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Jason Solomon

Elizabeth Caruso
UWRT 1101
May, 27th, 2014
Primitive Love
Garry, whispered Pat. Stop it, it isnt worth it, dont throw everything
youve worked so hard for out the window over someones ignorant opinion.
Garry, walking off Fran Sturgess Pro Baseball Field had his fist clinched, eyes
wide open, nostrils flared, with intense breathing was contemplating ramming a
white mans head into a wall for using a racial slur against him saying niggers are
taking everything from us. He had just finished his game with four RBIs, one
stolen base, and was named MVP of the game. Pat walked in front of Garry to
break the line of eye contact that he had with the white man and said if you
ignore this, youll help to build a world of tolerance. If you react to this, youll be
building a world of war. Lets hit the shower and go catch the show. I hear Pearls
and Gin is playing at the Oxords Tie. Garry let out a sigh, dropped his head, and
continued off the field with Pat.
Born in 1929, Tulsa, Alabama, Garry was no stranger to racial insults,
however being a pro baseball league leader in stolen bases and RBIs while also
being the only black player/captain of the Norfolk Tidals brought on racial
attention at a level he had never imagined. If he was going to continue to play
ball he would have to learn how to control his emotions to not dictate negative
reactions. Pat was white and born in the city up in New York. He was also
Garrys closest friend and they considered each other family. They both loved
jazz and tried to attend every venue they could in their spare time.
At the Oxfords Tie, Garry and Pat sat at a table with a couple of drinks
watching the band set up on the stage. The Oxford always brought in a diverse
mixed crowd, usually travelers commuting from New York down to Atlanta. You
know coach is thinking about trading me to the Wild Hawkes down in
Jacksonville, for Rudy Garfield, Pat explained. He doesnt think Im a good fit for
our team. I dont know what to do. Garry smiled and said If you leave I leave. Ill
speak with coach and let him know. Hed be stupid to risk losing his bread
winner. Who, me or you Pat said with a chuckle. The lights dimmed and the
band, Pearls and Gin walked on thanked everyone for coming out as they
prepared to play their first arrangement. Pat tapped Garry on the shoulder I think
you have a fan. Garry turned his attention to a white woman sitting alone two
tables next to them. As soon as they made eye contact the woman looked away
as if she was looking at Garry by accident. Garry looked at Pat, wink and nodded.
He got up and walked over to the woman and introduced himself, hey, Im Garry.
Are you waiting for your husband? Would you like some company until he shows
up? In a strict tone and without looking at Garry the woman says I dont have a
husband. My brother set me up on a date with a guy that works at his bank and
hes running late. 45 minutes to me is being stood up. Let me buy you a drink.
See looks at him with a smirk and says youre right, what would a banker want to
do with a zoologist. Zoologist? You study Zoos?, replied Gary with a silly look
of unbelief on his face. No silly, I study and care for animals at Norfolk Metro
Zoo. My name is Michelle, nice to meet you Garry. Garry looked over to Pat and
gave him the thumbs up and invited him over. The three of them listened to Jazz
and talked on and off about baseball and which animals would win in a fight.
You may now kiss the bride. Garry leaned over to kiss Michelle, and the
wedding guest clapped and cheered for them. Pat sat with his sister screaming
out Play Ball! it was 1952 Over the next couple of years Garry and Michelle

*Identify how Garry meets michelle - done
*Show their shared interest in sports and science when they meet for the first
time with excitement. - donesort of
*Fast forward to them in a long term relationship and how they deal with public
appearances, difficulties being in an interracial relationship.
*Show the overwhelming urge to want to visit the grand opening of grand central
park (zoo animals)
*Explain the issues they deal with for coming out in public, with research animals
to visit the GCPark.
*Show a good conclusions.

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