You Are A Faith Man - Prophet TB Joshua PDF

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You are a Faith Man

Prophet TB Joshua
Printed Notes
Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not
from yourselves, it is the gift of God
This means we are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus
Lets first examine the word, faith
Climbing a mountain is a picture of the life of faith
Throughout our lives, we are to continue moving upwards; faith grows stronger as
we climb higher learning about God, growing stronger in our relationship with
You can be bold in your Christian life through knowing you are a faith man /
Some people are fond of saying, This is too much for me
What is too much for you when the persecution we suffer at the hands of our
detractors causes us to be known all over the world?
The more the intimidation, the more the persecution, the more the name-calling,
the more you are strong in the Lord
1 Peter 2:9 - But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His
own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of
darkness into His marvellous light
Our language becomes like that of super men. We talk as people of another race;
we talk as people of another Kingdom
Though we are here, we live in the world but we are not part of them
That is why we talk as people of another race, another Kingdom
Here is not our home; we are just passing through
We have authority. God is supporting our position
We are bold to speak our Fathers language as commonly as the unbeliever talks of
his fear
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things
have passed away; behold, all things have become new
This means all things have become new; old things are gone
Sickness, disease, frustration and all those foolish things have passed away
We have the nature of God His glory, His power, His majesty. We have it now
The name Jesus has power indeed but only among those who are committed to His
If you are not committed to His glory and you are calling His name, you are
wasting your time
Rom 1:17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is
written, the just shall live by faith
What a blessing to know for sure that no matter how you feel, God says that faith
is something you already have
You can be poor and yet be a friend of God
You can be sick in body and yet be a favourite, a candidate of Heaven
When the rich see a poor man, they will say that its as a result of his sin
When those who enjoy good health see a sick one, they say that he has committed

No matter how I feel, Jesus says that faith is something I already have; it is a gift
of God
So, you must not concentrate on your situation
If you want to serve God in Spirit and truth, you must not concentrate on your
poverty; you must not concentrate on your sickness because a man may be poor
and yet be a candidate of Heaven
Galatians 3:26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus
This means God has dealt to every man the measure of faith not just a measure
of faith but the measure of faith
It matters not how small your faith is; the quantity of faith is not what is important
to Jesus
The Word should be the basis of our faith, because the Bible says
Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God
Our looking unto the promise of God is a good reason for looking to God for
salvation, deliverance, redemption, mercy there is no time to stop looking until
God withdraws His Word
Oh! What a means of blessing is the looking of faith to Christ there is light, life,
good health and understanding
Come to me all ye that labour (Matthew 11:28)
Let the weak say, I am strong. Let the poor say, I am blessed. Let the sick say,
I am healed
There is no reason for faith as good as God's Word
It is never proper to base faith on our improvement after prayer, because that
trouble you have
may be to prepare you for the challenges ahead;
it may be to stop you awhile in order to preserve you for redemption;
it may be to strengthen your desire for God
it may be to keep you for a new level in life
Who knows what would have happened if your prayer for a better condition had
been answered?
It honours God to believe Him even while every sense contradicts Him
When you pray that God should move a mountain, after much prayer if the
mountain remains there or you are not healed, you should be able to say,
Whether God moves the mountain or not, Hes my God
Whether He heals me or not, Hes my Healer
Hes my Deliverer; Hes my Redeemer
So it honours God to believe Him even when every sense contradicts Him, and God
honours those who honour Him
If I believe that God is my Healer, I should have confidence in His ability to heal
the healing
When you are poor and anxiously in need of blessing, you will not mind the source
that supplies the blessing To learn how to hear God after prayer is a much greater
blessing than
When Jesus fasted 40 days and nights, satan came to Him. He said to satan,
Though I am hungry, I am not anxious for food
The prayer of faith can be repeated 10,000 times
Take for instance the case of Apostle Paul while praying about the thorn in his flesh
The Lord said, My grace is sufficient for you. Assuming he did not hear from God,
he might have dropped the work of an apostle
So, to learn how to hear God after prayer is a much greater blessing than what
you are looking for

That is what makes you a man of faith, and not the blessing you receive
You need to know Gods opinion about your situation
Though such situations are not from God, they are from the adversary, God often
uses foolish things to strengthen your desire for Him
Faith grows stronger as we climb higher
To appropriate faith, look at what the Bible says,
Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith
And since the Word of God should be the basis of our faith, then our looking unto
the promise, unto glory, unto honour, power of God, is a good reason for looking
unto God for mercy then there I sno need to stop looking until God withdraws
His Word

1. Simply believe the Word of God that God will do exactly as He promised
2. Be fully persuaded by the Word of God alone not what you hear, what you see,
what your situation looks like
3. Hold fast to your confidence in God's Word when your faith is tested

My confidence in God's Word is that Jesus is the Healer, whether He heals me or
not. Jesus is the Saviour, whether He saves me or not. Jesus is the Deliverer,
whether He delivers me or not

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