Wohlsifer Is One of Two Candidates Qualifed PR 6.18.2014

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Bill Wohlsifer is One of Two Candidates Qualified for Attorney General Race

Florida - Although the election isnt being held until the beginning of November, two
candidates in the Florida Attorney Generals race have already qualified to be placed on the
ballot. The two candidates are incumbent Pam Bondi (R), and challenger Bill Wohlsifer (LPF).
Historically there have not been Libertarian candidates who qualified for state cabinet positions.
The fact that this occurred before the other announced candidates of major parties is big news
for the Wohlsifer for Attorney General campaign.

The Libertarian Party is on the rise. Liberty is rising. Grass root candidates are getting
attention, and getting elected. This is a new revolution where career politicians are being
replaced by career business people, educators, parents, and hardworking advocates for
property rights, individual rights, and national sovereignty. Our simple guide is the U.S.
Constitution, Mr. Wohlsifer was quoted as saying.

The fact that Mr. Wohlsifer is one of the two candidates who have already qualified for the
upcoming election raises hope in the campaign that he will be included in more of the polls
taken by third party pollsters. Right now I see it at a two way race, even though I dont expect it
to stay that way. Id like to know who the polls predict winning between the two candidates who
are officially running right now, Pinellas County voter, Matt Wright, was quoted as saying.

Contact Information:
Bill Wohlsifer for Florida Attorney General
1100 East Park Ave Ste B
Tallahassee FL 32301
Tel: 407-701-9045
Email: manager@wohlsifer4AG.com

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