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Due to the lack of c____________ism, home-made products dont do so well on the

2. He was considered to be wise by his fellow t___________men, the wisest of all
. !ou can find a lot of interestin" h___________ bein" sold in front of the castle
entrance, tablecloths and necklaces are usually #ery popular.
$. %t was in her i____________y that she showed the first si"ns of her tremendous
&. 'he s_____________y of rice production in the area has been called into
(_____________, due to se#ere soil depletion.
). 'he Death *alley is a place rarely #_________ed into.
+. 'he 'uare" people still lead a n___________c life, all other tribes ha#in" lon" settled
into a"riculture and permanent #illa"es.
,. 'he "ame had already started and we were still b______________in" a path towards
our sets.
-. He used a s___________l to di" out the treasure bbut then re"retted not brin"in" a
truck to take it home.
1.. 'he ride took so lon" that tempers "ot f________d and by the end of it nobody was
speakin" with anybody else.
11. %n our company, new ideas s___________" up e#ery day, thats how creati#e we are.
12. /e made it to the city after ten days in the wilderness but it wasnt a
#____________e % would care to repeat.
1. 'he #illa"e was so r_____________e that no one could find it.
1$. 'o beha#e in an a_____________e way means to respect the norms of beha#ior the
society determined for us.
1&. % almost shi#ered with a______________n when % saw the hot tub after a full day in
the desert. % 0ust couldnt wait to "et in there.
1). 'he bands latest concert tour did wonders to k______-s________t the the sales of
their new album.
1+. /hen % went to 1"ypt % was surprised by the stran"e a____________e the local
people wore.
1,. 'he suitcase must be at its full c_____________, % dont think you could fit e#en a
sin"le thin" more in there.
1-. /e wanted to talk in pri#ate so we went out of e___________ of my parents.
2.. 2any bra#e e3plorers ha#e _____________d into the unknown so that we could
learn more about the world around us.
1. commercialism
2. tribesmen
. handicrafts
$. infancy
&. sustainability, (uestion
). #entured
+. nomadic
,. beatin"
-. sho#el
1.. frayed
11. sprin"
12. #enture
1. remote
1$. appropriate
1&. anticipation
1). kick-start
1+. attire
1,. capacity
1-. earshot
2.. #entured5#anished

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