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viii Preface to the series
xii Preface
1 Introduction 1
2 What are Rasayana? 4
3 Tridosha 10
4 Rasayana preparations 13
5 Aak (Calotropis spp.) 16
6 Akrakara (Anacyclus pyrethrum) 20
A!a"aki (Phyllanthus emblica) 22
# Anant!u" (Hemidesmus indicus) 43
$ Ash%a&andha (Withania somnifera) 46
10 'ada! (Prunus amygdalus) 5$
11 'a"a (Sida spp.) 64
12 'ans"ochan 1
13 'ha"atak (Semecarpus anacardium) 4
14 'hrin&ra( (Eclipta prostrata) #0
15 'huia!"a (Phyllanthus spp.) #6
16 'rah!i (acopa monnieri) $4
1 )hitrak (Plumbago !eylanica) $#
1# )huara (Phoeni" dactylifera) 102
1$ *raksha (#itis $inifera) 105
20 +aduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 10
21 +okshru (Tribulus terrestris) 116
vi Contents
22 +u&&a" (Commiphora wightii) 124
23 ,aritaki (Terminalia chebula) 135
24 ,in& (Ferula foetida) 141
25 -aipha" and -avitri (%yristica fragrans) 144
26 .a/a/ )hini (Piper cubeba) 14
2 .a"!e&h (Andrographis paniculata) 151
2# .a%anch (%ucuna pruriens) 15
2$ .eshar (Crocus sati$us) 164
30 .ikar (Acacia nilotica) 10
31 .uch"a (Strychnos nu" $omica) 15
32 .u"an(an (Alpinia galanga) 1#0
33 .utaki (Picrorhi!a &urrooa) 1#4
34 .uth (Saussurea Spp') 1$0
35 0a"akan&ani (Celastrus paniculatus) 1$6
36 0andukparni (Centella asiatica) 200
3 0undi (Sphaeranthus indicus) 20$
3# 0us"i (Curculigo orchioides) 212
3$ 1ee! (A!adirachta indica) 215
40 2eepa"i (Piper longum) 21$
41 2unernava (oerha$ia diffusa) 22
42 2ushkar!u" ((nula racemosa) 233
43 3a"ai +u&&a" (oswellia serrata) 23
44 3a"ep ()rchis latifolia) 242
45 3e!a" 0us"i (omba" ceiba) 24
46 3hankhpushpi (Con$ol$ulus pluricaulis) 250
4 3hata%ari (Asparagus racemosus) 255
4# 3o! 4as (Amanita muscaria) 262
4$ 3onth (*ingiber of+cinale) 265
50 5a"a!khana (Hygrophila spinosa) 20
51 5u"si ()cimum tenui,orum) 22
52 6acha (Acorus calamus) 2#1
53 6ata 6riksh (Ficus spp') 2#$
Contents vii
54 6atsna/h (Aconitum spp.)
55 6i/hitaki (Terminalia bellirica)
56 6idari .and (Pueraria tuberosa)
5 6idhara (Argyreia speciosa)
5# 3o!e Rasayana 7or!u"ations
(nde" 33
hat are 4asa8ana- 4 W
2 What are
5he a&ents %hich cure /od8 and !enta" diseases9 de"a8 o"d a&e9 increase !enta"
po%er9 &eneratin& po%er9 vita" ener&89 e8esi&ht9 i!part inte""i&ence9 !e!or89
aid proper di&estion and c"ear co!p"exion are Rasayana (3hastri9 1$$). 5hese
nourish the %ho"e /od8 /8 stren&thenin& the pri!ordia" tissue Rasa9 the essence
o7 a"" 7ood %e take9 and %hich the /od8 can assi!i"ate. I7 this essence is %e""
distri/uted in a"" s8ste!s9 the /od8 re!ains hea"th8. '8 their ph8sico:che!ica"
action Rasayana puri78 and pro!ote dhatus (tissue). 5he8 au&!ent the /od8;s
disease resistance capacit89 as %e"" as the a/i"it8 7or restorative reaction and
counteract a"" the de"eterious e77ects inc"udin& that o7 a&ein&.
5he Rasayana keep tissues9 en<8!es9 !e!/ranes and tran=ui"it8 o7 the !ind
in their nor!a" 7unctionin& conditions throu&h ana/o"ic processes. 5he8 he"p
i7 the tissues have /eco!e inactive9 are to /e revita"i<ed and their co!position
chan&ed. 5he8 achieve this /8 increasin& bala9 the ph8sio"o&ica" and
i!!uno"o&ica" stren&th o7 the /od8. 5he8 are &ood 7or a"" peop"e9 at a"" sta&es9
at a"" ti!es /ut the8 do not prevent a&ein& and do not assure i!!orta"it8.
Rasayana !a8 /e co!pared to a"teratives9 %hich %ork as blood cleansers
/8 their diuretic and antihepatotoxic action. A"teratives a"so restore the proper
7unctions o7 the /od8 and increase hea"th and vita"it8 (,o77!ann9 1$$#). 5he8
a"ter the /od8;s !eta/o"is! in various %a8s so that the tissue can /est dea" %ith
the ran&e o7 7unction 7ro! nutrition to e"i!ination. 3o!e o7 these her/s
e"i!inate %aste 7ro! the /od8 throu&h kidne89 "iver9 "un& or skin9 %hi"e others
%ork /8 sti!u"atin& di&estive 7unctions and sti"" others act as anti!icro/ia" a&ents.
3o!e Rasayana a"so he"p in the disposa" o7 %aste ama' Agni is the /io"o&ica" >re
/urnin& inside the /od89 %hich acts on 7ood so that ener&8 is &enerated /8
di&estion. I7 %aste is not excreted 7ro! the /od8 proper"8 and ama is deposited
in the tissues9 it !a8 distur/ various s8ste!s. 5he her/s are &iven to stren&then
the tissue to counteract a"" the i"" e77ects o7 ama'
In A8urveda9 hu!an "i7e has /een divided into 7our spans accordin& to &ro%th
and deve"op!ent?
1 @ro! /irth to the a&e o7 209 a"" tissues o7 the /od8
2 20 A 40 8ears o7 a&e9 tissues continue to
3 40 A 60 8ears is the a&e o7 sta&nation. I7 an individua" has a /a"anced diet9
"i7e9 ade=uate nourish!ent9 and is 7ree o7 %orries and anxiet89 the person
!aintain &ood hea"th. At this sta&e the !enta" activities expand9 and po%er
(ud&!ent increases.
What are 4asa8ana-
4 A7ter the a&e o7 609 in spite o7 &ood =ua"it8 o7 "i7e9 senescence starts.
0eta/o"is! o7 the tissues decreases9 %aste is not excreted proper"89 and the
/one (oints /eco!e dr8 and >xed.
5he /od8 can /e re(uvenated at sta&es 3 and 4 and durin& senescence /8
Rasayana. 5hese can /e used as a dietar8 supp"e!ent9 /ut in the case o7 chronic
diseases9 o"d a&e9 etc. %here &aya &alp (re(uvenation) is re=uired9 a specia"
treat!ent9 ca""ed Rasayana therap89 is provided under the supervision o7 !edica"
'e7ore the start o7 actua" therap89 the interna" and externa" or&ans o7 the /od8
are c"eansed and the s8ste! is !ade !ore receptive to assi!i"ation o7 !edication.
It has /een stressed that Rasayana ad!inistered %ithout these treat!ents is "ike
seed so%n on /arren "and9 7ro! %here no &ood resu"ts can /e expected. 5his
pretreat!ent is &iven on"8 to those persons %ho have enou&h stren&th to /ear it.
Pretreatment for Rasayana
Samshodhna (.iet
Bne %eek /e7ore the start o7 therap89 the person shou"d resort to a si!p"e
diet consistin& o7 on"8 stea!ed ve&eta/"es and 7resh 7ruits. ,e shou"d not /e
&iven su&ar9 a"coho" or ani!a" products. 0i"k and hone8 are a""o%ed.
Purvakarma (Preparatory
Invo"ves !assa&e %ith %ar! oi"9 and app"ication o7 heat on the /od8 /8 a
!assa&e therapist. 5he !assa&e shou"d /e so vi&orous that a "ar&e a!ount o7
"atent heat o7 the /od8 is &enerated. @or this purpose sesa!e oi" is &enera""8
used /ut so!e: ti!es so!e other !edicated oi"s9 %hich are supposed to have
/etter properties9 are app"ied.
Panchkarma (Cleansing of internal organs of
the body)
#irechna pur&in& to c"ean the s!a"" intestine
asti to c"ean the "ar&e intestine
#amna e!etics to c"ean the sto!ach
/aysya nasa" drops to c"ear the respirator8 passa&e
Ra&tao&sha /"ood"ettin& /8 "eeches !a8 /e done to those patients %ho
6 What are
have excess o7 /"ood in their /od8. 1o%ada8s /"ood is donated
to the /"ood /ank. It is optiona".
What are 4asa8ana-

Administration of
A7ter panch&arma the patient is ad!itted into a hut (&uti pr$eshi&a) 7or the
ad!inistra: tion o7 Rasayana preparations. 5he hut shou"d /e in a po""ution:7ree
area9 %e"" venti: "ated9 7acin& north9 and painted %ith s"aked "i!e to !ake it
5he preparations re=uired durin& Rasayana therap8 var89 at the discretion o7 the
hea"th provider. +enera""8 the patient is &iven a restricted diet9 a"on& %ith on"8
that =uantit8 o7 !edication %hich the patient can easi"8 di&est. 5he !edicine
shou"d /e 7u""8 uti": i<ed /8 the /od8 and not passed into 7aeces undi&ested. 5he
!edicine shou"d not create an8 di&estive distur/ance9 such as indi&estion9
h8peracidit8 or constipation. I7 an8 o7 these conditions persist 7or so!e ti!e9 a
"axative or a co"on c"eanser shou"d /e &iven.
,er/s such as &ar"ic9 neem0 amala&i9 etc. %ere co!!on"8 used 7or this therap8
/ut no% po"8her/a" preparations %ith ani!a" products such as !usk9 a!/er9
cora"9 pear"9 &e!s9 !inera"s9 and !eta"s are prescri/ed. 3o!e o7 the 7or!u"ations
!a8 consist o7 red su"phide o7 !ercur89 prepared in the presence o7 &o"d9 a"on&
%ith processed poisonous her/s "ike aconite9 nux vo!ica9 etc. 5he preparation is
&iven to the patient in the ear"8 hours o7 the !ornin& (%ithin three hours o7 sunrise).
*urin& ad!inistration o7 !ercuria" co!pounds9 the patient shou"d have a pure
ve&etarian diet. ,e shou"d not re!ain thirst8 or hun&r8. ,e shou"d avoid
excessive s"eep9 s%i!!in&9 ta"kin&9 an&er9 sadness9 desire9 excessive happiness9
/athin&9 %orr89 irritation9 depression9 sex9 and 7ra&rances. ,e shou"d "ead a
si!p"e9 pious9 and re"i&ious "i7e.
A7ter &uti pre$esh9 the patient shou"d start steadi"8 %ith a diet o7 rice %ater9
7o""o%ed /8 rice &rue"9 rice and sp"it /eans9 rice %ith /eans9 and >na""8 he
!a8 /e &iven a nor!a" diet %ith a teaspoon7u" o7 ghee (/utter oi"). 5he patient
shou"d re!ain in a re"axed condition9 and shou"d have a %ho"e /od8 !assa&e
dai"8 %ith %ar! sesa!e oi". 5his treat!ent is said to !ake the arteries so7ter and
s!oother9 the constitution o7 the /"ood chan&es9 c"ots are disso"ved9 and ne% ce""s
are 7or!ed.
#a1i&arna are A8urvedic aphrodisiacs9 and !a8 /e used in p"ace o7 Rasayana.
5here is no c"ear:cut distinction /et%een the t%o9 and these !a8 /e su/stituted 7or
each other. In &enera" #a1i&arna are used 7or the production and puri>cation o7
shu&ra (this ter! is used 7or vita" Cuid9 and a"so 7or sper! and sper!atic Cuid).
5he vita" Cuid is con: sidered the essence o7 a"" 7unctions o7 the /od89 %hich
resu"t in 7a!e9 /eaut89 stren&th and po%er' It is the resu"t o7 a"" !eta/o"ic
activities o7 the hu!an /od8. I7 an8 s8ste! o7 the /od8 is distur/ed9 the
7or!ation o7 vita" Cuid does not take p"ace9 /ut in a person %ho is hea"th89
ener&etic9 active9 has &ood di&estion9 s"eep9 active "i7e9 nutritive diet9 re&u"ated
routine9 a &ood househo"d at!osphere9 a77ectionate %i7e9 and %ho consu!es
!i"k9 ghee9 citrus 7ruits and sta8s a%a8 7ro! excessive a!orous activities9 the vita"
Cuid does not &et dep"eted and hence these persons do not re=uire an8 !edica:
tion (aphrodisiac).
# What are
Some recent research on Rasayana and
2uri (1$0a9 /9 1$19 1$2) &ave an account o7 the her/s used in various
Rasayana and
#a1i&arna preparations. 5he other studies carried out on these aspects are as
What are 4asa8ana-
or menta! diseases
Ddupa (1$3) %as the >rst to stud8 the e77ects o7 her/s used as Rasayana on
ps8cho: so!atic stress. 3in&h and 0urth8 (1$#$) treated patients %ith epi"eps8
s8ndro!e %ith various Rasayana preparations 7or one 8ear. 3event8:>ve per cent
o7 patients had "ess severe >ts. *%ivedi and 3in&h (1$$2) prescri/ed %edhya
Rasayana (the her/s said to /e a /rain tonic)9 7or convu"sive disorders. 5he
treat!ent sho%ed si&ni>cant i!prove: !ent in ter!s o7 7re=uenc89 duration and
severit8 o7 sei<ures. 2ande8 and 2ande8 (1$$5) used Rasayana /ecause o7 their
sedative and tran=ui""i<in& propert8 7or the treat!ent o7 ps8cho"o&ica" and
ps8choso!atic disorders. 5hese preparations reduced anxiet89 apprehension9 and
kept the !ind ca"! and coo".
As adapto"ens and imm#nomod#!ators
3rivastava et al. (1$$0) tried Rasalyana preparations on peop"eEpersons exposed to
hi&h a"titudes. 5hese her/s a"so he"ped in &enera"i<ed %eakness ( -a8ara! et
al. 1$$3). 2raveen .u!ar et al. (1$$4) noted that the ora" ad!inistration o7
Rasayana prepara: tions protected !ice 7ro! c8c"ophospha!ide:induced
"eukopaenia. In this case %hite /"ood ce"" count increased and there %as an
increase in /one !arro% ce""u"arit8. 5he her/s %ere 7ound use7u" in
che!otherap8:induced !8e"osuppression.
Wa&ner (1$$4)9 a7ter a detai"ed stud89 conc"uded that Rasayana preparations9
%hich act /oth as her/a" i!!unosti!u"ants and adapto&ens9 re&u"ate the
i!!uno"o&ica" and endocrine s8ste!s9 %ith re"ative "o% doses9 %ithout da!a&in&
the autore&u"ative 7unctions o7 the or&anis!s. 5hese induced a &enera" increase in
non:speci>c resistance a&ainst in7ectious and non:in7ectious stresses. 0u"&und
and Dchi" (1$$4) noted that her/a" 7or!u"ations used as Rasayana %ere po%er7u"
i!!unosti!u"ants. A"" the &roups treated %ith these her/a" extracts sho%ed a
si&ni>cant increase in !acropha&e 7unc: tion9 indicatin& their ro"e in protection
a&ainst stress. 5he rise in p"as!a cortiso" 7o""o%in& stress %as inhi/ited.
3rivastava (1$$5) studied the e77ects o7 A8urvedic adapto&ens on ps8cho:
ph8sio"o&ica" per7or!ance o7 vo"unteers9 up to three !onths at an a"titude o7
4#00A 6000 !. 5hese her/s i!proved the ph8sica" per7or!ance and sensitivit8
index o7 ox8&en avai"a/i"it8.
In another experi!ent9 3hett8 (1$$5) studied the Rasayana e77ect o7 a her/a"
pre: paration consistin& o7 six her/s9 /8 prescri/in& it 3 & dai"8 7or 6 !onths.
Fxtensive c"inica"9 /ioche!ica"9 ps8cho"o&ica"9 and anthropo!etric assess!ent9
%ith direct or indirect /earin& on the a&ein& process9 %as done initia""8 and at the
end o7 six !onths. Ana"8sis o7 c"inica" para!eters indicated that %ith the
preparation9 the diasto"ic /"ood pressure ca!e do%n %ithin nor!a" "i!its. 0enon
et al' (1$$6) o/served that rahma Rasayana %ith !ore than t%ent8
in&redients9 inhi/ited !eth8"cho"anthrene (200G&) induced sarco!a
deve"op!ent. 5he preparation inhi/ited carcino&enesis /8 #0 per cent and
enhanced !ouse "i7e. 2raveen .u!ar et al. (1$$6) carried out 7urther studies on
the ora" ad!inistration o7 7our Rasayana preparations. 5hese si&ni>cant"8
increased tota" "eucoc8te count and /one !arro% ce""u"arit8. 5hese had natura"
ki""er ce"" activ: it8 and anti/od8 dependent ce""u"ar toxicit8 in !ice exposed to
&a!!a radiation. 5he e77ect o7 Rasayana preparation cou"d /e due to increased
10 What are
ste! ce"" pro"i7eration and a"so on 7ree radica":induced in(ur8 produced /8
In a revie% artic"e *ahanukar and 5hatte (1$$) !entioned that Rasayana
pro: tected ani!a"s 7ro! in7ections9 shortened recover8 ti!e9 and "o%ered
!orta"it8 rates.
What are 4asa8ana-
5he8 !ade anti/iotics !ore e77ective at "o%er doses. Rasayana %orked /8
enhancin& "eucoc8tosis and /8 neutrophi" destruction. I!portant i!!une
7unctions such as pha&oc8tosis9 intrace""u"ar ki""in& and !acropha&e activit8
a"so increased in treated ani!a"s.
As an anti$in%ammatory
2athak et al. (1$$2) treated osteoarthritis patients9 >rst su/(ectin& the! to
ph8siother: ap89 7or exa!p"e heatin& the /od8 s8ste!s %ith !assa&e to cause
perspiration9 7o""o%ed /8 ad!inistration o7 a po"8her/a" Rasayana preparation
containin& Ashwagandha0 2uggulu9 etc.9 %ith positive resu"ts.
ridosha 10 T
& Tridosha
5he ori&in o7 disease in the /od89 as per A8urveda9 is due to !eta/o"ic
distur/ances in the various s8ste!s. 5he ai! o7 the Rasayana is to correct this
s8ste! /8 /a"ancin& vari: ous ras (extracts %hich are !ani7ested /8 a particu"ar
taste). Whatever %e eat9 it has one or !ore o7 the six ras (tastes)? s%eet9 acidic9
sa"t89 /itter9 astrin&ent and pun&ent.
It is !ain"8 in car/oh8drates (starch: and su&ar:containin& su/stances). It
nourishes sapt dhatus (seven tissue s8ste!s in the /od8)9 i.e. ch8!e9 /"ood9
"iver9 Cesh9 /ones9 /one !arro% and se!en. It is &ood 7or >ve senses9 i.e. e8e9
ear9 nose9 ton&ue and skin. In excess it causes "a<iness9 o/esit89 dia/etes9 and hi&h
/"ood pressure9 etc.
Acidic ras
It is !ain"8 present in acidic 7ruits9 except in amala&i (Emblica of+cinalis)9
8o&urt9 and 7er!ented preparations. 5his ras sti!u"ates sa"iva9 increases the
po%er o7 di&estion9 i!parts stren&th to the /od89 and keeps the sense or&ans in
order. In excess it causes h8peracidit8 and "oss o7 sexua" po%er.
It is !ain"8 present in !inera"s. It !akes 7ood tast8 and di&esti/"e. Fxcess o7
sa"t causes thirst9 heat9 so7tness o7 !usc"es9 pre!ature &re8in& o7 hair9 %rink"es9
hair "oss and "oss o7 "i/ido.
5he !ain sources are her/s. It c"eans the !outh9 increases &"andu"ar secretion9
di&ests 7ood and stren&thens a"" senses. It has an anti:inCa!!ator8 e77ect. It
he"ps in skin diseases9 "iver 7unctions and o/esit8. I7 /itters are taken in excess
the8 cause inCa!!a: tion9 /urnin& sensation and !ake a !an i!potent.
P#n"ent ras
0ain"8 spices &ive rise to this ras. 3pices do not have a &ood taste o7 their o%n
/ut !ake 7ood tast8. 5he8 act as antidote to toxins and ki"" !icro/es in the
7ood. 5he8
Tridosha 11
cause diuresis and he"p in o/esit8. Fxcess o7 pun&ent ras9 reduces po%er9 ener&89
and !a8 cause sedation and ha""ucination.
It is !ain"8 in tannin:containin& unripe 7ruits9 /arks and roots. Astrin&ents are
not &ood to taste and cause dr8ness o7 the /od8 and constipation. Fxcess o7 this
ras causes "oss o7 viri"it89 para"8sis or other diseases o7 the nervous s8ste!.
I7 a particu"ar ras is de>cient or in excess9 it distur/s the e=ui"i/riu! or three
dosha o7 the /od8? $ata9 pitta and &apha' 5hese doshas are so!eti!es e=uated
%ith three humours o7 +reek? air9 /i"e and ph"e&!. 5hese contro" a"" 7unctions o7
the hu!an /od89 i.e. the /io!otor 7orce9 !eta/o"ic activit8 and the preservative
princip"es. When a"" these are in /a"ance in the /od89 the8 are the regenerator
/ut i7 there is an i!/a"ance in the! then the8 /eco!e the destroyer. 5here is
an action and interaction /et%een these ras and doshas. 3%eet ras suppresses
$ataH s%eet9 astrin&ent and pun&ent tastes suppress pittaH /itter9 astrin&ent and
pun&ent tastes suppress &aphaH /ut i7 /itter9 pun&ent and astrin&ent are in excess
then $ata is corruptedH %ith acids9 sa"t and /itter in excess pitta is corrupted %hi"e
s%eet9 acid and sa"t a77ect &apha' 3%eets9 acids and sa"t suppress /ad e77ects o7
$ata9 astrin&ent9 s%eet and pun&ent he"p in pitta9 and astrin&ent9 /itter and
pun&ent suppresses &apha. 5hus it is c"ear that a particu"ar ras increases or
decreases a particu"ar dosha' 5he /a"anced diet9 %hich keeps the three doshas in
order9 has no ras in excess or in short supp"8.
In Chara& Sanhita it has /een stated that no se"7:inCicted disease ori&inates
%ithout distur/ance o7 these doshas. But o7 these three doshas9 $ata do!inates
pitta' #ata causes the !ove!ent o7 &apha9 the sa!e %a8 air causes !ove!ent
o7 c"ouds in the sk8. I7 a particu"ar dosha is corrupted it a77ects a particu"ar
s8ste! /ut i7 t%o doshas are invo"ved then the /ad e77ect increases !ani7o"d. I7
/oth pitta and $ata are corrupted then the e77ect is "ike that o7 hi&h %inds on
%i"d >re. 5his >re can on"8 /e contro""ed /8 &apha9 %hich acts as %ater. I7 a""
the three doshas /eco!e unsta/"e the resu"t is disastrous.
5he three doshas are?
It is e=uated %ith $ayu or baya or bios o7 +reek. It is the "i7e or vita"
7orce. It di77erentiates the ce""s into di77erent structures9 creates /"ood vesse"s9
"8!phatic s8ste! and nerves. #ata in the /od8 /eco!es corrupted /8 the use
o7 "i&ht9 dr89 easi"8 di&esti/"e 7ood 7or a "on& ti!e9 /8 eatin& hi&h"8
nutritious su/stances %ith "itt"e rou&ha&e9 /8 eatin& 7ood in s!a"" =uantities
severa" ti!es a da8 7or "on& duration9 /8 consu!in& excessive co"d drinks9
excessive %ork9 7ro! stress arisin& 7ro! non: 7u">""!ent o7 &oa"9 due to %orr89
&rie79 panic9 7ear9 excessive sex9 s"eepin& "ate at ni&ht9 and /8 takin& a /ath 7or a
"on& ti!e. A"" these dep"ete the vita" ener&8 7ro! the /od8 in the sa!e %a8 as it
is "ost durin& a&ein&. Indi&estion and constipation a"so have a /ad e77ect on
$ata' 5he8 produce &as and !a8 cause arthritis9 !uscu"ar pain and
headache. I7 $ata re!ains sta/"e then a"" the >ve senses o7 the /od89 /od8
s8ste!s and or&ans re!ain sta/"e9 other%ise it causes !an8 co!p"ications
"eadin& to chronic diseases9 and unti!e"8 death.
It &enerates and preserves /od8 heat, It !ani7ests itse"7 in various 7or!s in
di77erent /ioche!ica" activities !ain"8 concernin& di&estion and assi!i"ation o7
7ood. It /rin&s a/out !eta/o"ic activit8. It is e=uated %ith heat or >re. Pitta is
situated /et%een the duodenu! and sto!ach. It di&ests 7ood /8 separatin& ras9
ch8!e9 urine9 7aeces9 and "i/erates ener&8 7or the /od8. Pitta %orks in c"ose
association %ith "iver and sp"een to produce /"ood. 5he /ad e77ects o7 pitta are due
to re&u"ar use o7 hot9 spic89 7ried9 sour9 and sa"t8 7ood9 /8 eatin& 7ood "ate in the
evenin& (ust /e7ore s"eepin&9 /8 re!ainin& thirst8 7or a "on& ti!e9 /8 exposure
to heat and sun 7or a "on& ti!e9 /8 re!ainin& irrita/"e and an&r8. Fxcess o7 pitta
causes excess /od8 heat9 %hich resu"ts in h8peracidit89 hae!orrha&e9 "oss o7
ca"ciu! or urinar8 diseases "ike incontinence and /urnin& !icturition. It !a8
cause headaches9 %hich resu"t in rest"essness9 irritation and noise pho/ia. I7 pitta
Cares up co"d9 so7t9 s%eet9 /itter and astrin&ent su/stances shou"d /e used /ut
7ried9 sa"t89 spic89 acidic9 non:ve&etarian 7ood9 a"coho"9 to/acco9 hard %ork and
sunshine shou"d /e avoided.
It has a coo"in& and preservative propert89 and it acts "ike the %ater (acket o7
the interna" co!/ustion en&ine. It provides the hu!idit8 re=uired /8 the various
s8ste!s o7 the /od8 particu"ar"89 /i"e9 !ucous !e!/ranes9 &astric (uices9
pancreatic (uices and other s8ste!s. A person %ho has a &ood diet and &ood
%a8 o7 "ivin& re!ains 7ree 7ro! the /ad e77ects o7 &apha' It he"ps the &ro%th o7
the /od8 /8 ana/o"ic activities9 deve"ops stren&th and vi&our in "a<iness9 o/esit8
and thinness o7 /od89 and sti!u"ates the !ind9 ena/"in& coura&e9 to"erance9 and
se"Cessness9 %hi"st discoura&in& &reed and "ust. It i!parts kno%"ed&e to do the
&ood thin&s /8 inte""i&ence.
3apha /eco!es corrupted /8 s%eet9 sour9 7att89 and hi&h"8 nutritious 7oods
%hich are hard to di&est. It causes diseases %hich are co"d in nature such as the
co!!on co"d9 cou&h9 /ronchia" trou/"es9 "oss o7 appetite9 inso!nia9 and "a<iness. It
increases !ucus9 sa"iva9 perspiration9 and causes "oss o7 viri"it8. 5o contro"
&apha avoid stron&9 co"d9 hu!id %ind9 excess s"eep9 sex9 &reediness and "ust.
4asa8ana preparations
- Rasayana
5he si!p"est !ode o7 ad!inisterin& a her/ is to take it as it is9 to pound it or to
use its (uice a7ter >"tration. 5hese are the "east processed 7or!s and a""
constituents o7 the her/ are !ade avai"a/"e to the /od8. ,o%ever 7resh her/s are
o7ten not readi"8 avai": a/"e throu&hout the 8ear. 3o!e 7resh her/s not on"8 taste
/ad /ut are even nauseatin&. 5he /est a"ternative to 7resh her/s is to use proper"8
dried her/s in po%der 7or! (churn). Dsua""8 the churn are !ixed %ith sa"t or
su&ar to !ake the! !ore pa"ata/"e. 5hese po%ders are usua""8 ad!inistered %ith
a Cuid !ediu!9 /ecause in a dr8 7or! the8 are di7>cu"t to s%a""o% or so!eti!es
!a8 even choke the respirator8 passa&e. @or Rasayana po%ders9 the co!!on
!ediu! 7or ad!inistration is /oi"ed "uke%ar! co%;s !i"k9 s%eetened %ith
su&ar9 hone89 co%;s ghee or a !ixture o7 /oth !i"k and ghee. ( 2hee is prepared
/8 heatin& the /utter to re!ove the 7at:inso"u/"e9 proteinaceous and other
!atters and %ater9 so that on"8 7att8 acids and the constituents so"u/"e in 7at are
"e7t. It is surprisin& to >nd that thou&h /utter has /een a co!!on househo"d
ite! in India since ancient ti!es9 it has rare"8 /een used 7or the ad!inistration o7
A8urvedic preparations.)
5he other !ethods o7 ad!inistration o7 po%dered her/s are in7usion9 decoction
and disti""ation. 5o !ake an in7usion9 the her/ is i!!ersed in %ater9 usua""8
kept over: ni&ht9 >"tered and used. In decoction the her/ is /oi"ed in %ater unti"
the %ater is reduced to ha"7 or so9 >"tered throu&h a cheese c"oth and heated
7urther unti" the decoction is reduced to one:7ourth. 5he in7usion or decoction
!a8 /e used in p"ace o7 (uice9 i7 7resh her/s are not avai"a/"e. @or disti""ation9
7resh "eaves or Co%ers9 dr8 root or seed are /oi"ed in %ater in a c"osed container
and the stea! that arises is condensed9 so that the vo"ati"e active constituents o7
the her/ are dispersed in %ater (a4ua).
2hansat$a are concentrated9 so!eti!es standardi<ed a=ueous extracts o7 the
her/s !ade 7ro! the decoction in the 7or! o7 a thick paste or dr8 po%der. 5hese
are no% pre7erred /8 the phar!aceutica" industr8 /ecause the8 reduce the /u"k
o7 the her/s9 and can /e easi"8 incorporated into capsu"es or pi""s9 are eas8 to
7or!u"ate9 have a "on&er she"7 "i7e and the end products have &ood consu!er
appea". 3o!eti!es s8rups or a"coho"ic preparations are !ade 7ro! these extracts.
5he her/a" products9 in &enera"9 have an expir8 period o7 one 8ear /ut i7 stored
in airti&ht containers the8 !a8 /e used 7or up to t%o 8ears9 %hi"st the !inera"
products !a8 /e used inde>nite"8. 5he ear"8 A8urvedic ph8sicians %ere a%are
that the a=ueous decoctions did not extract a"" the constituents 7ro! the her/s9
so the8 deve"oped !ethods to &enerate a"coho" 7ro! the so"vent durin&
7er!entation9 in %hich ethano" so"u/"e constituents o7 the her/a" !ixtures cou"d
/e disso"ved. 5hese preparations are ca""ed Asa$ and Arishta9 to %hich
s%eetenin& a&ents such as ra% su&ar9 hone8 and
14 4asa8ana
Co%ers o7 Woodfordia ,oribunda9 etc.9 %hich can /e 7er!ented easi"89 are initia""8
added. *ue to the a"coho" these preparations have a "on& she"7 "i7e9 taste &ood
and provide i!!ediate ener&8 and therapeutic a&ent to the /od8. Asa$a and
Arishta di77er in their !ethod o7 preparation. Arishta are prepared 7ro! the
decoctions o7 the her/s9 %hereas Asa$ are !ade 7ro! dr8 po%ders. In /oth cases a""
the her/s are a""o%ed to 7er!ent in airti&ht earthen pitchers 7or 40 A50 da8s.
'e7ore the 7er!entation o7 her/a" !ateria"s it is ensured that the pots are c"ean.
5he8 are then 7u!i&ated %ith ca!phor9 sanda" and agar %ood (A4uillaria
agallocha)9 or %ith "on& pepper po%der and ghee. 5he %ater to /e used shou"d not
/e a"ka"ine and shou"d /e 7ree o7 inor&anic !atter. When the period o7
7er!entation is co!p"ete9 the so"ution is >"tered and stored in /ott"es. 5he 7er:
!ented end product !ain"8 consists o7 ethano"9 &"8cero"9 "actic acid9 acetic
acid9 /esides other products. 5his can /e used 7or an inde>nite period. In a
stud8 o7 .ra&sharishta9 it %as seen that /e7ore 7er!entation the !ixture
contained 34.$1 per cent su&ar9 /ut a7ter 7er!entation the product had 1$.1 per
cent su&ar9 #.0 per cent9 a"coho"9 0.24 per cent &"8cerin9 0.21 per cent "actic acid
and 1.3# per cent acetic acid. 5he p, o7 the !ediu! chan&ed 7ro! 6.40 to 5.00.
A$leha or lehya ("inctus) are se!i:so"id preparations prepared 7ro! dr8
po%ders9 decoctions and the pu"p o7 the her/s9 a"on& %ith su&ar8 su/stances9
hone89 ghee andEor oi". *urin& preparation9 su&ar is /oi"ed in the extractEdecoction
o7 the her/s or %ater9 unti" thick in consistenc8. A >ne po%der o7 her/s9 !inera"s
and spices is then added to %ar! thick s8rup and stirred so that a ho!o&enous
!ixture is 7or!ed9 7o""o%ed /8 ghee or oi" %hen sti"" hot. ,one8 shou"d /e
added a7ter coo"in& the preparation. A$leha shou"d /e dried to such an extent that
there is neither too "itt"e nor too !uch !oisture.
5he ter! hasam "itera""8 !eans ash. In practice9 in this case9 !inera"s9
&e!s or hard ani!a" products9 a7ter treat!ent %ith her/s9 are ca"cined at a ver8
hi&h te!perature to 7or! ash and then this ash:"ike end product is heated and
po%dered repeated"8. When this process has /een repeated 100 ti!es9 the
bhasam is kno%n as Shatputi (shat is hundred) /ut a7ter 19000 ti!es it is kno%n
as Sahastraputi (sahastr is thousand). @or each !inera" or exoske"eton o7
ani!a"s9 di77erent !ethods are 7o""o%ed. 5hese products do not de&rade durin&
stora&e and can /e used inde>nite"8.
2hrita or 2hritam are preparations !ade 7ro! oi" or ghee. 5hese contain 7at
so"u/"e constituents. 2hrita are prepared /8 heatin& (uice9 paste9 decoction9
in7usion9 etc. o7 the her/s in ghee and oi" unti" a"" the %ater evaporates. 5he
resu"tin& !ass is >"tered to re!ove 7at inso"u/"e !ateria"s. 5he 7at is preserved
7or use as a !edicine. Where ve&eta/"e oi"s a"one are used9 heatin& is stopped
%hen 7roth appears9 /ut %hen ghee is used9 heatin& is stopped %hen the 7roth
su/sides. @or interna" uses these preparations can /e stored 7or sixteen !onths
a7ter !anu7acture9 /ut 7or externa" use there is no expir8 period.
Pa& are the preparations !ade 7ro! !i"k9 ghee9 dr8 7ruits9 her/s9 !inera"s
and spices. 5hese preparations are !ain"8 used as nutrients or aphrodisiacs. 5he
usua" !ethod 7or their preparation is to /oi" !i"k unti" thick and so"id. 5his
condensed !i"k is 7ried in ghee and su&ar po%der or thick su&ar s8rup9 her/s9
!inera"s9 chopped dr8 7ruits and spices9 etc. are added to it %hen %ar!. 5he
%ho"e !ass is !ade into choco"ate or cand8 /a""s o7 a/out 25 & each.
'e7ore use poisonous her/s or !inera"s are su/(ected to !iti&ation ca""ed
marn (to ki"") or sodhana to puri78 /ut it is actua""8 a process to reduce the
toxicit8 so as to !ake the! avai"a/"e to the /od8 %ithin sa7e therapeutic doses.
4asa8ana preparations 15
In this process toxic !ateria"s are &enera""8 /oi"ed or treated %ith so!e her/s
or che!ica"s in Cuids such as co%;s urine9 co% dun& so"ution9 %ater9 !i"k9 etc.
A7ter treat!ent the her/E!inera" is dried and processed 7urther /e7ore use.
In India9 cane su&ar (uice is used 7or !akin& ra% su&ar (/ro%nish in co"our) and
7or su&ar !anu7actured /8 %estern techno"o&8. In addition to these9 an indi&enous
!ethod o7 re>nin& su&ar has /een used 7or a ver8 "on& ti!e. 5he end product9
ca""ed %ishri9 consists o7 "u!ps o7 transparent9 /o"d cr8sta"s. 5his su&ar cand8 is
considered to have a coo"in& e77ect and is used in auspicious cere!onies and in
A8urvedic !edica!ents as a s%eetenin& a&ent. In the present /ook9 the ter!
su&ar cand8 has /een used 7or %ishri9 to di77erentiate it 7ro! other 7or!s o7
In A8urveda >ve t8pes o7 sa"ts are reco&nised. But o7 these a !an:!ade
preparation ca""ed blac& salt is considered a &ood car!inative and is inc"uded in
!an8 7or!u"ations 7or di&estive pro/"e!s. It is prepared /8 7usin& sa"tpetre
(nitre)9 Terminalia chebula9 and co!!on sa"t. In the presence o7 or&anic !atter at
hi&h te!peratures the sa"t turns into a deep vio"et a!orphous !ass.
Some 4asa8ana formulations 312
./ Some Rasayana form#!ations
3ince ancient ti!es9 c"assica" A8urvedic texts have !entioned Rasayana
7or!u"ations. 5hese have /een !anu7actured a"" over the Indian su/continent 7or
severa" centuries /8 "earned $aidyas (ph8sicians). 5he nu!/er o7 these
7or!u"ations is so "ar&e that it is not possi/"e to "ist a"" o7 the!. In recent ti!es9
!an8 A8urvedic ph8sicians9 usin& their experience and keepin& the need o7 the
societ8 in vie%9 have deve"oped !ore Rasayana products %hich are so"d under
trade na!es. 5oda89 A8urvedic phar!acies !anu7acture /oth c"assica"
preparations and trade na!e preparations. A se"ection o7 these products is &iven
here. 5he >rst part consists o7 c"assica" 7or!u"ations9 %hich are !anu7actured
under their A8urvedic na!e9 and the second part "ists preparations %here trade
na!es are used.
5hese have /een se"ected 7ro! the A8urvedic "iterature on the /asis o7 their
uni=ue: ness and popu"arit8. In each 7or!u"ation9 the na!e o7 the in&redients and
parts used have /een identi>ed 7ro! the 3anskrit na!e and are "isted in a ta/"e.
5he =uantit8 o7 each and the dose o7 the products have /een converted into &ra!s
(approxi!ate"8). Bn the /asis o7 in7or!ation in the 3anskrit texts9 a su!!ar8 o7
the !ethod o7 preparation and uses o7 each product is &iven. As %i"" /e seen 7ro!
these ta/"es9 =uite a nu!/er o7 !inera"sE&e!sEpoisonous su/stances are inc"uded in
these 7or!u"ations. 5his %as pro/a/"8 done to potentiate the s"o% action o7 the
her/s on the hu!an s8ste!9 or to provide rare !inera"s to the /od89 or !a8 have
/een a resu"t o7 the 7euda" s8ste! o7 societ8 in !ediaeva" India9 %hich had
/eco!e so sophisticated that co!p"ex co!: pounds %ith precious and rare
in&redients %ere the need o7 the hour. 0ost o7 these co!pounds contained
a!/er&ris9 sa77ron and !usk9 %hich are hard to >nd even no%. 3tress %as "aid on
incorporation o7 inor&anic co!pounds in or&anic 7or!s. 5hese co!: pounds9 in
7or!u"ations9 are actua""8 co!p"ex or&ano:!eta""ic co!pounds prepared /8 various
tedious processes o7 treatin& !inera"s9 etc. %ith !an8 her/s9 and su/(ectin& the!
to hi&h te!peratures9 so that the8 turn ash:"ike (bhasama) and /eco!e part"8
so"u/"e in %ater 7or /ioavai"a/"it8 to the hu!an s8ste!. In ear"ier Fn&"ish
trans"ations9 the ter! ca"cination %as used 7or this process o7 treatin& !inera"s9
etc.9 /ut9 as "ater discovered9 it is not a si!p"e process o7 heatin& ra% !ateria"s
/ut consists o7 su/(ect: in& the! to various her/a" treat!ents so the ter!9
processed has /een used in the present text. 3pecia" !ention !a8 /e !ade o7 red
su"phide o7 !ercur89 %hich is used extensive"8 in Rasayana preparations. In
A8urveda there are t%o di77erent processes 7or
Some 4asa8ana formulations
its !anu7acture. In one o7 the products9 ca""ed %a&ardhawa19 &o"d is used as a
cata"8st9 %hi"e the other product9 Ras Sindur9 is !anu7actured %ithout &o"d.
Amrit Rasayana
Ayur$edic name otanical5English
Plant part5processing 6uantity
6atsna/h (Shodhit) Aconitum spp. Aconites (processed) 25 &
7auha 3anta Iron ore 2rocessed in amala&i (uice 25 &
Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed 25 &
Swarnma&shi& Iron p8rites 2rocessed 25 &
%a&ardhawa1 4ed su"phide o7 2rocessed 25 &
!ercur8 (&o"d)
Ra1at hasam 3i"ver 2rocessed 25 &
#ang hasam 5in 2rocessed 25 &
3atha Acacia catechu 2o%der o7 %ood extract 35 &
Sonth +in&er 2o%der 35 &
2hee 3awar Aloe spp. -uice As
%ethod ,eat iron ore in amala&i (uice 7or a %ho"e da8. 2u"veri<e a"" the
other her/s and !inera"s to a ver8 >ne po%der. 0acerate iron ore and the >ne
po%der o7 her/s and !inera" in Aloe pu"p unti" a thick paste is 7or!ed. 0ake
pi""s o7 250 !& each and dr8.
.ose 250 !& %ith ghee9 su&ar or hone8 7or one
8se A &eriatric tonic9 7or s"o% and "on& ter! treat!ent. )ures a"!ost a""
diseases o7 o"d a&e. In other cases9 it i!parts stren&th9 vi&our9 inte""i&ence and
vita"it8. It cures i!potence due to chronic diseases.
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5process 6uantity
Amala&i Emblica of+cinalis @ruit9 7resh 19000 in
@ruit (uice 19000 7ruits
Prashnaparni .esmodium 4oot As re=uired
Punerna$a oerhaa$ia diffusa 4oot
9i$anti 7eptadenia reticulata 4oot
/agbala Sida spinosa 4oot
%andu&parni Centella asiatica ,er/
Shatawari Asparagus racemosus 4oot
Shan&hpushpi Con$ol$ulus ,er/
Peepali Piper longum @ruitin& spike
#a$ading Embelia ribes 3eed
3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed
2aduchi Tinospora cordi7o"ia 3te!
Chandan0 7al Pterocarpus santalinus Wood
Agar A4uilaria agallocha Wood
%ulathi 2lycyrrhi!a glabra 4oot
5# Some 4asa8ana
Some 4asa8ana formulations
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant
Aaa& phul Calotropis spp @"o%er
/eel&amal phul Iotus9 /"ue @"o%er
3amal phul0 safed Iotus9 %hite @"o%er
Chameli phul -as!ine @"o%er
%alti phul Aganosma dichotoma @"o%er
/agbala Ras Sida spinosa -uice 4 "itres
Su$aran hasam +o"d 2rocessed As re=uired
Ra1at hasam 3i"ver 2rocessed
Tamar hasam )opper 2rocessed
Par$al hasam )ora"9 red 2rocessed
7auha hasam Iron 2rocessed
%ethod '"anch amala&i 7ruit %ith the stea! &enerated 7ro! !i"k (use !i"k
instead o7 %ater). When so7t9 re!ove the nut 7ro! the pu"p9 dr8 and pu"veri<e it.
0ix %ith amala&i po%der9 (uice o7 19000 amala&i 7ruits prepared separate"8 and
dr8. When the %ho"e !ass dries9 %ei&h it9 add to it one:ei&hth o7 its %ei&ht o7
the pu"veri<ed her/s !entioned a/ove9 takin& each her/ in e=ua" =uantit8. Add to
this po%der o7 !ixture o7 her/s and amala&i9 7our "itres o7 Sida spinosa (uice and
dr8 the %ho"e !ass a&ain in the shade. 2u"veri<e this !ixture once a&ain9 and add
t%o parts o7 hone8 and one part o7 ghee unti" a thick paste is 7or!ed. 2our the
paste in a container9 sea"9 and su/(ect it to !i"d heat in such a %a8 that the heat is
uni7or! a"" over. Iet it re!ain undistur/ed 7or t%o %eeks9 and note the %ei&ht o7
the product o/tained. 5ake e=ua" =uantities o7 a"" inor&anic co!pounds
(hasamas) &iven in the 7or!u"ations to 7or! one:ei&hth o7 the tota" %ei&ht o7
the amala&i preparation o/tained a/ove. 0ix the t%o to 7or! a ho!o&enous
paste 7or the pi""s.
8se 5his Rasayana is !ain"8 used 7or 3uti Par$eshi&a (indoor Rasayana
treat!ent) 7or re(uvenation o7 the %ho"e /od8 under the &uidance o7 a hea"th
provider9 %ho !onitors the condition o7 the patient9 deter!ines the dose and
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part5processing
%u&ta Pishti 2ear" 2aste 25 &
7al Pishti 4u/8 2aste 25 &
Pu&hra1 Pishti White or 8e""o% sapphire 2aste 25 &
Panna Pishti F!era"d 2aste 25 &
/eelam Pishti '"ue sapphire 2aste 25 &
Par$al Pishti )ora"9 red 2aste 250 &
Agate A&ate 2aste 25 &
3asturi 0usk 4esin 1.5
Ra1ta $ar& 3i"ver @oi" 50 &
Su$arn $ar& +o"d @oi" 10 &
60 Some 4asa8ana
*ahar %ohra 3erpentine 2aste 10 &
Abe Resham 3i"k cocoon 2o%der9 >ne 500 &
Some 4asa8ana formulations
%ethod 0ake a paste o7 a"" the ite!s !entioned a/ove9 except !usk9 si"k
cocoon and a!/er. *o not "et the paste dr8. 5o the %et paste9 add si"ver and
&o"d 7oi" and triturate the %ho"e !ixture9 than add !usk9 a!/er and si"k cocoon
po%der unti" it /eco!es ho!o&enous. 0ake pi""s o7 the si<e o7 a rice &rain.
.ose 4e!ove the stone 7ro! a date pa"! 7ruit9 and in its p"ace put t%o pi""s
o7 9awahar %ohra9 a"on& %ith a pinch o7 sa77ron. 5ake this !edicated date pa"!
dai"8 7or t%o %eeks.
8se @or hi&h /"ood pressure9 heart trou/"e9 heart pa"pitations and irre&u"ar
heart /eat.
3amd#"dha Ras
Ayur$edic name Scienti+c5English name Part5 processing 6uantit
%u&ta Pishti 2ear" 2aste 10 &
Par$al Pishti )ora" red 2aste 10 &
%u&ta Shu&ti Pishti 0other o7 2ear" 2aste 10 &
Cowrie Pishti Cypraea moneta 2aste 10 &
Shan&h hasam 0o""usc she""s 2rocessed 10 &
2aru lal 4ed ochre (Iron oxide) 2rocessed 10 &
2aduchi sata$ Tinospora spp. 3tarch 10 &
%ethod 5ake e=ua" =uantities o7 a"" the a/ove in&redients and triturate to
7or! a uni7or! !ixture.
.ose 250 !& %ith cu!in9 su&ar9 t%ice
8ses It is said to have a coo"in& e77ect on the /od89 so it is used 7or
inCa!!ation9 di&estion9 urinar8 tract in7ection9 h8peracidit89 headache9 para"8sis9
!enta" pro/"e!s9 and hae!orrha&e.
)a4ami 5i!as Ras
Ayur$edic name otanical5English
3uchla Shodhit 1ux vo!ica 3eed processed 5 &
%irch &ali '"ack pepper 2o%der 5 &
Tan&an Shodhit 'orax (crude) *eh8drated 5 &
Swaran %a&shi& Iron p8rite 2rocessed 50 &
2andha& Shodhit 3u"phur 2rocessed 25 &
Parad Shodhit 0ercur8 2rocessed 12.5 &
hringra1a Ras Eclipta alba 2"ant (uice As re=uired
Amala&i Ras Emblica of+cinalis @ruit (uice As re=uired
Shatawari Ras Asparagus spp. 4oot (uice As re=uired
Adra& Ras +in&er (7resh) -uice As re=uired
62 Some 4asa8ana
%ethod 5riturate !ercur8 and su"phur unti" a /"ack !ass is 7or!ed. Add >ne
po%: ders o7 a"" her/s and !inera"s and triturate the! in this /"ack !ass. 0ake
paste /8 addin& &in&er (uice to it. When dr89 soak and dr8 a&ain in the (uices
o7 Asparagus0 Emblica0 Eclipta9 one a7ter the other9 three ti!es each. 0ake pi""s
o7 125 !&.
.ose Bne
8ses In %astin& disease9 "ack o7 ener&89 provides nutrition to conva"escent
)a4man 5i!as Ras
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing 6uantit
Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed 40 &
Parad hasam 0ercur8 2uri>ed 20 &
2andha& Shodhit 3u"phur 2uri>ed 20 &
%ush&afoor )a!phor )r8sta"s 10 &
9aiphal 1ut!e& 3eed po%der 10 &
9a$itri 0ace Ari" po%der 10 &
#idhara ee1 Argyreia ner$osa 3eed po%der 10 &
.hatura ee1 .atura spp 3eed po%der 10 &
hang ee1 Cannabis 3eed po%der 10 &
#idari&and Pueraria tubereosa 4oot po%der 10 &
Shatawari Asparagus racemosus 4oot po%der 10 &
/agbala Sida spinosa' ,er/ po%der 10 &
Atibala Abutilon indicum 3eed po%der 10 &
2o&shru Tribulus terrestris 3eed po%der 10 &
Pan Ras Piper betle -uice o7 "eaves 10 &
%ethod 0ix a"" the po%ders and !inera"s9 7o""o%ed /8 (uice and ca!phor and
divide into doses o7 125 !&.
.ose 1A2 doses t%ice dai"8 %ith !i"k9 or !acerate the po%der hone8 and take
%ith a spoon.
8se It is a supre!e Rasayana9 acts on a"" or&ans o7 the /od89 and recti>es a""
doshas9 diseases. It is a &eriatric tonic and prevents pre!ature &re8 hairs9
%rink"es9 7ai"in& senses9 and "oss o7 i!!unit8. It is a cardiotonic %ith /ene>cia"
e77ects on a"" parts o7 the heart and vascu"ar s8ste!. It does not cause depression
a7ter sti!u"ation as is the case %ith !an8 other preparations. In this case heart
and pu"se rates re!ain nor!a". It he"ps sinkin& heart9 cardiac pa"pitation9
rest"essness9 and an&ina. It is e77ective in inCuen<a nervousness9 /reath"essness9
dr8 cou&h9 oede!a o7 head and 7eet9 indi&estion9 diarrhoea and o/esit8.
Contraindications @att8 !atters9 sour9 heav8 7ood. Dse under !edica"
sometimes it increases the
Some 4asa8ana formulations
pulse rate.
64 Some 4asa8ana
formulations 0adanoday 0oda6
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant
9a$itri 0ace Ari" po%der 15 &
9aiphal 1ut!e& 3eed po%der 15 &
9atamansi /ardostachys 4oot po%der 15 &
7a$ang )"ove 'uds po%der 15 &
%ush&afoor )a!phor )r8sta"s 15 &
3eshar 3a77ron 3ti&!a 15 &
(liachi0 choti )arda!o! @ruit po%der 15 &
.alchini )inna!on 'ark po%der 15 &
Sonth +in&er (dr8) 4hi<o!e po%der 15 &
%irch0 3ali '"ack pepper @ruit po%der 15 &
#ang 5in 2rocessed 15 &
Abhra& 0ica 2rocessed 15 &
7auha Iron 2rocessed 22.5 &
%a&ardhawa15Ras 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 2rocessed 22.5 &
Shatawari Asparagus racemosus 4oot po%der 22.5 &
2o&shru Tribulus terrestris @ruit po%der 22.5 &
.ra&sha *r8 &rapes @ruit 22.5 &
3a&rasingi Pistacia lentiscus +a"" po%der 22.5 &
ala Sida spp. 3eed po%der 22.5 &
3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed processed 22.5 &
3ushth Saussurea lappa 4oot po%der 22.5 &
#idhara Argyreia speciosa 3eed po%der 22.5 &
hang Cannabis sati$us Ieaves9 Co%er tops
200 &
3hakar 3u&ar #00
%ethod 0ake s8rup %ith the su&ar9 add po%der o7 a"" the her/s and !inera"s9
and 7or! cand8 /a""s o7 3A5 & each.
8se It increases "i/ido enor!ous"8 %hen taken %ith /oi"ed !i"k containin&
su&ar and carda!o! seed. It is an ana/o"ic a&ent and9 i7 used 7or three !onths9
it &ives extensive sexua" and ph8sica" vi&our.
otanical5English name Plant
%a&ardhawa1 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 (%ith &o"d) 2rocessed 10 &
%ush&afoor )a!phor )r8sta"s 10 &
9aiphal 1ut!e& 2o%der 10 &
%irch 3ali '"ack 2epper 2o%der 10 &
3asturi 0usk 4esin 3 &
%ethod 5riturate a"" dr8 po%ders !entioned in the 7or!u"ation9 >rst in ca!phor
and a7ter that in !usk. 0oisten the %ho"e !ass %ith %ater and !ake pi""s o7 250
!& each.
Some 4asa8ana formulations
.ose Bne pi"" in the !ornin&9 one in the evenin& %ith !i"k9 /utter and su&ar.
Dse in %inter !onths on"8.
66 Some 4asa8ana
8se As a ph8sica" and !enta" tonic9 provides stren&th and ener&8 to the heart9
/rain9 nervous and urino&enita" s8ste!s and thus cures i!potence.
0anmath Ras
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing
Parad hasam 0ercur8 2rocessed 40 &
2andha& Shodhit 3u"phur 2rocessed 40 &
Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed 20 &
%ush&afur )a!phor )r8sta" po%der 10 &
#anga hasam 5in 2rocessed 10 &
7auha hasam Iron 2rocessed 10 &
Tamar hasam )opper 2rocessed 10 &
#idhara Argyreia ner$osa 4oot po%der 3 &
9eera Safed )u!in 3eed po%der 3 &
#idari &and Pueraria tuberosa 4oot po%der 3 &
Shatwari Asparagus racemosus 4oot po%der 3 &
Talam&hana Hygrophila spinosa 3eed po%der 3 &
ala Sida spp. 3eed po%der 3 &
3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed processed 3 &
Ati$isha Aconitum heterophyllum 4oot po%der 3 &
9a$itri 0ace Ari" po%der 3 &
9aiphal 1ut!e& 3eed po%der 3 &
7a$ang )"ove 'ud po%der 3 &
hang Cannabis sati$us 3eed po%der 3 &
A1wain Trachyspermum ammi 3eed po%der 3 &
Ral SafedPinus spp. +u! resin 3 &
%ethod 5riturate a"" the !inera"s in a pest"e and !ortar. 3eparate"89 in a
&rinder9 !ake a >ne po%der o7 a"" the her/a" in&redients. 0ix the t%o9 !oisten
%ith %ater to 7or! a thick paste and !ake pi""s o7 250 !& each.
.ose 'oi" !i"k vi&orous"8. When %ar!9 take one pi"" %ith this !i"k in the
!ornin& and one in the evenin&.
8se %anmath is another na!e 7or 3amde$a9 the &od o7 sex. %anmath Ras is
used 7or re&u"ari<in& a"" t8pes o7 sexua" inade=uacies in !enH it cures !an8
sexua" diseases9 he"ps in senescence and keeps death a%a8.
It is custo!ar8 to add opiu! in preparations used 7or de"a8in& e(acu"ation9
/ut %anmath Ras is uni=ue in that it does not contain opiu! /ut has the sa!e
e77ect as opiu!:containin& recipes.
It is e77ective in diseases o7 %o!en such as "eucorrhoea9 s"ackness o7 ovar8
and irre&u"ar ovu"ation. It aids in conception and he"ps proper deve"op!ent o7 the
7oetus and in retention o7 p"acenta.
Some 4asa8ana formulations
0#6ta Panchamrit Rasayana
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Processing
%u&ta hasam 2ear" 2rocessed 40 &
Par$al hasam )ora" 2rocessed 20 &
#ang hasam 5in 2rocessed 10 &
Shan&h hasam 0o""uscs 2rocessed 5 &
%u&ta Shu&ti hasam 0other o7 2ear" 2rocessed 5 &
Shatawari Ras Asparagus racemosus -uice As
#idari &and Ras Pueraria tuberosa -uice As
2hee &anwar Ras Aloe spp. -uice As
2anna Ras 3u&ar cane -uice As
%ethod 2u"veri<e a"" ani!a" and !inera" in&redients to a >ne po%der. 5riturate
these pu"veri<ed !ateria"s in pest"e and !ortar9 >rst %ith the (uice o7 Asparagus
racemousus9 then "et the (uice dr8 and add (uice o7 Pueraria tuberosa. When this
dries add a"oe pu"p9 dr8 a&ain then add su&arcane (uice. 4epeat the process >ve
ti!es9 and %hen !oist enou&h !ake pi""s o7 125 !& each.
.ose Bne pi"" t%ice
8se 3a!e as 7or pear" paste and ash. It is said to have a coo"in& e77ect on the
/od89 so is used as a cere/ra" tonic9 cardiotonic9 in nervous diseases and sexua"
Nari 3a!yan
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing
Supari /oi"ed in %ater Areca catechu 1uts /oi"ed in %ater
100 &
3atha Acacia catechu Fxtract o7
%usali SafedChlorophytum arundinaceum 4oot 100 &
Aswagandha Withania somnifera 4oot
100 & Sonth +in&er (dr8) 4oot
10 & Peepali Piper longum @ruitin& spike
10 & Peeplamul Piper longum 4oot
10 & 9eera Safed )u!in 3eed
10 & 7awang )"ove @"o%er /uds
10 & .alchini )inna!on 'ark.
10 & Te1pat Cinnamomum spp. Ieaves
10 & /ag&esar %esua ferrea @"o%er
10 & 3amar&as utea frondosa +u!
10 & Cha$a Piper chaba @ruit
10 & Chitra& Plumbago !eylanica 4oot
10 & 7a1wanti %imosa pudica 3eed
10 & Talam&hana Astercantha longifolia 3eed
10 & /irgundi #ite" negundo 3eed
10 & 7uha hasam Iron 2rocessed
64 Some 4asa8ana
10 & Par$al hasam )ora"9 red 2rocessed
10 & Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed
10 & #anga hasam 5in 2rocessed
10 & 2hee 'utter oi"
300 & .udh 0i"k
2 "
Some 4asa8ana formulations
%ethod 2u"veri<e 100 & each o7 areca nut a7ter /oi"in& in decoction o7 catechu
unti" so7t and dr89 a"on& %ith Chlorophytum arundinaceum and Withania
somnifera 7o""o%ed "ater /8 a"" other re!ainin& her/s. 0ix a"" the inor&anic
processed !ateria"s and !ake a separate >ne po%der.
'oi" %ho"e !i"k unti" it /eco!es condensed and 7or!s a thick s"urr8. 5o this
!i"k9 add >ne po%ders o7 the >rst three ite!s9 heat 7urther unti" the %ho"e !ass
/eco!es so"idi>ed9 and 7r8 in ghee (300 &). Add thick s8rup o7 su&ar to taste
and the >ne po%der o7 the re!ainin& her/s and processed !inera"s. 0ix
thorou&h"8 and !ake cand8 /a""s o7 25A50 & each.
.ose As per di&estive po%er9 che% one cand8 %ith
8se It !akes %o!en;s /odies hea"th89 keeps the! in proper shape9 and protects
7ro! a"" &8naeco"o&ica" pro/"e!s.
Na87ee8an Ras
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant
3uchla Shodhit 1ux vo!ica 3eed processed 25 &
Swarn %a&shi& Iron p8rites 2rocessed 25 &
Ras Sindur 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 2rocessed 25 &
Sonth +in&er (dr8) 2o%der 50 &
Peepali Ion& pepper 2o%der 50 &
%irch 3ali '"ack pepper 2o%der 50 &
Adra& +in&er (7resh) -uice As re=uired
%ethod 0acerate a"" the in&redients in &in&er (uice9 %hen %et enou&h and
ho!o&: enous9 !ake pi""s o7 125 & each.
.ose 125 !&.
8se It i!parts a ne% "ease o7 "i7e to the /od8 /8 increasin& stren&th9 and
!e!or8. It activates the nervous s8ste! and thus he"ps diseases caused /8
inactivation o7 this s8ste!.
Na8ratna Ras
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing
Heera hasam *ia!ond 2rocessed 14 &
Pu&hra1 hasam 5opa< 2rocessed 16 &
/eelam hasam A=ua!arineEsapphire 2rocessed 20 &
7al hasam 4u/8 2rocessed 20 &
#idurya hasam )at;s e8e 2rocessed 26 &
2omed hasam ,esonite 2rocessed 26 &
%u&ta hasam 2ear" 2rocessed 30 &
Par$al hasam )ora" 2rocessed 30 &
Panna hasam 5our!a"ineEF!era"d 2rocessed 16 &
66 Some 4asa8ana
#i&rant hasam 3i"ica 2rocessed 30 &
Ras Sindur '"ack su"phide o7 !ercur8 2o%der 250 &
Peepali Ion& pepper 2o%der 250 &
Some 4asa8ana formulations
%ethod 0ake pi""s containin& 50 !& o7 a/ove in&redients /8 addin& /inders to
the !ixture.
.ose 1 pi"" t%ice a
8se @or &enera" de/i"it89 conva"escence and %astin&
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing
Pu&hra1 Pishti 5opa< 2aste 10
& /eelam Pishti A=ua!arine 2aste
10 & Ra1at hasam 3i"ver 2rocessed
20 & Ra1$art Pishti 5ur=uoise 2aste
20 & Par$al Pishti )ora" 2aste
20 & Su$arn hasam +o"d 2rocessed
6 & :ashad hasam Jinc 2rocessed
6 & Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed
6 & 2uggal Commiphora wightii B"eo &u! resin
12 & Shila1it 'itu!inous co!pound 2aste
12 & 2aduchi Tinospora spp. 3tarch
12 &
2hee )"ari>ed /utter oi" 2ure 7at As
%ethod 5riturate a"" inor&anic co!pounds and pastes. Add &u! guggal9
ghee and Tinospora starch to it9 and triturate the %ho"e !ixture a&ain unti"
ho!o&enous. *is: so"ve Shila1it in a s!a"" a!ount o7 %ater and !ix it in the
a/ove !ixture. When ho!o&enous !ake pi""s o7 250 !& each.
.ose 2 pi""s t%ice dai"8 %ith !i"k 7or one
8se As a &eriatric tonic. It stren&thens a"" parts o7 the hu!an /od89 sta/i"i<es
$ata9 pitta and &apha. It is a /oon 7or !enta" %orkers as it has /ene>cia" e77ects
on the /rain and heart. It is an antidote to /oth interna" and externa" toxins9
particu"ar"8 %hen ama is produced in the /od8 due to the %ron& t8pe o7 7ood9
irre&u"ar diet9 "ack o7 re&u"arit8 in "i7e st8"e. It !iti&ates ama and /rin&s
tridosha into e=ui"i/riu!.
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing 6uantity
6# Some 4asa8ana
Parad hasam 0ercur8 2rocessed 10 &
7auh hasam Iron 2rocessed 10 &
Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed 10 &
Tamar hasam )opper 2rocessed 10 &
Shila1it Shodhit 'itu!inous co!pound 2uri>ed 10 &
2uggal Shodhit Commiphora wightii B"eo &u! resin9 puri>ed As re=uired
Triphala Emblica of+cinalis0 *ecoction o7 7ruits As re=uired
bellirica0 T' chebula
Tinospora spp. *ecoction o7 ste! As re=uired
Some 4asa8ana formulations
%ethod 0acerate 2uggal &u! in the decoction o7 Tinospora spp. and
Triphala9 and !ix in the >ne po%der o7 a"" the re!ainin& ite!s. .nead a""
these to&ether unti" ho!o&enous9 and !ake pi""s o7 60 !& each.
.ose 1A2 pi""s %ith &oat;s !i"k9 hone89 ghee or
8se In %astin& diseases9 po"8urea9 %eakness9 tu/ercu"osis9 and as an
anti!icro/ia" and antip8retic a&ent. It he"ps in a"" the three doshas o7 the /od8.
Paraadi Ras
Ayur$edic name otanical5English
Plant part5process 6uantity
Parad hasam 0ercur8 2rocessed 10 &
2andha& Shodhit 3u"phur 2uri>ed 10 &
#ang hasam 5in 2rocessed (100 ti!es) 10 &
Rasuant erberis spp. Water extract (dr8) 30 &
7odhra Symplocos racemosa 'ark po%der 60 &
#asa&a Adhatoda $asica -uice o7 her/ As re=uired
%ethod 5riturate !ercur8 %ith su"phur and add >ne po%ders o7 the re!ainin&
ite!s. Add the re=uired =uantit8 o7 the (uice o7 Adhatoda9 unti" a thick paste
is 7or!ed. ,o!o&eni<e the %ho"e !ixture 7urther 7or 6 hours and !ake pi""s
o7 35 !& each.
.ose 1A2 pi""s t%ice dai"8 %ith hone89 or %ith rice &rue" or %ater. @or
additiona" /ene>t take it %ith 2 & ergenia ligulata po%der.
8se It is a Rasayana 7or %o!en9 and the pi"" &ives re"ie7 i7 va&ina" Co%
increases due to excessive intercourse9 %ron& diet9 %ron& %a8 o7 "ivin&9 short
te!per9 stress9 etc. *urin& this !edication9 use o7 intoxicants9 narcotics9
"uxurious "i7e9 (unk spic8 7ood "eadin& to "a<iness9 /ackache9 pains9 stress9 etc.
shou"d /e avoided.
Ramch#ramani Ras
Ayur$edic name otanical5English
%u&ta Pishti 2ear" 2aste 20 &
Swarn %a&shi& hasam Iron p8rite 2rocessed 20 &
Su$arn hasam +o"d 2rocessed 20 &
himseni 3apoor 'orneo" 2o%der 20 &
9aiphal 1ut!e& @ruit po%der 20 &
#anga hasam 5in 2rocessed 20 &
Ra1at hasam 3i"ver 2rocessed 20 &
.alchini )inna!on 'ark po%der 10 &
Te1pat Cinnamomum spp. Iea7 po%der 10 &
(laichi Choti )arda!o! @ruit po%der 10 &
/ag 3esar %esua ferrea 'ud po%der 10 &
0 Some 4asa8ana
Shatawari Ras Asparagus racemosus 4oot (uice As re=uired
Some 4asa8ana formulations
%ethod 2repare a >ne po%der o7 a"" ite!s and keep the! in the (uice o7
Asparagus 7or seven da8s. 0ake pi""s o7 125 & each.
.ose 1A2 pi""s t%ice dai"8 %ith
8se A coo"in&9 nutritive sex sti!u"ant and aphrodisiac. It is considered suita/"e
7or those persons %ho consu!e ite!s %hich are hot in nature9 such as hot and spic8
7ood9 intoxicants9 a"coho"9 !eat preparations9 etc. It does not have an8 narcotic
or side e77ects and can /e used throu&hout the 8ear.
Rasayana for infants
Ayur$edic name otanical5Scienti+c
Plant part5process 6uantit
:ashad hasam Jinc 2rocessed 5 &
Par$al Pishti )ora"9 red 2aste %ith %ater 10 &
Heran Sing *eerEsta& horn Ash 5 &
Tan&an hasam 'orax (deh8drated) 2o%der 5 &
%irch Safed White pepper 2o%der9 outer /"ack coat re!oved 10 &
Shathi Hedychium spicatum 4hi<o!e po%der 20 &
3esar 3a77ron 3t8"e and sti&!a 5 &
%ethod 5riturate >ne po%ders o7 a/ove9 !oisten %ith %ater9 and !ake pi""s
65 !&
.ose and 8se )rush a pi"" in one teaspoon o7 !other;s !i"k or co%;s !i"k9
and ad!inister to chi"d 7o""o%ed /8 !i"k or hone8 %ith Embelia ribes po%der.
It is an ana/o"ic a&ent9 acts on a"" the s8ste!s o7 the /od89 particu"ar"8 %hen
there are s8!p: to!s o7 7ever9 co"d cou&h9 vo!itin&9 "oose !otions9 indi&estion
and %or! in7estation.
Ayur$edic name otanical5Scienti+c name Plant part5process
2ond 3i&ar +u! acacia 2o%der 500 &
Sonth +in&er (dr8) 2o%der 100 &
Peepali Piper longum @ruitin& spike po%der 100 &
Piplamul Piper longum 4oot po%der 25 &
7awang )"ove 2o%der 25 &
9aiphal 1ut!e& 2o%der 25 &
9a$itri 0ace 2o%der 25 &
3amar&as omba" malabarium +u! po%der 25 &
Shila1it 'itu!inous co!pound 2aste 10 &
%irch 3ali '"ack pepper 2o%der 10 &
.alchini )inna!on 2o%der 10 &
Te1pat Cinnamomum spp. Iea7 po%der 10 &
/ag&eshar %esua ferrea @"o%er po%der 10 &
(laichi )arda!o! @ruit po%der 10 &
Par$al hasam )ora"9 red 2rocessed (ca"cined) 10 &
7auh hasam Iron 2rocessed 10 &
Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed 10 &
3eshar 3a77ron 3ti&!a and st8"e 5 &
2hee )"ari>ed 'utter 250 &
2 Some 4asa8ana
%ishri 3u&ar cand8 2 k&
Su&ha %ewa *ried 7ruits as
Some 4asa8ana formulations
%ethod @r8 &u!s in c"ari>ed /utter. 3eparate"8 po%der &in&er9 "on& pepper
7ruitin& spikes and roots. In another /atch !ake a >ne po%der o7 sa77ron9 spices9
processed !inera"s9 !ix the! and pass the! throu&h a >ne c"oth or a sieve.
)hop a"!ond9 pistachio9 dr8 &rapes and coconut.
0ake su&ar s8rup9 and add to it a"" the po%ders o7 her/s and !inera"s except
sa77ron and spices unti" the su&ar s8rup is o7 thick consistenc8. When the s8rup
starts to so"idi78 and is sti"" %ar!9 add sa77ron and spices. 3!ear a Cat p"ate
%ith c"ari>ed /utter9 and spread the a/ove se!i so"id !ixture on it. 2ut chopped
dr8 7ruits as a top "a8er and !ake pieces o7 25 & each.
.ose 25A50 & as per the di&estive po%er o7 the patient. )he% it in the !ornin&
%ith an e!pt8 sto!ach9 a"on& %ith %ar! !i"k.
8se It acts on the /od8 in various %a8s. It provides the /od8 %ith the ener&8
re=uired 7or de"a8in& e(acu"ation durin& sex. It i!parts /eaut8 and hea"th to %o!en9
&ives enou&h stren&th 7or sex and re"ie7 in "eucorrhoea. It is o7 i!!ense use a7ter
&ivin& /irth.
Sh#6ar Amriti6a
Ayur$edic name otanical5English
Plant part5processing 6uantit
Parad hasam 0ercur8 2rocessed 40 &
2andha& hasam 3u"phur 2rocessed 40 &
Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed 40 &
7auh hasam Iron 2rocessed 40 &
(liachi )arda!o! @ruit po%der 40 &
2o&shru Tribulus terrestris @ruit decoction 20 &
#ibhita&i Terminalia bellirica @ruit po%der 20 &
Hariat&i T' chebula @ruit po%der 20 &
Amala&i Emblica of+cinalis @ruit po%der 20 &
Te1pat Cinnamomum spp. Iea7 po%der 20 &
Rasaunt erberis spp. Water extract9 dr8 20 &
Cha$a Piper chaba @ruit po%der 20 &
Talispatra Abies spp. Iea7 po%der 20 &
Tan&an hasam 'orax9 crude *eh8drated po%der 20 &
Anar Punica granatum 3%eet 7ruit seed 20 &
2uggal ;Shodhit< Commiphora wightii B"eo &u! resin (2rocessed) 10 &
%ethod 5riturate su"phur and !ercur8 co!pounds unti" ho!o&enous. 0ake a
decoc: tion o7 go&shru9 and add !ercur8 su"phur co!pound9 and a >ne po%der o7
the re!ain: in& ite!s to this decoction. Add additiona" decoction to such an
extent that a paste %et enou&h 7or !akin& pi""s is 7or!ed. 5riturate this paste
7urther 7or 12 hours and !ake pi""s o7 250 !& each.
.ose 1A2 pi""s %ith !i"k9 %ater or po!e&ranate (uice as per the a&e and
severit8 o7 the i""ness o7 the patients.
8se It is used particu"ar"8 7or diseases o7 the nervous and urino&enita" s8ste!s9
4 Some 4asa8ana
unti" tota" recover8 is achieved. In he"ps in the 7or!ation o7 /"ood in the /od89
!akes the
Some 4asa8ana formulations
/od8 !uscu"ar9 thickens and puri>es sper!atic Cuid9 and acts as a !enta"
sti!u"ant. It he"ps i!potence due to %eakness o7 the nervous s8ste!. In
invo"untar8 nocturna" e!ission andEor pre!ature e(acu"ation9 1 pi"" t%ice dai"8 is
Precaution 5he dose o7 the !edication shou"d not /e increased. 5he patient
shou"d "ead a si!p"e9 re&u"ated9 discip"ined "i7e %ithout a!orous activit8 o7 an8
Ayur$edic name otanical5English
Plant part5processing 6uantity
Parad hasam 0ercur8 2rocessed 10 &
2andha& Shodhit 3u"phur 2rocessed 10 &
Hartal Arsenic co!pound 2repared 7ro! 4$ parts o7 10 &
arsenic and 24 parts o7 su"phur
%anshil Arsenic co!pound 2repared 7ro! 4$ parts o7 10 &
arsenic and 16 parts o7 su"phur
Tamar hasam )opper 2rocessed 10 &
%al&angani Tail Celastrus Bi" As re=uired
%andu&parni Centela asiatica ,er/ (uice or decoction As re=uired
#ach Acorus calamus 4hi<o!e (uice or decoction As re=uired
%ethod 5ake e=ua" =uantities o7 a"" the !inera"s9 triturate the! in a pest"e
!ortar >rst %ith Celastrus paniculatus oi"9 enou&h to !oisten the !ateria"s9 and
then soak and dr8 the !ixture 21 ti!es in the decoction or (uice o7 Calamus and
Centella. 0ake pi""s o7 60 !&.
.ose 60 A120 !& %ith /utter and
8se 5his !ixture is !ain"8 prescri/ed 7or "oss o7 !e!or89 /ut is used 7or an8
t8pe o7 %eakness in the nervous s8ste! (sedative9 tran=ui"i<er9 antidepressant)
and a"so 7or para"8sis9 h8steria9 sudden spas!9 sudden "oss o7 !e!or89 pain
nausea9 vo!itin&9 and threatened a/ortion. It %as tried /8 5ripathi and 3in&h
(1$$5) in residua" schi<ophre: nia %ith &ood resu"ts.
/ote I7 durin& the ad!inistration o7 this co!pound9 poisonin& due to arsenic
is evident9 &ive (uice o7 enincasa hispida9 cu!in seed and su&ar 7or three da8s.
S#8aran 0a!ini
Ayur$edic name otanical5English
Plant part5processing 6uantity
Su$aran #ar& or +o"d @oi" or processed 10 &
%u&ta Pishti or hasam 2ear" 2aste or processed 20 &
Hingul Arsenic co!pound 2rocessed 30 &
%irch Safed White pepper 2epper %ith seed coat
6 Some 4asa8ana
re!oved9 po%der 40 &
:ashad hasam Jinc 2rocessed #0 &
%a&han 'utter 20 &
/imbu &a ras Ie!on (uice As re=uired
Some 4asa8ana formulations

%ethod 5riturate &o"d and hingul in a pest"e and !ortar unti" !ixed
uni7or!"8. I7 &o"d 7oi"s are to /e used9 do not add a"" at once /ut use a sin&"e
&o"d 7oi" at a ti!e9 triturate unti" !ixed9 add !ore9 and so on. 5o this !ixture
add %hite pepper9 pear"9 <inc co!pound and /utterH triturate 7urther 7or three
hours. Add the re=uired =uantit8 o7 >"tered 7resh "e!on (uice to the !ixture9
triturate unti" the /utter /eco!es 7u""8 e!u"si>ed and no separate 7att8 !atter is
evident. )ontinue this treat!ent o7 the !ixture %ith 7resh "e!on (uice 7or #A10
da8s unti" the product is no "on&er &reas8. 0ake pi""s o7 125 !& each.
.ose 1A2 pi""s t%ice dai"8 %ith 250 !& o7 "on& pepper9 and hone89 7or 40
da8s. In chi"dren the dose can /e ha"ved.
8se It he"ps in a"" t8pes o7 %eakness and diseases in the /od89 particu"ar"8
tu/ercu"o: sis9 AI*39 in "o% constant 7ever9 "iver and sp"een en"ar&e!ent. @or
%eak e8esi&ht9 red e8es9 and e8e in7ection9 use one pi"" t%ice dai"8 %ith /utter
and su&ar. In !enta" %eakness9 and in chronic 7evers9 use one pi"" t%ice dai"8
%ith co"d !i"k. In respirator8 pro/"e!s one pi"" t%ice dai"8 %ith a teaspoon o7
hone8 and 250 !& o7 "on& pepper po%der is used. @or sti!u"atin& the
neuro!uscu"ar s8ste!9 one pi"" %ith cu!in and su&ar9 or Emblica preserve9 or
%ith po!e&ranate (uice s%eetened %ith !i"k is &iven. @or nocturna" e!ission9
the dose is one pi"" t%ice dai"89 %ith ha"7 a spoon o7 hone8 and one spoon o7 /utter9
%hi"e other sexua" inade=uacies are treated %ith one pi"" t%ice dai"8 %ith 1A2
spoons o7 hone8 in co"d !i"k 7or 40 da8s. 5his preparation &ives a per!an: ent
cure and can /e used in an8 %eather9 /8 an8 person o7 an8 a&e. It is a &enera" tonic
7or %o!en %ith various &8naeco"o&ica" pro/"e!s such as "eucorrhoea9
d8s!enorrhoea9 %eakness due to pre&nanc89 etc. In "eucorrhoea one pi"" t%ice
dai"8 %ith rice &rue" 7or 7ort8 da8s is re=uired. @or proper nutrition o7 the 7oetus
o7 expectant !others9 one pi"" t%ice dai"8 %ith hone8 in !i"k9 or /utter and
su&ar shou"d /e taken.
Precautions 3our thin&s such as ta!arind9 unripe !an&o9 and hot 7ood such as
spices9 red pepper9 non:ve&etarian and 7ried ite!s are prohi/ited.
S#8arna 5asant
Ayur$edic name English name Processing 6uantit
Su$arn $ar& +o"d @oi" 10 &
%u&ta pishti 2ear" 2aste 10 &
Ras Sindur 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 2rocessed 10 &
:ashad hasam Jinc 2rocessed 10 &
Tamar hasam )opper 2rocessed 10 &
%irch &ali '"ack pepper 2o%der 10 &
%ethod 0ake a >ne po%der o7 the !inera"s9 !ix /"ack pepper po%der9 and
triturate %ith &o"d 7oi"s and pear" paste unti" a ho!o&enous !ixture is 7or!ed.
0ake pi""s o7
# Some 4asa8ana
32 & each.
Use 12 pills for impotence due to chronic fevers.
Some 4asa8ana formulations
$ S'apanmehnta6
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing 6uantit
ma11a %ishri
Sapindus mu&rosii
3u&ar cand8
po%der 'o"d
25 &
50 &
50 &
%ethod 5riturate the three in&redients9 !oisten and !ake pi""s o7 350 !&
.ose 3A6 pi""s %ith
8se In dia/etes9 "oss o7 sper!atic Cuid9 sper!atorrhoea9 7or increasin&
retention po%er o7 se!ina" dischar&e9 and in %astin& diseases. In invo"untar8
nocturna" e!ission take t%o pi""s three ti!es a da8 %ith %ater9 do not eat in the
5asant 3#sma6ar
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing 6uantity
Par$al Pishti )ora" 2aste 40 &
%u&ta Pishti 2ear" 2aste 40 &
Ras Sindur 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 2rocessed 40 &
Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed 40 &
Su$arn hasam +o"d 2rocessed 10 &
Ra1at hasam 3i"ver 2rocessed 10 &
7auha hasam Iron 2rocessed 30 &
#ang #ar& 5in 7oi"s 2rocessed 30 &
Amber A!/er&ris Aro!atic resin 30 &
3asturi 0usk Aro!atic resin 20 &
3eshar 3a77ron 3ti&!a and st8"e 20 &
#asa&a Ras Adhatoda $asica *ecoction9 Co%er top As re=uired
Haldi 3wath 5ur!eric *ecoction As re=uired
2ana Ras 3u&ar cane -uice As re=uired
Shatawari Ras Asparagus spp. -uice o7 root As re=uired
3adli Ras 'anana (%i"d) -uice o7 ste! As re=uired
Chandan 3wath 3anda" *ecoction o7 %ood As re=uired
3amal 3wath Iotus *ecoction o7 Co%er As re=uired
%ethod 5riturate a"" the inor&anic !ateria"s in po%der 7or!9 %ith
(uiceEdecoction o7 each o7 the her/9 as per 7or!u"ation one /8 one (Adhatoda9
7o""o%ed /8 decoction o7 tur!eric su&ar cane (uice9 "otus Co%er (uice9 Asparagus
(uice9 /anana ste! (uice9 and >na""8 decoction o7 sanda"%ood) 7or 3A 6 hours in
su7>cient =uantit8 7or 7ree !ove: !ent o7 the !ass in a pest"e and !ortar.
5riturate 7urther 7or 3 hours %ith !usk and a!/er&ris9 and !ake pi""s o7 125 !&
#0 Some 4asa8ana
.ose 1E2 to 1 pi"" t%ice dai"8 %ith !i"k 7at or /utter and
8se It is a &eriatric and sexua" tonic used 7or re(uvenation. It &ives ener&8 to a""
the /od8 s8ste!s9 /ut is particu"ar"8 use7u" 7or the /rain9 heart9 "un&s9 a"i!entar8
Some 4asa8ana formulations
and the sexua" or&ans. In dia/etes9 one pi"" t%ice dai"8 is said to reduce su&ar
/oth 7ro! urine and /"ood. As a !enta" tonic9 !ake a decoction o7 ha"7 a teaspoon
each o7 cinna!on9 cinna!on "eaves and carda!o!9 and /oi" the! in 200 !"
%ater. 5ake one pi"" dai"8 %ith this decoction. In hae!orrha&e or /"eedin& 7ro!
an8 part o7 the /od89 take ha"7 a pi"" %ith su&arEhone8. @or !a"e sexua" inade=uac8
take one pi"" /e7ore s"eep or ear"8 in the !ornin&. In acute cases9 one pi"" t%ice
dai"8 %ith !i"k !a8 /e taken. @or &8naeco"o&ica" pro/"e!s !ake a paste o7
cora"9 take 5 & o7 this paste9 !ix it in
2 & #asant 3usma&ar Ras and !ake 24 doses 7ro! this !ixture. 5ake one dose
t%ice dai"8 %ith !i"k.
5isha Rasayana
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant
#atsnabh ;shodhit< Aconite 0iti&ated 12 &
Ras Sindur 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 2rocessed 25 &
Parad hasam 0ercur8 2rocessed 12 &
Ra1at hasam 3i"ver 2rocessed 12 &
Tamar hasam )opper in !ercur8 )o!pound 50 &
and su"phur 2reparation
Sonth +in&er (dr8) 2o%der 50 &
Peepali Ion& pepper 2o%der 50 &
%irch 3ali '"ack pepper 2o%der 50 &
.alchini )inna!on 2o%der 50 &
Te1pat Cinnamomum spp. 2o%der "eaves 50 &
/ag 3esar %esua ferrea 2o%der Co%er 50 &
Chitra& Plumbago !eylanica 2o%der root 50 &
%ethod 0acerate a"" the ite!s and !ake pi""s o7 250 !& each /8 addin& a
.ose 1A2
8se 5his Rasayana &ives stren&th and i!parts i!!unit8. It increases internal
+re o7 the /od89 %hich activates "iver9 sp"een and thus di&estion. It is use7u" 7or
the a!orous person %ith !u"tip"e partners. @or "on&evit89 it shou"d /e used 7or
t%o !onths.
5rahida 5an"ash'ar
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Plant part5processing
#ang hasam 5in 2rocessed 12
& Parad hasam 0ercur8 2rocessed
12 & Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed
#2 Some 4asa8ana
12 & 2andha& Shodhit 3u"phur 2uri>ed
12 & Su$arna hasam +o"d 2rocessed
3 & Ra1at hasam 3i"ver 2rocessed
12 & %u&ta Pishti 2ear" 2aste %ith %ater
3 & %ush&afoor )a!phor )r8sta"s
12 &
hringra1a Eclipta alba -uice As
Some 4asa8ana formulations
%ethod 0ix !ercur8 and su"phur9 and other ite!s in the (uice o7 Eclipta alba9
tritu: rate and !ake pi""s o7 125 !& each.
.ose 1A2 pi""s t%ice dai"8 %ith &oat;s !i"k or
8se It he"ps in a"" t8pes o7 chronic dia/etes9 and urino&enita" pro/"e!s. It
co!pen: sates "oss in the /od8 7ro! to excessive a!orous activities.
5he trade na!e o7 the product a"on& %ith the na!e o7 !anu7acturer in /rackets9
/rie7 indications and detai" a/out the in&redient is &iven in each case. In the
"a/e"sE/ro: chures o7 these products9 so!e !anu7acturers &ave A8urvedic na!es9
%hi"e others used /otanica" na!es9 sti"" other !entioned /oth na!es. 2"ant part
is usua""8 not !entioned. In !an8 cases it %as not c"ear %hether the her/ %as
used or a particu"ar t8pe o7 extract %as incorporated in the 7or!u"ations. In these
cases %hatever in7or!a: tion %as avai"a/"e has /een &iven.
!or r"juv"nation and viri#ity
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used6uantity
3eshar Crocus sati$us 3t8"e 15 !&
A&ar&ara Anacyclus pyrethrum 4oot 15 !&
Shan&hpushpi Canscora decussata ,er/ 15 !&
9atamansi /ardostachys 1atamansi 4oot 15 !&
%al&angani Celastrus paniculatus 3eed 15 !&
9aiphal 1ut!e& 3eed 20 !&
Peepali Ion& pepper @ruitin& spike 20 !&
Sonth +in&er 4oot 20 !&
.alchini )inna!on 'ark 20 !&
Pan Piper betle Ieaves 20 !&
Talam&hana Hygrophila spinosa 3eed 40 !&
7ata &asturi Hibiscus abelomoschus 3eed 40 !&
Ashwgandha Withania somnifera 4oot 40 !&
Sata$ar Asparagus racemosus 4oot 40 !&
%undi Spharenthus indicus @"o%ers 40 !&
3uth Saussurea lappa 4oot 40 !&
9aiphal 1ut!e& 3eed 40 !&
Salam mishri )rchis mascula 4oot 40 !&
3has #eti$eria !i!anoides 4oot 40 !&
7awang )"ove 'uds #0 !&
#4 Some 4asa8ana
Ashree orte :Aimi! pharmacy;
Incr"as"s s"$ua# activity% #i&ido
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
%a&ardhawa1 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 %ith &o"d A 20 !&
3esar 3a77ron 3t8"e 20 !&
9aiphal 1ut!e& 3eed 20 !&
9a$itri 0ace Ari" 20 !&
Shila1it 'itu!inous co!pound A 20 !&
Swarn #ang 2rocessed tin A 10 !&
2aduchi sat$a Tinospora cordifolia 3tarch 20 !&
Tri$ang hasam 2rocessed "ead9 tin and <inc A 10 !&
2o&shuru ghansat$a Tribulus terrestris 3eed Fxtract 20 !&
3aunch ( processed) %ucuna pruriens 3eed 150 !&
Ashwgandha Withania somnifera 4oot 30 !&
Shatawar Asparagus racemosus 4oot 30 !&
Safed %usli Chlorophytum arundinaceum 4oot 20 !&
hilwa Semecarpus anacardium 3eed 30 !&
Til 3esa!e seed Fxtract 20 !&
#arahi &and.ioscorea bulbifera 4oot 20 !&
Te1patar Cinnamomum iners Iea7 15 !&
.alchini )inna!on 'ark 15 !&
.htura bee1 ( processed) .atura spp. 3eed 10
3uchla ( processed) 1ux vo!ica 3eed 10 !&
A&ar&ara Anacyclus pyrethrum 4oot 10 !&
(rento :<and#;
A '"n"ra# n"rv" tonic
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
Shan&hpushpi Con$ol$ulus microphyllus Who"e her/ 100 !&
%andu&parni Centella asiatica Who"e her/ 100 !&
Ashwgandha Withania somnifera 4oot 100 !&
%ulathi 2lycyrrhi!a glabra 4oot 100 !&
3uth Saussurea lappa 4oot 50 !&
#acha Acorus calamus 4oot 25 !&
Serpgandha Rau$ol+a serpentina 4oot 25 !&
9atiphala %yristica fragrans @ruit 5 !&
Chanderody Ras A preparation o7 red su"phide A 5 !&
o7 !ercur8
Some 4asa8ana formulations
orte"e :A!arsin;
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used
3ambo1i Adenanthera pa$onina 3eed 60
!& 3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed 30 !&
3uchula /u" $omica ( processed) 3eed 30 !&
Samundra sosh Sal$ia plebia 3eed 15
!& #ardhara Argyreia speciosa 3eed 15
!& #ardhara Argyreia speciosa 4oot 15
!& Asar Calotropis gigantea 4oot /ark 15
!& 7a$ang )"ove 'ud .5 !&
Piper Ion& pepper @ruit .5 !&
#acha )a"a!us 4oot .5 !&
%arich '"ack pepper @ruit .5 !&
Sunthi +in&er 4oot .5 !&
Chini 3abab Piper cubeba @ruit .5
!& A&ar&ara Anacyclus pyrethrum 4oot .5
!& Su&had Santalum album Wood
.5 !& 9aifal 1ut!e& @ruit 4.5 !&
9a$itri 0ace @ruit 3.00
!& 9ee$anti 7eptadenia reticulata 4oot 56.5
*mmine4 :Hind Chemica!s;
Ayur$edic name otanical name Plant part5process 6uantit
Picrorhi!a &urroa
Swertia chirata
50 !&
50 !&
25 !&
2aryan :Yo"i Pharmacy;
!or s"$ua# disord"rs and disa&i#ity
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
Salam %ishri )rchis mascula 4oot 33 !&
Safed musli Asparagus adscendens 4oot 33 !&
3i&ar gond +u! ara/ica +u! 33 !&
Shital chini Piper cubeba @ruit 33 !&
Chobchini Smila" glabra 4oot 33 !&
#ang hasam 5in processed 4oot 33 !&
9awahar hasam 2recious stones9 processed 4oot 33 !&
7uban 3t8rax /en<oin +u! 33 !&
2ond 3atira Cochlospermum religiosum +u! 66 !&
6 Some 4asa8ana
0ast :Herba *ndica;
!or o("r)u#% consist"nt% and )ocus"d "r)ormanc"
Ayur$edic name otanical name Part used 6uantit
%ucuna pruriens
Tribulus terrestris
3eed processed in !i"k
3eed %ater extract
250 !&
150 !&
0entat :Hima!aya Dr#";
Activat"s th" mind
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
rahmi acopa monnieri ,er/ Fxtract 136 !&
%andu&parni Centella asiatica ,er/ Fxtract 0 !&
Ashwgandha Withania somnifera 4oot Fxtract 52 !&
Shan&hpushpi E$ol$ulus alsinoides ,er/ Fxtract 52 !&
9atamansi /ardostachys 1atamansi 4oot Fxtract 52 !&
Tagar #aleriana wallichii 4oot Fxtract 50 !&
abading Embelia ribes 3eed Fxtract 50 !&
adam A"!ond 3eed 50 !&
Harita&i Terminalia chebula @ruit Fxtract 36 !&
Amala&i Emblica of+cinalis @ruit Fxtract 36 !&
2aduchi Tinospora cordifolia ,er/ Fxtract 36 !&
%ala&angni Celastrus paniculatus 3eed Fxtract 32 !&
Shoyana&a )ro"ylum indicum 'ark Fxtract 32 !&
rahmi acopa monnieri ,er/ 2o%der #0 !&
3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed 2o%der 1# !&
Ela Elettaria cardamomum 3eed 2o%der 1# !&
Ar1un Terminalia ar1una 'ark 2o%der 1# !&
Saunf @enne" 3eed 2o%der 1# !&
Salab mishri )rchis mascula 4oot 2o%der 1# !&
Sunth +in&er 4oot 2o%der 14 !&
#ibhita&i Terminalia bellirica @ruit 2o%der 14 !&
9aiphal 1ut!e& @ruit 2o%der 14 !&
7aung )"ove 'ud 2o%der 10 !&
%u&ta pishti 2ear" 2aste 3 !&
Some 4asa8ana formulations

0#c#na orte :Deesons;

Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
Ashwgandha Withania somnifera 4oot #0 !&
#idhara Argyreia ner$osa 4oot 5 !&
3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed ( processed) 30 !&
A&ar&ara Anacyclus pyrethrum 4oot 20 !&
ala bee1 Sida cordifolia 3eed 25 !&
3uchla shodhit Strychnos nu" $omica 3eed ( processed) 10 !&
Salab pan1a Eulophia campestris 4oot 10 !&
%a&ardhawa1 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 %ith &o"d A 10 !&
9aiphal %yristica fragrans @ruit 10 !&
Shila1it 'itu!inous !ateria" 2aste 20 !&
9und edaster )astoreu! B"eo:resin 20 !&
3eshar 3a77ron 3t8"e and sti&!a 4 !&
2rocessed in the decoction o7 Piper betle9 onion9 Withania and
Asparagus. 2recaution? *o not use in cardiac diseases9 h8pertension and
/"eedin& pi"es.
Po'er Pi!!s :=ambers )ab,;
!or instant s"$ua# vi'our
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
3hurasani A1wain Hyoscyamus niger 3eed 45 !&
%a&ardhawa1 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 %ith &o"d A 22 !&
A&ra&ara Anacyclus pyrethrum 4oot 15 !&
9aiphal 1ut!e& @ruit 15 !&
9a$itri 0ace Ari" !&
7awang )"ove 'uds !&
Ashwgandha Withania somnifera 4oot !&
3esar 3a77ron 3t8"es !&
Amber A!/er&ris 4esin !&
Ra8in :0a!abar Chemica!s;
!or r"t"ntion o("r in s"$ua# hain"ss
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
Talam&hana Hygrophila spinosa 3eed 25 !&
2o&shru Tribulus terrestris 3eed 25 !&
3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed ( processed) 25 !&
Shatawari Asparagus racemosus 4oot 25 !&
Salam %usali omba" malabaricum Koun& root 25 !&
9aiphal %yristica fragrans @ruit 25 !&
Su$aran hasam +o"d (2rocessed) A 25 !&
# Some 4asa8ana
Spy :Yo"i Pharmacy;
S"$ tonic
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
Sarpgandha Rau$ol+a serpentina 4oot 22.5 !&
3uchla (shodhit) Strychnos nu" $omica 3eed ( processed) 22.5 !&
Salam %ishri )rchis mascula 4oot 33.0 !&
9aiphal 1ut!e& @ruit 25.5 !&
9a$itri 0ace Ari" on seed 25.5 !&
A&ra&ara Anacyclus pyrethrum 4oot 25.5 !&
Shila1it 'itu!en !ateria" 2aste 25.5 !&
%a&ardhawa1 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 %ith &o"d A 16.5 !&
Trin&antmani gum A<i!a tetracantha? +u! 16.5 !&
#ang hasam 5in 2rocessed 16.5 !&
3esar 3a77ron 3t8"es 16.5 !&
Amber A!/er&ris B"eoresin 16.5 !&
%u&ta pishti 2ear" pu"veri<ed 2aste 6.6 !&
9und adastar )astoreu! B"eoresin 6.6 !&
3adali ras 'anana ste! -uice 13.2 !&
2rocessed in the decoction and 7resh (uice o7 Pueraria tuberosa9 Withania somnifera9 Asparagus
racemosus9 Aloe barbadensis9 Curcuma longa and Cannabis sati$a.
Strene4 :<and#;
Vita#ity aid* ton"s h"a#th
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
Ashwgandha Withania somnifera 4oot 100 !&
3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed ( processed) 150 !&
Chandrodya Ras 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 A 100 !&
%ani&ya hasam 4u/8 2rocessed 100 !&
%u&ta Pishti 2ear" 2aste 100 !&
Abhra& hasam 0ica 2rocessed 50 !&
Shila1it 'itu!inous co!pound 2aste 50 !&
3uchla (!iti&ated) Strychnos nu"=$omica 3eed ( processed) 25 !&
3antloha Wrou&ht iron 2rocessed 20 !&
9aiphal 1ut!e& 3eed 2o%der 20 !&
%an&iya Ras Arsenic 2rocessed 10 !&
himseni &apoor 'orneo" )r8sta"s 5 !&
Amber A!/er&ris 4esin 5 !&
Some 4asa8ana formulations
Tente4 forte :Hima!aya Dr#";
S"$ stimu#ant )or m"n
Ayur$edic name otanicalEEnglish name Part used6uantity
7ata 3asturi Ablemoschus moschatus 3eed Fxtract 10 !&
Ashwgandha Withania somnifera 4oot 65 !&
#idhara Argyreia ner$osa 3eed 32 !&
3awanch %ucuna pruriens 3eed ( processed) 32 !&
Tri$anga 2rocessed "ead9 tin and <inc A 32 !&
Shila1it 'itu!inous co!pound A 32 !&
3esar 3a77ron 3t8"es and 3ti&!a 25 !&
3uchla Shodhit 1ux vo!ica 3eed ( processed) 16 !&
%a&ardhawa1 4ed su"phide o7 !ercur8 (&o"d) A 16 !&
Salam mishri )rchis mascula 4oot 16 !&
A&ra&ara Anacyclus pyrethrum 4oot 16 !&
ala Sida cordifolia 3eed 16 !&
Semal %usli Salmalia malabarica 4oot 16 !&
3ali %irch '"ack pepper 3eed 5 !&
2rocessed in the (uice o7 Sida9 Asparagus9 (pomoea digitata9 Piper betle9 Withania9 Tribulus9
Tinospora9 Argyreia9
Acacia arabica and .ashmool (ten roots).
Trasina :Dey>s 0edica! Stores;
Antistr"ss immunomodu#at"r
Ayur$edic name otanical5English name Part used 6uantit
somnifera )cimum
!inera" Tinospora
Picrorhi!a &urroa
Eclipta alba
4oot Fxtract
Iea7 Fxtract
,er/ Fxtract
4oot Fxtract
4oot Fxtract
$0 !&
1$0 !&
20 !&
10 !&
10 !&
10 !&
5ito4 :0a4o )ab,;
+"n"ra# s"$ tonic
Ayur$edic name otanical name Part used 6uantit
7ata 3asturi
adscendens A'
Tribulus terrestris
%ucuna pruriens
)rchis latifolia
3eed (
processed) 4oot
60 !&
60 !&
60 !&
60 !&
60 !&
25 !&
25 !&
25 !&
15 !&
15 !&
15 !&
5 !&
#0 Some 4asa8ana

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