Dialogo Ingles

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Waiter Are you ready to order now?

Customer 1 Yes, I think so. I'll have Shepherd's Pie I to start with.
Customer 2 I'll have Forfar Bridies, please.
Waiter Very well. And what would you like for the ain !ourse?
Customer 1 I'll have , please.
Customer 2 Ba!on "lapshot for e.
Customer 1 #, that sounds deli!ious$
Customer 2 I like "ullen Skink very u!h. It's y favourite food.
Waiter Very well. %ould you like soethin& to drink?
Customer 1 A %hisky 'ea, please.
Customer 2 "oke for e, please.
Waiter %hat would you like to have for dessert?
Customer 1 %hat have you &ot?
Waiter %e have &ot !ho!olate !ake, i!e!rea, fruit, and
leon !ake with !rea.
Customer 1 I'll have leon !ake with !rea, please.
Customer 2 i!e !rea for e, please.
Waiter Very well. 'hank you very u!h. (n)oy your eal.

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