as a group; however each student must fill out their own
My Michigan book. You will each need to show this completed journal to your teacher along
with using the information collected in it as a source for your group presentation. Your
landmark/city research and paragraph will be done individually.
In your book (The book will be a separate link on the web quest); you will answer the following
What is the state of Michigans current population? ____________________________________
What are the major industries in Michigan? __________________________________________
What is the cultural make up of Michigan? __________________________________________
What is the capital of Michigan? __________________________________________________
What year did Michigan become a state? ___________________________________________
What cultural group first settled in Michigan? Where?
What is Michigans state bird? ___________________________________________________
What is Michigans state tree? ___________________________________________________
What is Michigans state flower? _________________________________________________
What are 3 major crops grown in Michigan? _______________________________________
Michigan has something that no other state has, Great Lakes. How many Great Lakes does
Michigan have? ____________ What are their names?
What are the 3 largest cities in Michigan? _________________________________________
Who is the governor of Michigan? ________________________________________________
What are 2 major attractions that can be found in Michigan?
______________________________________________________________ Have you ever
visited either of these? _________________________
What is something interesting you learned from your research that you didnt know about
Michigan? ______________________________________________________________
To begin, click on the map of Michigan and choose from one of three links. (The map of
Michigan would lead to three different kid friendly web pages with facts on Michigan)
Once youre done with your state research click the places in Michigan link (Students will find
the name of their city, landmark or major attraction and follow the link) Find the name of your
place and click on the link. This is your city, landmark or attraction to research. Using the
information from the provided web page, students will write 2-3 paragraphs about their selected
city, landmark or attraction and print a picture of their selected place from the web page.
1. Your class will be split into groups of 4-5 students.
2. Each group will work together to research Michigan.
3. Begin on the Task page and follow the directions from there.
4. Remember that you will be keeping yourMy Michigan book in order to collect the facts
and answers that you need for your group discussion.
5. Each student will find the name of their landmark/city and follow the link. Students will
click on this and find and take notes on important facts about this place.
6. Students will print off a picture of this landmark, city or attraction and use their findings
to write 2-3 paragraphs about their city, landmark or attraction of Michigan.
7. After you have researched Michigan and your place, you will gather with your group
members and share the facts you have collected.
8. In your group, you will discuss with the class at least 5 facts have found out about your
state as well as your place. You will also discuss what new facts you have discovered
about your state!
0 5 10
Poorly organized,
unclear, lacked in
knowledge of
facts/knowledge. Not
all group members
contributed. Only
discussed 1-2 facts
with class.
Discussed a minimum
of facts (3-4). All
group members didnt
participate equally,
needs more clarity
and organization.
Well presented and
well spoken
discussion. All group
members participated
equally. Discussed 5
or more facts with the
class in a clear and
organized manner.

0 5 10
Didnt answer the
questions or the
answers were not
relevant to the
Just listed answers to
the questions, didnt
Detailed answers to
detailed questions.
Book was filled out
completely and
included some of the
students own ideas
and experiences.
0 5 10
The students writing
had nothing to do with
the selected place.
Student only wrote 1
paragraph or less
about the topic.
The students writing
was about the topic,
but was very basic.
Paragraphs were short
(1-2 sentences),
sentences were not
well constructed.
The student was able
to elaborate on the
topic. The student
used correct
structure. Paragraphs
were at least 4
sentences long.
You now know more about the place you call home, the state of Michigan. You should be able to
share and recall these facts as we continue to explore and learn new thing about our home,
Michigan. Be sure to check online as well as in your local library to learn more about the state
you call home. I bet you can find a fact that is new to you, maybe even new to me or your
Site on Michigan:
State Facts:,4600,7-247-49069---,00.html
The State of Michigan:
Facts about Michigan:
Michigan Historical Cities/Landmarks:,statefips,26.cfm

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