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Name: ___________/100

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Below Level

Writing Process
(outline, editing and revising)
Consistently, naturally, and
effectively applies all stages of
writing (outline thorough;
handwritten rough copy showing
extremely detailed editing and
revising used to enhance final
Applies stages of writing with
competence (outline complete;
handwritten rough copy showing
detailed editing and revising
used to enhance final copy)
Engages in stages of writing with
some success (outline somewhat
complete; handwritten rough
copy; does not edit and revise to
enhance meaning)
Rarely applies stages of writing
(outline attempted but not nearly
complete; handwritten rough
copy showing limited and
superficial editing and

Did not follow writing process
(outline incomplete and/or
superficial; no difference
between rough draft and final

Clear, well-expressed thesis
(very strong argument stated)
Good thesis (demonstrates a
clear argument and not an
Thesis not clear or not defined
(difficult to see the argument
being made)
Weak/vague thesis (no
argument; seems to be
Weak or absent thesis
Thinking and Analysis

Demonstrates thorough and
insightful understanding of
ideas, concepts and themes.
Shows thorough analysis without
summary. Ideas solidly connect
to and enhance thesis.
Demonstrates solid
understanding of ideas, concepts
and themes. Shows solid analysis
without summary. Ideas connect
to thesis.

Demonstrates some
understanding of ideas, concepts
and themes. Some analysis, but
plot summary is noted at times.
Ideas connect to introduction,
but do not clearly show an
argument in discussion.

Demonstrates limited
understanding of ideas, concepts
and themes. Very little analysis;
plot summary or explanation.
Does not seem to understand
ideas, concepts, themes. No
analysis. Summary or no clear
Organization Overall organization is excellent
Language is skilfully adapted to
suit the purpose or audience

Wide variety of effective
transitions within and between

Conclusion wraps up thesis and
main points very clearly.
Organization is well done.
Language is in the formal voice
and suits the audience.

Effective transitions are used
within and between paragraphs

Conclusion wraps up thesis and
main points.
Overall organization is
inconsistent. Some sense of
purpose or audience.

Some effective transitions are
used within and/or between

Conclusion is ordinary; does not
wrap up main points.
Overall organization is limited
Limited sense of purpose or

Limited use of transitions within
and/or between paragraphs

Conclusion does not adequately
wrap up main points.
Organization is flawed. Very
limited or no sense of audience.

Very limited use of transitions
within and/or between

Conclusion does not match
thesis or is absent

Strong evidence provided to
support points; integrated
Evidence provided to support
points; integrated smoothly
Some evidence provided to
support points; integrated with
some effectiveness
Limited evidence provided to
support points; some problems
with integration
No evidence provided to support
points; integration is poor
Style and Mechanics

Sophisticated sentence structure
and formal tone

Few spelling, grammar,
punctuation errors
Good sentence structure;
formal tone maintained

Some spelling, grammar,
punctuation errors
Minor problems in sentence
structure; inconsistent tone

Several spelling, grammar,
punctuation errors
Major problems in sentence
structure; improper tone

Many spelling, grammar,
punctuation errors
Sentence structure is very poor;
improper tone

Very many spelling, grammar,
punctuation errors; not proofread
Essay Evaluation Rubric

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