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March 28, 2012

Hotel Royal Int. Ltd.
Subject: Cooperation required for tudy purpoe.
Dear Sir:
It i to !e "entioned that the follo#ing tudent of $uine %d"initration &icipline,
Khulna 'ni(erity, %ntara %nupa"a %dhara)I&* 100+18,, %haraful %"in )I&*100+2-,,
.ania %ni/a %/hi)I&*100++0,, and %!du 1ala" 1ardar)I&* 100++-,,are conducting a
tudy titled on Organizational Change and Development Of Hotel Industry In
hulna! a a partial require"ent for the coure of 23rgani4ational $eha(ior5. 6or thi
reaon they need to ha(e o"e infor"ation fro" your etee"ed organi4ation.
Here, I #ould li/e to enure you that the infor"ation7feed!ac/ pro(ided !y you #ill !e /ept
confidential and #ill only !e utili4ed for thi tudy purpoe only.
8our cooperation in thi regard #ill !e highly appreciated.
8our incerely,
S " #ahidur $ahman
%ociate 9rofeor
$uine %d"initration &icipline
Khulna 'ni(erity, Khulna

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