Hs Blue Alert Overview

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S t .

L o u i s P a r k P u b l i c S c h o o l s
Medical Emergency Protocol - High School
When a student, visitor, or staff member has an unexpected medical event, needs first aid, becomes
unconscious, or needs CPR:
1. If the person is in immediate danger/significantl in!ured:
"ial #$%&'()* on our phone
If ou feel the person is in immediate danger, call #11 first, then immediatel call the school
+he ,R-.+ -,,IC/ 0ill announce 12lue 3lert to Room 444441 on the intercom.
2lue 3lert +eam to respond to scene.
$. If the person is not in immediate danger :
Call the health office at 561*( for assistance
If ou are unable to reach the health office, call #%$&#$%&'()*, the 0ill contact the health office.
1. .otif them of our situation. If ou feel it is appropriate, as7 for the 2lue 3lert team
$. 8ive a brief description of the emergenc:
a. Who9 Where9 What happened9
:. If needed, send another person to as7 an adult for help or call out to alert people in a nearb
'. "o not move the victim , do not touch blood, sta 0ith the victim.
%. ;ove other people out of the area and provide for the victim<s privac.
6. If ou=ve been helping the victim, please sta until the 2lue 3lert team or /mergenc personnel
arrive and until ou feel comfortable leaving the situation or the situation is under control.
). Confidentialit should be maintained throughout the event.
+he 2>?/ 3>/R+ +/3; 0ill respond to the scene to provide treatment as needed. +he 2lue 3lert team
0ill assume care of the victim, cro0d control, direct paramedics, contact parent/guardian, etc.
Primar 2lue 3lert +eam 2lue 3lert @upport +eam
"iana @ingleton & CPR / 3/" certified /ileen >ee
Aim 8uettler & CPR / 3/" certified ;arce /dgar
3m 2ercham & CPR / 3/" certified 8reg 2uc7
3llison >us7e & CPR / 3/" certified +im @ension
Aari @ch0ietering & CPR / 3/" certified Bod Pflipsen
3l Wachut7a & CPR / 3/" certified
Benn ;agdal & CPR / 3/" certified
Bessica 8ust & CPR / 3/" certified
@cott ;eers Aari @ch0ietering >iaison -fficer
All Staff Please do not allow students to leave your classroom on passes. Close classroom
doors if the medical emergenc is in our hall0a.
Information needed: >ocation:
WC-9 @>P Cigh @chool
WC/R/9 6'$% West ::
WC3+ C3PP/./"9 @t. >ouis Par7, ;. %%'$6 Room 544444444444

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