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Rap Music codes and conventions

Typically rap artists are stereotyped as being black. Over the years there has been a
breakthrough in the number of white rap artists but they are predominately black.
Music videos could contain scenes of the artist bragging about the amount of money
that they have such as A$AP Rocky in his video Goldie. Flash cars are shown and
gold teeth which could symbolise the rappers wealth. Often rap artists will rap about
their money and it is very often shown in their music videos. Gold chains, fast cars
and girls are often seen in music videos perhaps because the artist wants to brag. In
a rap video the artist will rap towards the camera in the centre of the shot almost as
if they are talking to the audience. By leaning forward and using a low camera angle
shows the artists dominance or at least trying to give that impression. Depending on
the tempo of the song, if it is fast paced there will be lots of quick cut shots which
add to the pace of the beat in the song. By the cuts matching the beat of the song
supports Andrew Goodwins theory of Thought Beats. Mainly the music video will
be narrative heavy but the main focus being based on the rapper himself. For
example in Eminems famous song Lose yourself he leans towards the camera
addressing the audience, but also shows the rappers life story. This isnt always the
case though as it is a sound track to a movie which often show clips from the film it
was made for like Its on again by Kendrick Lamar for the new Spider Man movie. I
think that mainly rappers try to focus on wealth and hardness through the use of
guns, violence and the way that they act in the video. The use of drugs is part of the
artist A$AP Rockys videos which perhaps indicates the rappers bad attitude.

Indie music video codes and conventions

The videos tend to have varying combinations of codes and conventions. For
example the lighting can contrast between bright or dark. Sometimes the video can
change from being in colour to being black and white depending on the
tone and emotion of the lyrics and music.
Indie music videos tend to have a collaboration or mixture of both
narrative and performance genres. For example in Girls
by The 1975 uses both performance and narrative by
having the band playing but them also girls acting around them. The
focal point of the video can either be the main vocalist/front man of
the band or the performance of the whole band. Sometimes the
band or artist not making an appearance in their music video and use actors to
perform the narrative. They are often shown in linear chronological order as if we
are following their story.
Some videos can use a collage of shots and images that relate to the lyrics in some
way. On occasion the narrative music videos can be more representational or
symbolic of something the audience can relate to.
Indie artists often have a retro look and this can be created through the sets they
use, props and also their own appearance themselves.
They could have some sort of effect on them to make it either run smoothly or to
even add special effects to make it more interesting. Fast and slow cuts between
shots often reflect the pace of the music and link with it well. This helps to put across
the mood in the video and also how they want the audience to feel.
The videos would be shot in places which can be accessed easily and they can create
a very mysteries. The setting are kept simple because it is typical of indie rock music
video to focus more on the artist/performance.

POP Music Genre


The artists are clothed fashionable, stylish and mainstream outfits.
They typically portrayed as happy, enjoying and content with life.
The lyrics of POP artists are normally based around love or
Often bands express the unity associated with teens, which is the main
target audience for this genre.
Music genre is normally conveyed through the video dressing and
Pop magazines are often themed with bright and bold colours which
are normally associated with positive vibe
Pop is that the song usually is between 3-5 minutes long with a set
structure and a consistent beat.
Follows the typical Verse-Chorus-Verse and will contain hook lines
which are catchy

Pop videos and the Pop industry itself depends to change or vary depending on the
latest trends rather being independent and making something new, unique and
different to hear.

Pop Music Videos

The songs usually include beats that are dance orientated
They stereotypically are associated with teens. For example the youth enjoy
partying, clubbing and dancing which is the main purpose of pop.
There is a lot of imagery related to sex and partying.

Artists are presented in a very sexual and seductive way, trying to lure the
audience in with good looks or seductive body language. Current artists dress
in a provacitive ways portaying a sexual atmosphere.

Make-up is used to portray the emotion/mood of the artists storyline, helping to
express a message.

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