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Essay Outline

Name: Nawaz Uddin

Introduction: Published in 1949, 1984 is one of Orwells best-crafted novels, and it
remains one of the most powerful warnins ever issued aainst the daners of a
totalitarian societ!"#he rise to power of dictators such as $dolf %itler in &erman! and
'oseph (talin in the (oviet Union inspired &eore Orwell, whose had a first hand
e)perience of a dictatorial control to write 1984 as a warnin to the future"
Thesis: 1984 b! &eore Orwell is novel based on dictatorship" #here are man! themes
in 1984 however, one of the most obvious and biest themes discussed in 1984 is
power" 1984 is full of e)amples of the wa!s *i *rother +i"e" the man in power at the
time, obtains his power"
Subtopics (3):
Body Paragraph ! : -anipulation
Topic Sentence!: /n 1984, one of the biest wa!s *i *rother ains his power of
over the people of $irstrip One +i"e" used to be called 0nland, is b! manipulatin them"
Point!: *i *rother manipulates the people of $irstrip One b! ta1in advantae of
their fears" 2or e)ample, *i *rother threatens the people of $irstrip One b! usin the
thouht police, who are a roup of elite soldiers that onl! serve *i *rother" #he dut! of
the thouht police is to find traitors or an!one that planned on or even once thouht of
betra!in *i *rother" Once a traitor is cauht b! the thouht police, he is than ta1en to
room 131 in #he -inistr! Of 4ove" /n the -inistr! Of 4ove traitors are severel! tortured
both mentall! and ph!sicall! to the point that the! will actuall! believe 5 6 5 7 8"
Proo"!: 9#ell me, :inston-and remember, no lies; !ou 1now that i am alwa!s able to
detect a lie- tell me, what are !our true feelins towards *i *rother< =/ hate him" =!ou
hate him" &ood" #hen the time has come for !ou to ta1e the last step" >ou must love
*i *rother" /t is not enouh to obe! him; !ou must love him" %e released :inston with
a little push towards the uards" =?oom 131, he said" @+&eore Orwell pae 598,"
#omment!: :inston was ta1en to room 131 where he was tortured severel! both
mentall! and ph!sicall!" $fter the torture :inston was released however, he was a
completel! different person, :inston became a man who loved *i *rother"
Point $: 2urthermore, *i *rother manipulates the people of $irstrip One b! usin war
as an e)cuse" 2or instance, *i brother convinces the people that there is a war and
that the countr! must produce materials to help out however, its Aust been a lie the
whole time there wasnt actuall! a war oin on" *i *rother setup a bomb attac1 on his
own countr! on certain cities such as Oceania and etc so that the people would thin1
there is a war oin on" :ith the thouht of a war oin on in their minds, the people
listened to *i *rother and did not 1now that the! were Aust bein used as slaves bein
manipulated b! him" #he people of $irstrip One wor1ed hard da! and niht to produce
oods" $ll the oods produced b! the people went to *i *rother however, the! did not
1now this" #he people thouht it went to the soldiers at war"
Proo"$: 9:inston could not definitel! remember a time when his countr! had not been
at war, but it was evident that there had been a fairl! lon interval of peace durin his
childhood, because one of his earl! memories was of an air raid which appeared to ta1e
ever!one b! surprise"Perhaps it was the time when the atomic bomb had fallen on
Bolchester"@+&eore Orwell pae C8,"
#omment $: :hen *i *rother lied to the countr! about war, the people had no
choice but to aree with him because the! had seen the atomic bomb e)plode with their
ver! own e!es and due to the the areement of war *i *rother could manipulate the
people easil!" *i *rother used the people as slaves without them 1nowin it"
Point 3: 2inall!, *i *rother manipulates people b! limitin or erasin their 1nowlede
of histor!" 2or e)ample, an! documents, articles, documentaries, photos, movies that
were found and has or had somethin to do with histor! would be edited and the
oriinal would be destro!ed" #his was done so that it would not ma1e *i *rother or an!
of the parties loo1 bad and that people would not et an! ideas" #he histor! was edited
in such a wa! that it would ma1e *i *rother and the parties loo1 ood thus it ive them
more control over the people"

Proo" 3:! li1el! the confessions had been rewritten and rewritten until the oriinal
facts and dates no loner had the smallest sinificance" #he past not onl! chaned, but
chaned continuousl!" :hat most afflicted him with the sense of nihtmare was that he
had never clearl! understood wh! the hue imposture was underta1en" #he immediate
advantaes of falsif!in the past were obvious, but the ultimate motive was m!sterious"
%e too1 up his pen aain and wrote; / understand %O:; / do not understand
:%>"@+&eore Orwell pae DC,"
#omment 3: *! editin histor! the parties and *i *rother ain more power because
the oriinal histor! has been completel! edited in a wa! that it ma1es them loo1 li1e
heroes even thouh the! are the complete opposite" *i *rother bein portra!ed as a
hero has earned him a lot of respect from the people but it also ave him more power
over them"
#oncluding Sentence: /n conclusion, even thouh *i *rother is alread! a ver!
danerous and powerful man, havin the amazin abilit! to manipulate people without
them even 1nowin Aust ma1es him even more danerous and more powerful than ever"
#his is not a ood thin for the people because it has heavil! affected their lives" #he
people were never able to live a peaceful life because the! do not have control over it,
instead *i *rother controlled them li1e puppets"
Body Paragraph $: .iolence
Topic Sentence: $lso, *i *rother is a man deepl! obsessed with power he will do
an!thin to attain it" /n order to attain more power even thouh he has a lot of power *i
*rother resorts violence"

Point !: *i *rother hates traitors so in order to et rid of them, *i *rother summons
his elite soldiers also 1nown as the thouht police, whose dut! is to find and arrest
ever! person who betra!ed or planned on betra!in or even thouht of betra!in *i
*rother" Once a traitor is found he is than ta1en to #he -inistr! of 4ove" /n the -inistr!
of 4ove the traitor is severel! tortured but if he does not brea1 he is than ta1en to room
131" /n room 131, the traitor is faced with the thin he fears more than an!thin"
Proo"!: EFo an!thin to meGE he !elled" E>ouHve been starvin me for wee1s" 2inish it
off and let me die" (hoot me" %an me" (entence me to twent!-five !ears" /s there
somebod! else !ou want me to ive awa!< 'ust sa! who it is and /ll tell !ou an!thin
!ou want" / donHt care who it is or what !ou do to them" /Hve ot a wife and three
children" #he biest of them isnHt si) !ears old" >ou can ta1e the whole lot of them and
cut their throats in front of m! e!es, and /Hll stand b! and watch it" *ut not ?oom
131GE+&eore Orwell pae C"1"I1,
#omment !: /n room 131 the t!pe of torture the part! delivers is so intense that the
people subAected to it are read! to betra! an!thin and an!one in order to avoid it"
Point $: 2urthermore, /n order to ain more power *i *rother resorts to more
violence and starts a war"
Proo" $: 9(uddenl! the whole street was in commotion" #here were !ells of warnin
from all sides" People were shootin into the doorwa!s li1e rabbits" $ !oun woman
leapt out of a doorwa! a little ahead of :inston, rabbed up a tin! child pla!in in a
puddle, whipped her apron round it, and leapt bac1 aain, all in one movement" $t the
same instant a man in a concertina-li1e blac1 suit, who had emered from a side alle!,
ran towards :inston, pointin e)citedl! to the s1!" E(teamerGE he !elled" E4oo1 out,
uvHnorG *an overeadG 4a! down Juic1GE E(teamerE was a nic1name which, for some
reason, the proles applied to roc1et bombs"@ +1"D"I-9,
#omment $: /n order to ain power *i *rother started war in Oceania" #he people of
Oceania lived in fear and their homes were destro!ed"
Point 3: 2inall!, Once *i *rother too1 advantae of technolo! he had no intention of
bein betra!ed b! an!one" 2or e)ample, *i *rother had installed surveillance cameras
almost in ever! sinle spot in the countr!, an!one cauht would either be arrested or
1illed neither option was ood"

Proo" 3: 9/t was terribl! danerous to let !our thouhts wander when !ou were in an!
public place or within rane of a telescreen" #he smallest thin could ive !ou awa!" $
nervous tic, an unconscious loo1 of an)iet!, a habit of mutterin to !ourself K an!thin
that carried with it the suestion of abnormalit!, of havin somethin to hide" /n an!
case, to wear an improper e)pression on !our face +to loo1 incredulous when a victor!
was announced, for e)ample, was itself a punishable offense" #here was even a word
for it in Newspea1; facecrime, it was called"@ +1"8"L8,
#omment 3: #he Part!s surveillance tactics and technolo! were so advanced that
even the smallest twitch can betra! a rebellious spirit"
#oncluding Sentence: /n conclusion, althouh *i *rother was a powerful and
danerous man, resortin to violence made him more powerful and more danerous
than ever" %owever, it also affected the lives of the people" $ lot of people died in the
bomb e)plosions, some died of torture, some had no homes to live in and eventuall!
died of starvation"
#oncluding Paragraph
Topic Sentence: $lthouh *i *rother was a ver! powerful and a danerous man, the
abilit! to manipulate people and also resortin to violence when that did not wor1 out,
made him more danerous and e)tremel! powerful than ever" *i *rother possessed
the Jualities of a true t!rant, he was power hunr!, ambitious and selfish" #hose
Jualities of *i *rother ruined the lives of man! people however, it did not matter to him"
%estate Thesis: /t was a ver! obvious fact that one of the biest themes in 1984 was
power" *i *rother was a mad man who was ver! obsessed with power, he would have
one almost to an! heihts to obtain power , *i *rother was a ruthless, selfish,
ambitious and a power hunr! t!rant"
Subtopics (3):
#oncluding Sentence: /n conclusion, 1984 was a perfect e)ample and a ood warnin
to the future about what is possible when a man has too much power and wh! we
should prevent that from happenin"

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