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Student: Kelsie Whitehall Professor: Moroney

Course EDU 521.02 Date 06/17/2014

Grade: 3 Topic: Adjectives of Quality Content Area: English Language Learners (Beginner
and Intermediate)

Lesson Objectives:

After a mini-lesson on adjectives of quality students will complete an All About Me self-portrait
using the internet, students will also write a paragraph to go along with the portrait using
adjectives of quality with 80 % accuracy.

Domain: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.1-Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard
English, grammar, and usage when writing or speaking.
Standard: a.)Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general
and their functions in particular sentences.
ISTE:NETS Standards
2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media.
b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats.
c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other
d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

Indicator: This will be evident when students create three sentences using adjectives of quality
and when students play a game on the computer about adjectives of quality.
Engaging the Learners:
After completion of the mini-lesson on adjectives of quality the teacher will take out a box of
clothes and describe the clothes with the use of adjectives of quality. Students will then come up
and pick out clothes and describe the piece of clothing with adjectives of quality. Students will
also watch a video about adjectives of quality.


Worksheets with examples of adjectives of quality, clothing, All About Me example portrait, and
smart board lesson, I pad, and computer games for students.

Learning Strategies:
Activating prior knowledge, Teacher Demonstration, Scaffolding, Cooperative Learning,
Aesthetic Learning, and Individual Practice.


This is an English Language Learners classroom, so students will practice pronunciation along
with lesson, visuals will be provided to help students who are on a lower language level. For a
student with a hearing impaired disability teacher will provide an I Pad with pictures and some
adjectives of quality using sign language.

Tier 1: Struggling Learners: Students will complete the top of the worksheet, which includes
visuals independently. Part two of the worksheet will be completed in groups to help struggling
Tier 2: Average Learners: Students will complete the top of the worksheet independently,
students will then break into groups helping struggling learners complete part two of the
Tier 3: Advanced Learners: Students will complete part two of the worksheet independently or

Developmental Procedures:
1. Students will focus on teacher instruction, and repeat words for correct pronunciation.
2. Students will complete three examples with teacher as a class on adjectives of quality.
3. Teacher will take clothes and describe some of the items using adjectives of quality.
4. Students will come up pick out an item of clothing and describe it with at least three adjectives
of quality.
5. Teacher will hand out worksheets, students will complete Part one of the worksheet
independently, and teacher will circulate the room helping students who have difficulty.
6. Students will complete the rest of the worksheet, some students working independently, some
students working together.
7. Teacher will hand out All About Me Portrait and show an example of his/her own.
8. Students will begin their All About Me Portrait.

Artifacts and Assessment: (Formal and Informal)
1. Students will choose an item of clothing and describe the item using at least three adjectives of
quality, illustrating their understanding of adjectives of quality.
2. Students will complete examples from a worksheet independently and in groups, illustrating
students individual understanding of adjectives of quality.
3. Students will create an All About Me Portrait and paragraph using adjectives of quality to
describe their self and their life with 80% percent accuracy. Students will be able to use pictures
and find words on the internet to print out for their All About Me Portrait. (Formal Assessment)

Independent Practice
1. Students will write three sentences using adjectives of quality.
2. Students will create All About Me Portrait and paragraph.

Follow Up

Direct Teacher Interactions- Teacher will remind students of extra help hours. Teacher will
provide extra examples of adjectives of quality to help students who are struggling. Teacher will
also review the adjectives of quality in the next lesson to refresh students memory.

Academic Enrichment. Students will play a game on the computer that consists of questions
about adjectives of quality.

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