Thanksgiving Newsletter

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Mondays: Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Mondays:

Gym Music Library Gym Centers

At Home

1. Family Backpack:
Every Thursday, one
child will bring home
the family backpack
and participate in 2-3
simple activities with
their family.

2. Number Activities:
Once a week, children
will be sent home with
a simple number
activity to complete
with parents.

Contact Information Ms. Sims (734) 467-7594

Activity Schedule for November:
Notes from the teacher:

Our units for this month include: Healthy
Living, Transportation and Pilgrims.

Our big event for the month is our Family
Feast on 11/22. We will need a lot of help
prepping for this event. Please contact me if
you are able to assist with this event!

remember to:
Be thankful
for all that
you have!

Upcoming Events:
11/2 Healthy Food Parent Activity
11/3 Physical Activity Special Guest
11/4 Germ Activity
11/5 Dental Health Activity and
Family Game Night 6pm-8:30pm
11/9, 11/23, & 11/30 Guest Reader
11/13 Parent Class 11am
11/22 Family Feast 5:30pm
11/24-11/28- Thanksgiving Break

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