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Name ________________________

grade Math Test: Adding and Subtracting numbers
1. Write the doubles number sentence that
helps solve:

8 + 9 = 17

_____+_____= _____

Write the fact families for the following
numbers 9, 2, 7
_____+_____= _____

_____+_____= _____

_____-_____= _____

_____-_____= _____

2. Circle which is true for the following
number sentence
4 + 6 = 10

A) It is a doubles fact
B) It is a doubles plus one
C) It is a doubles plus two

Ali lost some of her s
3. Solve:

6 + 6 =

7 + 7 =

4. Kate found four stickers in her
backpack. Alex found the same number in
her backpack. How many stickers did they
both find in all?

5. What is the missing number

_____- 3= 5

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